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Ítem Determinación de la mutación nt230 (del4) MDR1/ABCB1 en la P-glicoproteína canina: Establecimiento de un protocolo apto y resultados preliminares en Costa Rica.(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 22-10) Campos-Calderón, Liliana; Luna-Tortós, CarlosLa P-glicoproteína (Pgp o MDR1) es una proteína transmembrana que cumple un papel importante en el transporte de numerosos sustratos a través de barreras celulares. Está codificada por el gen ABCB1 y se expresa en tejidos como barrera hematoencefálica, placenta, ductos pancreáticos y células tubulares del riñón. La mutación nt230 (del4) MDR1/ABCB1 en este gen, consiste en la pérdida de cuatro pares de bases en el exón 4, lo que produce la formación de un codón de terminación que genera un producto de 91 aminoácidos en lugar de los 1280 que componen la proteína normal. Dada la importancia de la Pgp en la disposición parenquimal de fármacos, especialmente a nivel del sistema nervioso central, su alteración genera efectos en la distribución de diversos medicamentos como antiparasitarios, analgésicos y antineoplásicos; por lo que su detección es valiosa para establecer las dosis adecuadas en animales portadores de la mutación. Hasta el momento esta ha sido reportada con una frecuencia variable en al menos trece razas de caninos en diferentes países de Europa, así como en Estados Unidos, Australia, Japón e Israel. Sin embargo, dado que en el país ni en Centroamérica existen reportes en razas propensas a presentarla, se planteó el presente estudio con el fin de implementar un protocolo para su detección en perros de Costa RicaÍtem Natural resistance of bovine animals to micrurus nigrocinctus venom(Elsevier, 1975-11) Bolaños, R.; Taylor, R; Flores, A; Piva, AlfioWe Report in this paper on the in vivo resistance of bovine animals to the venom of the elapid Micrttrus nigrocinctas, the most prevalent coral snake in Costa Rica (TAYLOR et al., 1974). Apreliminary report has been published elsewhere (Bolaños et al., 1973). The following six types of experiments were performed: (1) four Red Polled XBrahman cows (350-380 kg) were each bitten once by different specimens of M. nigrocinctus, measuring 0.80-1.0 m in length. The bites were, respectively, on the ventral surface of the tongue, dorsal surface of the tongue, nostrils and one teat. In each case we saw the fang marks and the contraction of the snakes venom glands. The fact that the snakes had not been milked and that they held on during the bite for a considerable length of time assured us that venoms had been injected. (2) Solutions of dried venom from the Instituto Clodomiro Picado, having a mouse LD se of 0.39 mg per kg body weight (Bolaños, 1972) were injected into the same cows 6 days after the previous experiment. Three of the animals were given 5, 10 and 20 mg of venom intravenously, and the fourth was given 5 mg subcutaneously into the ventral portion of the tongue. (3) Ten mg of the venom was injected into two Holstein calves (40 kg each). One cow received the venom intravenously and the other subcutaneously, in the ventral surface of the tongue. (4) Fifteen mg of the venom were injected intramuscularly in the neck of four Angus XJersey cows, average weight 235 kg. (5) One horse weighing 250 kg was injected intramuscularly with 20 mg of the venom and served as a control. (6) Neutralization tests were performed on serum samples from the cows obtained prior to each venom injection or bite (Bolaños et al., 1974).Ítem Antimicrobial activity of the heliangolide chromolaenide and related sesquiterpene lactones(Pergamon Press, 1980) Ciccio, José; Echandi, Guillermo; Calzada, JoséSome sesquiterpene lactones are known to exhibit antimicrobial activity [1, 2]. More recently, it has been noted that the pseudoguainolide carpesiolin inhibits the growth of Xanthomonas oryzae [3]. Here, we report on the antimicrobial activity of the heliangolide chromolaenide 1, isolated from Chromolaena glaberrima (DC.) King et Robinson [4] and its derivatives, against Staphylococcus aureus. The results are summarized in Table 1. It is apparent that there is a clear dependence between antimicrobial activity and the presence of the t~-methylene-3,- iactone group. As already established [5-8], the growth inhibition of microorganisms is caused by the alkylation of their nucleophilic centers (R-SH) with the unsaturated lactone moiety. This observation is congruent with our results, because the only inactive compound was 3, which is the one with no unsaturated lactone.Ítem Salmonelosis en bovinos: su comprobación en Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1982) Mendoza, Leonel; Podestá, Marco; Jiménez Sánchez, CarlosSe resalta el incremento de la salmonelosis especialmente en la especie bovina, en diferentes países Se realizó el diagnóstico elínico y luego micro-biológico de salmonelosis en dos brotes de ganado bovino lechero (ersey/ cislándose y ripificándose la Salmonella typhimurium por primera vez en Costa Rica En el estudio clínico se hallan algunos síntomas no descritos en la literatura sobre salmonelasis, como son: el hidrorumen, el signo de Nikow, el "corazón abdominal" asociado a lapotensión arterial y la arritmia simusal eichica. Se concluye que en Costa Rica la enfermedad debe estar extendida y que probablemente es confundida con la llamada "septicemia hemorrágica.".Ítem Doble infección en ovinos de Costa Rica, causada por Dermatofilus congolensis y Virus del Ectima Contagioso (ORF)(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1984) Podestá, Marco; Mendoza, Leonel; Jiménez Sánchez, CarlosEn los años 1981 y 1982 se estudiaron dos fincas, una en Upala y otra en el Valle de Orosi, con rebaños de 570 y 1632 ovinos, respectivamente. En la finca de Upala se diagnosticó por primera vez en el país el ectima contagioso y en la de Orosi la dermatofilosis en ovinos. En la finca del Valle de Orosi se diagnosticó clínicamente una doble infección causada por el virus del ectima contagioso y Dermatofilus congolensis, confirmado posteriormente en el laboratorio. Es digno resaltar que en el caso de Upala se encontró, en posteriores estudios experimentales y de laboratorio, la presencia de D. congolensis, por lo cual también en este caso se trataba de una doble infección. En ambos casos la sintomatología del ectima contagioso era característica, confirmándose la etiología con el microscopio electrónico. Sin embargo, en cuanto a dermatofilosis, solamente en el caso del Valle de Orosi se observaron corderos con el típico apelmazamiento de pelos y exudado en pabellones auriculares y dorso. El material extraído de ambos casos, conservado a -70°C, se mantuvo viable durante un año y medio (Upala) y un año (Valle de Orosi), Dicha viabilidad se demostró en una reproducción experimental en ovinos de cuyas lesiones se asilaron los dos agentes etiológicos. Se resalta la importancia de investigar el D. congolensis, siempre que se sospeche el ectima contagioso, dado que ambos pueden coexistir en las mismas lesiones.Ítem Canine mycotic keratoconjuntivitis caused by Acremonium kiliense(Oxford University Press, 1985) Mendoza, Leonel; Donato, Anne; Padhye, ArvindMycotic keratoconjuntivitis caused by Acremonium kiliense in a German Shepherd bitch was diagnosed with the aid of laboratory tests. The dog presented with photophobia, tearing, corneal edema and reduction of the visual capacity. A thick white layer partially covered the right eye. The left eye showed irritation and small brown stains which were diagnosed as pigmentary keratitis. The initial treatment consisted of 2% yellow mercury oxide. Natamycin was used as final treatment. Seven days later, the natural brightness of the eye as well as the visual capacity were restored.Ítem Flebótomos de Costa Rica (Diptera Psychodidae)(Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, 1985-03) Murillo, Juan; Zeledón Araya, RodrigoEsta monografía pretende dar a conocer y ampliar los conocimientos existentes sobre los flebótomos de Costa Rica, desde el punto de vista de su taxonomía, su distribución en el territorio nacional, y de algunos aspectos ecológicos y de salud pública. El estudio de estos dípteros lo iniciamos hace 10 años como un proyecto que estableciéramos en el Centro Internacional de Investigación y Entrenamiento Médico (ICMRT), de la Universidad de Louisiana, para estudiar la epidemiología de la leishmaniasis cutánea en el país. En ese entonces, obtuvimos la ayuda, en aspectos taxonómicos, del grupo de especialistas que dirigieron los doctores Marshall Herting, de gran memoria, y G.B. Fairchild, del Laboratorio Conmemorativo Gorgas, en Panamá. Los viajes que cubrieron prácticamente todo el territorio nacional, apoyados por el ICMRT, nos permitieron acumular y estudiar un numeroso material que constituye la mayor parte del aquí descrito. Posteriormente, al cesar el programa con el ICMRT, el trabajo se continuó por algún tiempo en el Instituto Costarricense de Investigación y Enseñanza de Nutrición y Salud (INCIENSA). Finalmente esta monografía ha venido a tomar forma en nuestro nuevo laboratorio, en la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional.Ítem Comparación de la prueba Goodenough-Harris y la prueba para diagnóstico de imagen corporal en niños de pre-escolar, primero y segundo grados entre los cinco y medio a nueve años de edad(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1987) Fernández Sagot, Harry; Woodburn Kepler, Sharon S; Boschine, Carlos FernándezDeterminar el grado de asociación y relación que existió para la prueba de diagnóstico de imagen corporal y prueba Goodenough-Harris en cuanto a la imagen corporal. La muestra constó de 90 niños (30 preescolar 30 primer grado y 30 de segundo grado entre las edades de cinco y medio a los nueve años, se aplicaron las dos pruebas y se calculó la correlación de Pearson y el Coeficiente de Determinación con el valor medio de ambas pruebas y la división subtests de cada una de ellas.Ítem Antigenic relationship between the animal and human pathogen Pythium insidiosum and nonpathogenic Pythium species(American Society for Microbiology, 1987) Mendoza, Leonel; Kaufman, Leo; Standard, PaulIdentification of the newly named pathogenic oomycete Pythium insidiosum and its differentiation from other Pythium species by morphologic criteria alone can be difficult and time-consuming. Antigenic anaysis by fluorescent-antibody and immunodiffusion precipitin techniques demonstrated that the P. insidiosum isolates that cause pythiosis in dogs, horses, and humans are identical and that they were distinguishable from other Pythium species by these means. The immunologic data agreed with the morphologic data. This indicated that the animal and human isolates belonged to a single species, P. insidiosum. Fluorescent-antibody and immunodiffusion reagents were developed for the specific identification of P. insidiosum.Ítem Detection of proteins antigenically related to Bothrops asper myotoxin in crotaline snake venoms(Pergamon Press, 1987-03-05) Lomonte, Bruno; Moreno, Edgardo; Gutiérrez, José MaríaH. Loxtoxre, E, Moatnvo and J . M. GurtEsaez . Detation of proteins antigenically rdated to Bothrops riper myotoxin in crotaline snake venoms. Tadcon 25, 947 -953, 1987 . - The presence of componrnts antigenically related to Bothrop asps myotoxin was investigated by Western blotting and immunoeledrophoretic techniques . B. asps myotoxin is a non-glycosylated monomeric phospholipase A with a molecular weight by SDS-PAGE of 16,000 and isoeiectric point of pH 9.8 - 10 .0 . Results showed that proteins in the venoma of B. numntjjer, B. at7dntani, B. srhlegelü, B. picadoi, and A;kEsrrodon bllineatrrs were recognized by monospecific antibodies to B. riper myotoxin raised in rabbit and sheep . Western blotting indicated that cross-reacting proteins have a molecular weight of 16,000, with the extxpdon of that of B. pècadoi, which is of 24,000 mol. wt. However, immunadectrophoreais indicated that these componrnts are highly heterogeneous in charge, ranging from basic to adtüc proteins . The cross-reacting tomponent(s) present in newborn B. aspen venom has a different charge from that of the 'txluh-type' . Vrnoms from newborn sptximens :bowed an additional crow-reading band of 18,000 mol. wt. Mytxoxin is an abundant component in adult B. aspen venom. Myotoxin - antimyotoxin complexes had different dedrophoretic mobilities in rocket immunoeledrophoreais depending upon the species in which monoapecific immune sera were produced.Ítem Bone lesions caused by pythium insidiosum in a horse(Oxford University Press, 1987-10-02) MENDOZA, L.; ALFARO, A. A.; VILLALOBOS, J.A 5-year-old, female saddle horse developed a tumoral mass anterolaterally on the metacarpal region of its right front leg. Histopathological study showed hyaline, aseptate, broad hyphae in the sequestered coral-like necrotic masses. Radiographs revealed an extensive osteomyelitis with disorganized bone proliferation of the metacarpal bones, as well as exostosis of the distal radius and the proximal and distal row of carpal bones. The etiologic agent was detected histologically, isolated in culture and identified as Pythium insidiosum. Serological tests were positive. Immunotherapy was applied but no cure resulted. The horse was sacrificed and necropsy confirmed the X-ray findings.Ítem Body distribution of Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snake venom myotoxin and its relationship to pathological changes(Pergamon Press, 1987-10-23) Gutiérrez, José María; Moreno, EdgardoE. Moreno and J. M. Gutiérrez. Body distribution of Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snake venom myotoxin and its relationship to pathological changes. Toxicon 26, 403 - 409, 1988. - The distribution of 125I-labelled Bothrops asper myotoxin following i.m. and i.v. injections was studied in mice. After i.m. administration the toxin was concentrated in the injected gastrocnemius muscle, with relatively little binding to other tissues. Upon i.v. injection the highest radioactivity was detected in liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen and blood. A conspicuous decrease in myotoxin concentration occurred during the first hour, whereas the rate of decrease was reduced at later time periods. Only the injected skeletal muscle was clearly damaged after i.m. inoculation, as judged by histology and by the decrease in tissue creatine kinase contents. Contralateral, non-injected gastrocnemius was not affected by the toxin. Histological observations carried out after i.v. administration of the toxin revealed moderate alterations only in lungs, with a slight increase in serum levels of the enzymes creatine kinase and alanine aminotransferase.Ítem A new method for the detection of phospholipase A2 variants: Identification of isozymes in the venoms of newborn and adult Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snakes(Elsevier B.V, 1988) Moreno, Edgardo; Alape, Alberto; Sánchez, Manuel; Gutiérrez, José MaríaE. Moreno, A. Alape, M. Sánchez and J. M. Gutiérrez. A new method for the detection of phospholipase A2 variants: identification of isozymes in the venoms of newborn and adult Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snakes. Toxicon 26, 363 - 371, 1988. - A new method for the identification of phospholipase A2 isozymes in snake venoms is described. The technique is based on the separation of the venom components by isoelectric focusing in agarose gels, transfer of the protein bands by diffusion onto nitrocellulose paper and detection of the phospholipolytic activity of the enzymes by a hemolytic assay either in agarose gels or by benzidine reaction on a solid matrix. Striking differences in the electrophoretic patterns of the phospholipase A2 isozymes between the Atlantic and Pacific venoms and between the newborn and adult venoms from Bothrops asper specimens were observed. The method allowed the detection of 9 different phospholipase A2 isozymes in the venom of adult Atlantic, 7 isozymes in the venom of adult Pacific, and 2 - 3 isozymes in the venoms of newborn specimens. Horse polyvalent antivenom varied in its capacity to neutralize the phospholipolytic activity of the different isozymes in the same venom and among different venoms.Ítem Determinación de la composición corporal y el somatotipo de los jugadores de baloncesto del campeonato costarricense de primera división de 1987(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 1988) Alterno Foster, Errol; Gutiérrez Alpizar, BernalPresenta una investigación con el fin de contribuir con el mejoramiento del baloncesto en Costa Rica. Sirviendo como base de información para la selección de basquetbolistas y como guía de su entrenamiento. el objetivo es determinar la composición corporal y el somatotipo de los jugadores de baloncesto del campeonato costarricense de la primera división de 1987. Los sujetos fueron los equipos clasificados para la pentagonal.Ítem Dermatobia, the neotropical warble fly(Elsevier, 1988) Sancho, EugenioThe neotropical warble fly, Dermatobia hominis (Fig. 1), has plagued neotropical America since preColombian times, and has become an economically important pest causing substantial losses to the meat, milk and leather industries from northern Mexico down to northern Argentina. Its life cycle (Box 1) is astonishingly complex, requiring another insect as a phoretic carrier of its eggs to the skin of its mammal hosts. Here Eugenio Sancho discusses factors that contribute to the current economic and public health importance of this myiasis-causing fly.Ítem A sensitive blotting system for detection of α-fetoprotein variants with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies(Elsevier, 1988-08-19) Sittenfeld, Ana; Moreno, EdgardoHuman α-fetoprotein (AFP) variants from cord sera were separated by isoelectric focusing in agarose gels under native conditions, transferred to nitrocellulose paper and detected with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (Moabs). Rabbit anti-AFP recognized up to 9 individual electrophoretic variants in the range of pH 4.5 to pH 5.2. The reactivity of 8 Moabs ranged from weak to strong and showed variability in the pattern of AFP bands recognized. Moabs were separated into 3 groups according to the number of bands detected: group 1 detected 6 to 7 bands; group 2 recognized only one band; and group 3 recognized 4 bands. The sensitivity of the system with polyclonal antibodies was 0.15 ng of AFP in complete cord serum and varied between 300 and 0.2 ng with Moabs.Ítem Brucella abortus transits through the autophagic pathway and replicates in the endoplasmic reticulum of nonprofessional phagocytes(American Society for Microbiology, 1988-09-01) PIZARRO CERDA, JAVIER; MERESSE, STEPHANE; PARTON, ROBERT; GISOU, VAN DER; SOLA LANDA, ALBERTO; LOPEZ GOÑI, IGNACIO; GORVEL, JEAN PIERRE; Moreno, EdgardoBrucella abortus is an intracellular pathogen that replicates within a membrane-bounded compartment. In this study, we have examined the intracellular pathway of the virulent B. abortus strain 2308 (S2308) and the attenuated strain 19 (S19) in HeLa cells. At 10 min after inoculation, both bacterial strains are transiently detected in phagosomes characterized by the presence of early endosomal markers such as the early endosomal antigen 1. At ;1 h postinoculation, bacteria are located within a compartment positive for the lysosome associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker sec61b but negative for the mannose 6-phosphate receptors and cathepsin D. Interestingly, this compartment is also positive for the autophagosomal marker monodansylcadaverin, suggesting that S2308 and S19 are located in autophagic vacuoles. At 24 h after inoculation, attenuated S19 is degraded in lysosomes, while virulent S2308 multiplies within a LAMP- and cathepsin D-negative but sec61b- and protein disulfide isomerase-positive compartment. Furthermore, treatment of infected cells with the pore-forming toxin aerolysin from Aeromonas hydrophila causes vacuolation of the bacterial replication compartment. These results are compatible with the hypothesis that pathogenic B. abortus exploits the autophagic machinery of HeLa cells to establish an intracellular niche favorable for its replication within the ERÍtem A method to obtain rapid zoosporogenesis of Pythium insidiosum(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988-10) Mendoza, Leonel; Prendas, JorgeNine strains of Pythium insidiosum the etiologic agent of pythiosis, were inoculated on 2% water agar plus grass blades and then incubated one day at 25°C, 35°C and 37°C. Sporangium and secondary biflagellate-type zoosporas from the parasitized grass blades were noticed in induction medium after one hour of incubation at 35 °C and 37 °C. The number of sporangia and zoospores were lower at 25 °C, than 35 °C and 37 °C. Increasing the days of incubation of the parasitized grass blades resulted in the increase in the time of incubation in the induction medium. Corn meal agar, Schmitthenner medium and Sabouraud dextrose agar were also tested but the sporangium and zoosporas were always observed after five hours of incubation in induction medium. © 1988 Kluwer Academic Publishers.Ítem Atypical cutaneous leishmaniasis in a semiarid region of north-west Costa Rica(Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1989) Zeledón, Rodrigo; Hidalgo, Harry; Viquez, Abel; Urbina, AndreaAn outbreak of an unusual cutaneous disease was observed during 1986-1987 in about 200 persons, mainly children, in a few neighbourhoods of the town of Liberia, Guanacaste Province, north-west Costa Rica. Most of the cases were from Nazareth, a neighbourhood, developed in 1978, with about 1200 persons, at least 5% of whom are Nicaraguan immigrants. Scattered cases have been recognized since 1976 and at that time the disease was identified as nodular infantile tuberculoid leprosy.Ítem El estado actual de la gimnasia en iii y iv ciclo de Las instituciones oficiales académicas Diurnas de Costa Rica(Maria E. Jenkins., 1989) Jenkins Alvarado, María EugeniaPresenta investigación, de tipo ex-post facto, exploratoria diagnóstica, pretende poner de manifiesto los medios utilizados en el desarrollo de la gimnasia a nivel colegial, con énfasis en grandes aparatos (gimnasia formativa), analizar sus resultados y sugerir vías apropiadas que garanticen un aporte significativo al proceso de enseñanza. Previo a esta manifestación y mediante una síntesis de la evolución de la gimnasia en el mundo y de su acontecer en Costa Rica, se trata de ubicarlas en el contexto histórico, para luego analizar el estado actual d esta disciplina en los ciclos III y IV de los colegios oficiales, tomando como punto de partida los programas nacionales de gimnasia aprobados por el Ministerio de Educación Pública