Carcinogenicidad del Pteridium Aquilinum y alta incidencia del Cancer Gástrico en Costa Rica
Salazar Villalobos, Jorge
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Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social
Se estudió la correlación entre consumo de leche potencialmente contaminada con factores caracinogénicos del Pteridium aquilinum y la alta incidencia del cáncer gástrico en Costa Rica. La contaminación de la leche se determinó por la presencia de Pteridium aquilinum en los potreros y la incidencia de hematuria enzoótica en el ganado que pasta en ellos, en diferentes regiones del país. Se encontró una correlación positiva entre consumo de leche contaminada e incidencia de cáncer gástrico. Los potreros de zonas con alta o muy alta incidencia de cáncer gástrico están invadidos por Pteridium aquilinum y presentan alta incidencia de hematuria enzoótica. Los potreros de zonas con baja prevalencia de cáncer gástrico están libres de Pteridium aquilinum y de hematuria enzoótica bovina. Se concluye que la leche de bovinos que pastan en potreros invadidos por Pteridium aquilinum debe ser considerada como un posible factor etiológico del cáncer gástrico.
The correlation between the consumption of milk potentially contaminated with Pteridium aquilinum caracinogenic factors and the high incidence of gastric cancer in Costa Rica was studied. Milk contamination was determined by the presence of Pteridium aquilinum in pastures and the incidence of enzootic hematuria in cattle grazing in different regions of the country. A positive correlation was found between consumption of contaminated milk and incidence of gastric cancer. Pastures in areas with high or very high incidence of gastric cancer are invaded by Pteridium aquilinum and have a high incidence of enzootic hematuria. Pastures in areas with low prevalence of gastric cancer are free of Pteridium aquilinum and bovine enzootic hematuria. It is concluded that milk from cattle grazing in pastures invaded by Pteridium aquilinum should be considered as a possible etiological factor of gastric cancer.
The correlation between the consumption of milk potentially contaminated with Pteridium aquilinum caracinogenic factors and the high incidence of gastric cancer in Costa Rica was studied. Milk contamination was determined by the presence of Pteridium aquilinum in pastures and the incidence of enzootic hematuria in cattle grazing in different regions of the country. A positive correlation was found between consumption of contaminated milk and incidence of gastric cancer. Pastures in areas with high or very high incidence of gastric cancer are invaded by Pteridium aquilinum and have a high incidence of enzootic hematuria. Pastures in areas with low prevalence of gastric cancer are free of Pteridium aquilinum and bovine enzootic hematuria. It is concluded that milk from cattle grazing in pastures invaded by Pteridium aquilinum should be considered as a possible etiological factor of gastric cancer.
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