Centro de Investigaciones Apícolas Tropicales
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El Centro de Investigaciones Apícolas Tropicales (CINAT) de la Universidad Nacional (UNA), es un instituto interdisciplinario especializado en el estudio de las abejas, sus productos y aplicaciones, que mediante la investigación, docencia, extensión y vinculación externa, genera y divulga conocimiento para la conservación de las abejas y el desarrollo e innovación de la apicultura y meliponicultura, como actividades de importancia ecológica y socioeconómica en Costa Rica y a nivel internacional.
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Ítem Baltimora recta: a pollen and nectar plant for honey bees during dearth periods in Costa Rica(Bee Worl, 2001-01-01) Ortiz Mora, Alberto; Ramíerez Arias, Fernando; Sánchez, Luis; Luis, SánchezBaltimora recta: a pollen and nectar plant for honey bees during dearth periods in Costa Rica. In the rainy season, during the short dry period that divides it, an extensive and dominant bloom of this herb is found on the pacific slope of Costa Rica, and it is an important food resource for honey bees.Ítem Floral biology, pollination ecology and seed production of the ornamental plant Salvia splendens Sello(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica., 2002) Sánchez, Luis Alejandro; Picado, A.; Sommeijer, Marinus Jan; Slaa, Ester JudithIn this paper, the floral biology and pollination ecology of Salvia splendens are described. All flower characteristics (red corolla, large tubular flowers with abundant but dilute nectar) indicate that S. splendens is adapted to hummingbird pollination. Honeybees, however, were also found to be good pollinators of this plant. Apis mellifera was equally effective in pollinating S. splendens as hand pollination and open pollination, resulting in a 300% increase in seed set compared with bagged control plants. The much smaller stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula was not an effective pollinator of these flowers since during visitation its body failed to touch the stigma. Although pollination seemed not to be the only limiting factor in seed production, external pollinators enhance seed production in S. splendens, and Apis mellifera is an effective, commercially available pollination agent of this economically important ornamental plant.Ítem Efficacy of Piper (Piperaceae) extracts for control of common home and garden insect pests(Entomological Society of America, 2004) Scott, Ian; Jensen, Helen R.; Nicol, R.W.; LeSage, Laurent; Bradbury, Rod; Sánchez Vindas, Pablo; Poveda, Luis Jorge; Arnason, John; Philogéne, Bernard J.R.Extracts from three species of the plant family Piperaceae, Piper nigrum [L.], Piper guineense [Schum & Thonn], and Piper tuberculatum [Jacq.], were tested for efficacy against insects from five orders. All three species contain isobutyl amides, plant secondary compounds that act as neurotoxins in insects. These materials are considered safe to mammals because Piper spp. were used for centuries for spice and medicinal purposes. When 24-h P. nigrum LC50 values were compared between common insect pests from eastern Canada and the northeastern United States, the most sensitive species in order of increasing lethal concentration were eastern tent caterpillar, Malacosoma americanum (F.) European pine sawfly larvae, Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffroy) spindle ermine moth larvae, Yponomeuta cagnagella [Hübner] viburnum leaf beetle larvae, Pyrrhalta viburni [Paykull] stripped cucumber beetle adults, Acalymma vittatum (F.) Colorado potato beetle adults, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) Japanese beetle adults, Popillia japonica [Newman] hairy chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus hirtis [Montandon]. The life stage tested was the point at which each species causes the greatest amount of damage to the host plant and the point at which most gardeners would likely choose to treat with a conventional synthetic insecticide. Greenhouse trials revealed that the pepper formulations also had a repellent activity, thus protecting plant leaves from 1) herbivory (lily leaf beetle, Lilioceris lilii [Scopoli], adults and larvae and stripped cucumber beetle adults) and 2) oviposition [European corn borer,Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)]. Combinations with other botanical extracts were additive at best in toxicity and repellent trials. Nontarget toxicity to beneficial invertebrates is a possibility because the P. nigrum LC50 for beneficial ladybird beetles was 0.2%. P. nigrum extracts can provide a reasonable level of control against lepidopteran and European pine sawfly larvae and also will work as a short-term repellent and feeding deterrent. It is recommended that the use of Piper extracts be restricted to small-scale spot treatments in residential areas where insect pest outbreaks have occurred.Ítem Stingless Bees in applied pollination: practice and perspectives(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2006-06-22) Sánchez Chaves, Luis; Hofstede, Frouke; Slaa, Ester Judith; Malagodi-Braga, KátiaEn la actualidad, el número de colonias de abejas, tanto silvestres como manejadas, está disminuyendo rápidamente, lo que provoca una preocupación mundial por los servicios de polinización. Las abejas sin aguijón desempeñan un importante papel ecológico como polinizadoras de muchas especies de plantas silvestres y parecen buenas candidatas para futuras alternativas en la polinización comercial. Este artículo examina la eficacia de las abejas sin aguijón como polinizadoras de cultivos. En los últimos seis años se ha duplicado el número de cultivos polinizados eficazmente por abejas sin aguijón, hasta alcanzar la cifra de 18 cultivos. Se ha descubierto que once especies de seis géneros de abejas sin aguijón forrajean eficazmente en condiciones cerradas, lo que indica el potencial de las abejas sin aguijón como polinizadoras de cultivos de invernadero. Se analizan las características biológicas que convierten a las abejas sin aguijón en firmes candidatas a prestar servicios comerciales de polinización, así como sus limitaciones actuales. Se examinan los efectos de la vegetación natural y de las abejas silvestres en el rendimiento de los cultivos, y se exponen argumentos de peso a favor de la conservación del hábitat.Ítem Reproductive biology of Varroa destructor in Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera)(Experimental and applied Acaralogy Springer, 2009-10-23) Sánchez Chaves, Luis; Sommeijer, Marinus; Calderón, Rafael; Van Veen, Johan WilhelmSince its first contact with Apis mellifera, the population dynamics of the parasitic mite Varroa destructor varies from one region to another. In many regions of the world, apiculture has come to depend on the use of acaricides, because of the extensive damage caused by varroa to bee colonies. At present, the mite is considered to contribute to the recent decline of honey bee colonies in North America and Europe. Because in tropical climates worker brood rearing and varroa reproduction occurs all year round, it could be expected that here the impact of the parasite will be even more devastating. Yet, this has not been the case in tropical areas of South America. In Brazil, varroa was introduced more than 30 years ago and got established at low levels of infestation, without causing apparent damage to apiculture with Africanized honey bees (AHB). The tolerance of AHB to varroa is apparently attributable, at least in part, to resistance in the bees. The low fertility of this parasite in Africanized worker brood and the grooming and hygienic behavior of the bees are referred as important factors in keeping mite infestation low in the colonies. It has also been suggested that the type of mite influences the level of tolerance in a honey bee population. The Korea haplotype is predominant in unbalanced host-parasite systems, as exist in Europe, whereas in stable systems, as in Brazil, the Japan haplotype used to predominate. However, the patterns of varroa genetic variation have changed in Brazil. All recently sampled mites were of the Korea haplotype, regardless whether the mites had reproduced or not. The fertile mites on AHB in Brazil significantly increased from 56% in the 1980s to 86% in recent years. Nevertheless, despite the increased fertility, no increase in mite infestation rates in the colonies has been detected so far. A comprehensive literature review of varroa reproduction data, focusing on fertility and production of viable female mites, was conducted to provide insight into the Africanized bee host-parasite relationship.Ítem Nest-specific composition of the trail pheromone of the stingless bee Trigona corvina within populations(Springer, 2012) John, Lena; Aguilar, Ingrid; Ayasse, Manfredo; Jarau, StefanSocial insects have evolved highly developed communication systems, enabling them to coordinate complex interactions in their colonies. Pheromones play a major role in the coordination of many tasks. In Trigona corvina, a stingless bee that occurs in Central America, foragers use pheromones produced in their labial glands to scent mark solid substrates between a food source and their nest. Newly recruited bees subsequently follow these scent marks until they reach the food source. A recent study has revealed nestspecific differences in the composition of these trail pheromones in colonies of T. corvina, suggesting that pheromone specificity may serve to avoid competition between foragers from different nests. However, the nests used in this study came from different populations and their foragers certainly never met in the field (Jarau et al., 2010). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether differences in the trail pheromones of foragers from different nests can also be found between neighbouring colonies within populations. We analysed the composition of trail pheromones from labial gland secretions extracted from workers from nine colonies collected at three different populations in Costa Rica. The differences in pheromone composition were even more distinct between neighbouring nests within a population than between nests of different populations. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that nest specificity of trail pheromones serves to communicate the location of a food source exclusively to nestmates, thereby avoiding intraspecific competition at resources. Resource partitioning by avoiding conspecific non-nestmates is particularly adaptive for aggressive bee species, such as T. corvina.Ítem Reproduction of Varroa destructor and offspring mortality in worker and drone brood cells of Africanized honey bees(Springer, 2012-01-24) Calderón Fallas, Rafael A.; Ureña Rivera, Susana; Van Veen, Johan WilhelmVarroa destructor is known to be the most serious parasite of Apis mellifera worldwide. In order to reproduce varroa females enter worker or drone brood shortly before the cell is sealed. From March to December 2008, the reproductive rate and offspring mortality (mature and immature stages), focusing on male absence and male mortality of V. destructor, was investigated in naturally infested worker and drone brood of Africanized honey bees (AHB) in Costa Rica. Data were obtained from 388 to 403 single infested worker and drone brood cells, respectively. Mite fertility in worker and drone brood cells was 88. 9 and 93. 1%, respectively. There was no difference between the groups (X 2 = 3. 6, P = 0. 06). However, one of the most significant differences in mite reproduction was the higher percentage of mites producing viable offspring in drone cells (64. 8%) compared to worker cells (37. 6%) (X 2 = 57. 2, P < 0. 05). A greater proportion of mites in worker brood cells produced non-viable female offspring. Mite offspring mortality in both worker and drone cells was high in the protonymph stage (mobile and immobile). A significant finding was the high rate of male mortality. The worker and drone brood revealed that 23. 9 and 6. 9%, respectively, of the adult male offspring was found dead. If the absence (missing) of the male and adult male mortality are taken together the percentage of cells increased to 40. 0 and 21. 3% in worker and drone cells, respectively (X 2 = 28. 8, P < 0. 05). The absence of the male or male mortality in a considerable number of worker cells naturally infested with varroa is the major factor in our study which reduces the production of viable daughters in AHB colonies in Costa Rica.Ítem Costa rican pot-honey: Its medicinal use and antibacterial effect(Springer, 2012-11-19) Zamora Fallas, Luis Gabriel; Arias, María Laura; Aguilar Monge, Ingrid; Umaña Rojas, EduardoThere are very few records on the use of pot-honey by indigenous people of Costa Rica. Our evaluation concerns antimicrobial activity of honey samples from Tetragonisca angustula, Melipona beecheii and Apis mellifera, performed to determine whether traditional appreciation of stingless bee honey from Costa Rica, over that of A. mellifera honey, is justified by this criterion. The stingless bee honeys were more active than that of A. mellifera against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa―currently the major causes of burn and wound infections. The results presented herein are among the first steps towards further study of antimicrobial components in Costa Rican stingless bee honey.Ítem Stingless bees of Costa Rica(Springer, 2012-11-19) Aguilar Monge, Ingrid; Herrera González, Eduardo; Zamora Fallas, Luis GabrielThe keeping of stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini) or meliponiculture is carried out in a rustic and traditional way in Costa Rica. This is an activity present in several regions of the country, especially among the inhabitants of rural areas, mostly on the Pacific coast rather than the Atlantic region. According to our most recent data, the number of stingless bee keepers has progressively increased. However, compared to previous studies, the number of colonies per person has declined. This partially is due to the practice, in many cases, of keeping bees as a hobby more than as a source of improvement in family income. A total of 20 different domesticated species have been reported and the most commonly kept species is T. angustula.Ítem VIII Congreso Mesoamericano de Abejas Nativas: Biología, Cultura y Uso Sostenible, 26 al 31 de agosto de 2013(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2013) Zamora Fallas, Luis GabrielEl congreso presenta los siguientes ejes temáticos: ecología de abejas nativas y polinización; propiedades y composición de mieles de abejas sin aguijón; biología, manejo y reproducción de abejas nativas; sistemática, biogeografía y diversidad de abejas nativas; conservación, educación y experiencias productivas; sesión meliponicultura prehispánicaÍtem Learnt information in species-specific ‘trail pheromone’ communication in stingless bees(Elsevier, 2013) Reichle, Christian; Aguilar Monge, Ingrid; Ayasse, Manfred; Twele, Robert; Francke, Wittko; Jarau, StefanSpecificity in biological signalling systems is often important to keep information private. Foragers of several species of stingless bees deposit chemical marking signals to guide nestmates to food sources. The markings show species- and colony-specific compositions and primarily attract a bee’s nestmates. An interesting question is whether the bees innately recognize specific trail markings or learn their particular composition from nestmates. To investigate this question, we tested whether Scaptotrigona pectoralis and Scaptotrigona subobscuripennis workers taken from their mother colonies and workers that emerged from combs transferred to foster colonies of the congeneric species are attracted to the marking compounds of workers from their natal colony or from the foster colony. A significant majority of workers were attracted to extracts prepared from foragers of the nest they inhabited, regardless of whether this was the original mother or the congeneric foster colony. Thus, the preference of stingless bee workers for specific food-marking scent mixtures is not innate, but is influenced by the odour they experience within their colony. Despite marked differences in the chemical composition of the scent marks in labial gland secretions of the two investigated species they also shared some main components. We hypothesize that recruitment trail information in stingless bees is composed of one or a few key pheromone compounds acting in conjunction with an additional signature mixture that is species and colony specific and must be learnt by recruited workers.Ítem The antimicrobial activity and microbiological safety of stingless bee honeys from Costa Rica(International Bee Research Association, 2014) Zamora Fallas, Gabriel; Beukelman, Kees; van den Berg, Bert; Arias Echandi, María Luisa; Umaña Rojas, Eduardo; Aguilar Monge, Ingrid; Sánchez Chávez, Luis Alejandro; Fallas Matamoros, Natalia; Quarles van Ufford, Linda; Gross, NormaStingless bee honeys from Costa Rica possess etnopharmacological value mainly as a wound dressing. The microbiological study by APHA methods reported that 83 % of the honeys analysed had microbial counts that comply with European Pharmacopoeia's acceptance criteria for microbiological quality of non-sterile substances for pharmaceutical use. All samples reported the absence of Clostridium botulinum spores by PCR. Over 90 % of Tetragonisca angustula and Melipona beecheii honeys inhibited Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus at minimum inhibitory concentrations lower than Medihoney™. Under the conditions tested, Medihoney™ was not active against Candida albicans, whereas 53% of T. angustula honeys rendered inhibition. The melissopalynological analyses reported a homogeneous (monofloral) botanical composition for the Meliponini honeys, which emphasizes the contribution of nectar constituents to the antimicrobial activity and provides foundation to the standardization of a desired inhibitory effect. The traditional use of Costa Rican stingless bee honey as a dressing for burns and wounds reveals the application of a proficient antiseptic agent with low health associated risks.Ítem Comparación de la habilidad reproductiva y mortalidad del ácaro Varroa destructor en celdas con cría de obrera y zángano en abejas africanizadas de Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2014-10-31) Van Veen, Johan; Chacón, Luis Zamora; Quesada, Mariela; Calderón Fallas, Rafel ÁngelSe estudió la reproducción del ácaro Varroa destructor en celdas con cría de obrera y zángano. Además se evaluó la mortalidad de la progenie de V. destructor, especialmente la muerte o ausencia del macho. El estudio se realizó de marzo a diciembre de 2010, utilizando 15 colmenas de abejas africanizadas ubicadas en Barreal de Heredia y Ciudad Colón, San José. Se examinaron 388 celdas de obrera y 403 celdas de zángano infestadas de manera natural con un ácaro adulto. La reproducción de cada ácaro se determinó analizando los siguientes parámetros: fertilidad, fecundidad, producción de hijas viables, producción de cría inmadura, producción de únicamente hijas o únicamente machos y la ausencia de reproducción. La fertilidad de V. destructor en celdas de obrera fue de un 88.9%, con un promedio de 3.2 descendientes por ácaro. Mientras que la fertilidad del ácaro en celdas de zángano correspondió a un 93.1%, produciéndose 4.0 descendientes por ácaro. En cría de obrera, el 37.6% de los ácaros produjo hijas viables, el 14.7% hijas no viables, el 4.6% produjo cría inmadura y el 32.0% cría de un solo sexo. En celdas de zángano, el 64.8% de los ácaros produjo hijas viables, el 5.2% hijas no viables, el 1.0% cría inmadura, mientras que el 22.1% cría de un solo sexo. Además, en cría de obrera se observó una alta mortalidad en los estadios de protoninfa móvil (66.4%), protoninfa inmóvil (45.2%), deutoninfa móvil (17.6%) y el macho adulto (23.9%). En el 40.0% de las celdas de obrera con reproducción, se registró la muerte o ausencia del macho. En cría de zángano la mortalidad se registró principalmente en el estadio de protoninfa móvil (78.4%) e inmóvil (42.6%). Además, la muerte o ausencia del macho se observó en el 21.3% de las celdas de zángano. La fertilidad de V. destructor fue similar en celdas de obrera y zángano. Sin embargo, el número de hijas viables producidas por el ácaro fue mayor en la cría de zángano comparado con la cría de obrera. Por otro lado, la mortalidad o ausencia del macho fue significativamente mayor en cría de obrera. Por lo anterior, se debe indicar que el ácaro V. destructor presentó un mayor éxito reproductivo en cría de zángano, siendo está cría más apta para su reproducción.Ítem Presence of Nosema ceranae in Africanized honey bee colonies in Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2015-03-25) Sánchez Chaves, Luis; Calderón, Rafael; Yanez, Orlando; Fallas, NataliaNosemosis is a severe disease caused by the microsporidian Nosema sp. affecting adult honey bees (Apis mellifera) (Bailey and Ball, 1991). Nosema spores infect the epithelial layer of the ventriculus and midgut of adult bees, causing digestive disorders and shortening the life span of bees, with a resulting decrease in bee population (Ritter, 2001). So far only two microsporidian parasites have been described in honey bees: N. apis and N. ceranae. Nosema apis was the first described microsporidian in honey bees (Zander, 1909)Ítem An unusual recruitment strategy in a mass-recruiting stingless bee, Partamona orizabaensis(Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2016-07-13) Flaig, Isabelle; Schmitt, Thomas; Jarau, Stefan; Aguilar, IngridForagers of several stingless bee species deposit attractive scent marks on solid substrates to precisely recruit nestmates to food. Interestingly, Partamona workers quickly recruit large numbers of nest mates to resources, likely even without the deposition of attractive scent marks. However, systematic studies of the recruitment system of these bees are lacking. We now studied the recruitment behavior of P. orizabaensis. Our findings show that foragers of this species can recruit large numbers of nestmates to food sources at a particular location. The precise nestmate recruitment does not rely on attractive scent marks deposited on substrates. We never observed any scent marking behavior and feeders baited with labial or mandibular gland extracts were not attractive for the bees. Chemical analyses showed that the foragers' labial gland secretions exclusively contain long chain hydrocarbons, which render their role in recruitment communication unlikely. Whether mandibular gland secretions, which contain esters and alcohols that are known as attractive pheromones in other bee species, are used to guide recruits toward food during flight, remains elusive. We conclude that Partamona's quick recruitment system that does not rely on conspicuous scent marks has evolved as a strategy against competition with sympatrically occurring and more aggressive bee species.Ítem Eficacia de aceite esencial de Allium sativum en colmenas de Apis mellifera para control del ácaro Varroa destructor, en Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2017) Rivera Hernández, Ellery JuvencioSe efectuó un estudio durante los meses de Mayo–Agosto 2017, en un apiario del Centro de Investigaciones Apícolas Tropicales (CINAT), de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA), ubicado en la comunidad de distrito Río Grande cantón de Atenas de la provincia de Alajuela. El apiario se encuentra a semi sombra, con una distribución de las colmenas en forma aleatoria, este apiario cuenta con las condiciones climatológicas del trópico. Se llevó a cabo el tratamiento con tres dosis de aceite esencial de ajo para el control de varroa en un diseño experimental completamente al azar, constó de 16 colmenas en total. Fueron tres tratamientos y un testigo con cuatro repeticiones, los tratamientos fueron la aplicación de un fragmento de oasis (sustrato artificial de plantas), de 15 X 5 X 1 cm impregnado (10 ml) con diferentes dosis, 10%(T10), 5%(T5) y 3%(T3) de aceite esencial de ajo (Allium sativum), dicho sustrato fue recubierto con una malla metálica que impedía a las abejas masticar el oasis y lo suficientemente grande el orificio para que les cueste trabajo propolizar rápidamente la malla, el testigo (TT) fueron colmenas sin aplicación, entonces cada tratamiento tuvo cuatro repeticiones. Se determinó el efecto causado sobre el ácaro V. destructor por la aplicación de aceite esencial Allium sativum para cada dosis empleada obteniendo la mayor eficacia del producto al mes después de aplicado con un valor de 70.3 % en el tratamiento de aceite esencial del 10%. Sin embargo algunas dosis empleadas tuvieron efectos adversos en poblaciones de abejas. Se concluye que existe un efecto acaricida por aplicación de aceite esencial de Allium sativum.Ítem Manual de diversificación de productos apícolas(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2017) González Suárez, Nataly María; Umaña, Eduardo; Van Veen, JohanDurante cientos de años la miel ha sido utilizada por nuestros antepasados gracias a sus propiedades como antioxidante, energética, antibacteriana, entre otras (Torres, 2008). Es por ello que la miel es empleada en diferentes ámbitos como la medicina, la industria alimentaria y la cosmetología. Sin embargo, la falta de conocimiento sobre los beneficios y aplicaciones de los demás productos de la colmena como por ejemplo: el propóleo, el polen y la jalea real, ha sido una limitante para potenciar más su uso en la elaboración y diversificación de nuevos productos. Por lo que surge la idea de elaborar un manual de diversificación de productos apícolas con el fin de ayudar a los apicultores(as) que desean innovar y dar valor agregado a sus productos, para obtener una mayor ganancia aprovechando los materiales apícolas. La realización del manual de diversificación, es un insumo importante para apoyar a las personas del sector apícola que desean desarrollar una idea de negocio, ya que el manual contiene información sobre el beneficio de utilizar productos naturales que cuidan y protegen nuestra salud y contribuyen con el medioambiente.Ítem Evaluación de compuestos fenólicos totales y capacidad antioxidante de los propóleos provenientes de varios pisos altitudinales en Nicoya, Guanacaste(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2017) Arias Allen, Frederick LawrenceEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad antioxidante y la composición de fenoles totales de los propóleos provenientes del cantón de Nicoya, los cuales se recolectaron en apiarios ubicados en diferentes pisos altitudinales, tomando en cuenta que la vegetación puede variar en cuanto a la altitud. Se seleccionaron nueve apiarios en las siguientes comunidades: Quiriman, Zaragoza, Mansión, Juan Díaz, Corral de piedra, Samara, Nambí, Bosques don José y Garcímuñoz. La recolección de las muestras fue llevada a cabo por el método del raspado, se tomaron 2 muestras por apiario, para posteriormente evaluar la capacidad antioxidante de las muestras. Se utilizó la prueba del valor ORAC o capacidad de absorbancia del radical oxígeno. Para la composición de fenoles totales se utilizó el ensayo Folin-Ciocalteu. Los resultados mostraron que la relación entre compuestos fenólicos totales y la capacidad antioxidante es de un 96,8%, lo cual quiere decir que las muestras presentan una alta dependencia entre estas 2 variables. Además de que solamente el 9,1% de la capacidad antioxidante reflejada en todas las muestras se explica por la variable de altura por consiguiente no tiene significancia estadística.Ítem Evaluación de una solución de ácido fórmico en gel para el control del ácaro Varroa (Varroa destructor Anderson & Truemann) en colmenas de abejas afrocanizadas(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2017) Feoli Matamoros, NicolásSe probaron tres tratamientos a base de ácido fórmico en gel al 65 % (v/v) para el control de Varroa destructor en colmenas de abejas Apis mellifera. El producto se suministró en bolsas de polietileno de 100 g cada una, las cuales permanecieron en las colmenas por espacio de dos semanas. Éstas fueron perforadas a razón de 7,96 cm2 en seis agujeros de 1,3 cm de diámetro y cubiertas con cinta microporo para regular su evaporación. Los tratamientos 1 (control), 2 y 3 consistieron en 0 g/colmena, 100 g/colmena y 200 g/colmena, respectivamente. Solamente T3 logró una eficacia acaricida significativamente distinta del control (Kruskal Wallis, p < 0.05), pero no lo hizo así con respecto a T2 (p > 0.05) (μ1 = 30,15 μ2 = 31,95 μ3 = 55,02). Se midió la evaporación del ácido fórmico, por medio de la diferencia de su concentración en el gel remanente, respecto al nivel inicial previamente medido de 14,55 mmol/g. Dicha concentración se determinó mediante la titulación del gel con NaOH, obteniéndose que en promedio se perdiera 7,64 mmol/g, lo cual representa un 52,52 % del ingrediente activo disponible. Lo anterior implica que la dosis diaria promedio obtenida (4,21 g) está muy por debajo de los 10 g/día, reportada por distintos autores como suficiente para proveer un porcentaje de supresión de al menos 70 %. Se considera necesario evaluar alternativas que permitan optimizar la tasa de evaporación, aproximándose a la dosis de 10 g/día, de manera que se logre mejorar la eficacia acaricida para poder obtener una alternativa viable y recomendable para el control de la Varroosis.Ítem An insight into the antibiofilm properties of Costa Rican stingless bee honeys(Journal of Wound Care, 2017-04-05) Zamora, Luis; Beukelman, Kees; van den Berg, Arjen; Aerts, P.C.; Quarles van Ufford, H.C.; Nijland, R.; Arias, M.L.Our objective is to examine the the antibiofilm properties of stingless bee honeys. Meliponini honeys from Costa Rica were examined along with Medihoney as a reference. All honeys were submitted to a screening composed of minimum inhibitory concentration, inhibition of biofilm formation and biofilm destruction microplate-based assays against a Staphylococcus aureus biofilm forming strain. Dialysis led to the isolation of an antibiofilm fraction in Tetragonisca angustula honeys. The honey antibiofilm fraction was evaluated for protease activity and for any synergistic effect with antibiotics on a Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The active fraction was then separated through activity guided isolation techniques involving SDS-PAGEs, anion exchange and size exclusion fast protein liquid chromatographies. The fractions obtained and the isolated antibiofilm constituents were tested for amylase and DNase activity. About the results, a total of 57 Meliponini honeys from Costa Rica were studied in this research. The honeys studied belonged to the Tetragonisca angustula (n=36) and Melipona beecheii (n=21) species. Costa Rican Tetragonisca angustula honeys can inhibit the planktonic growth, biofilm formation, and are capable of destroying a Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The antibiofilm effect was observed in the protein fraction of Tetragonisca angustula honeys. The biofilm destruction proteins allowed ampicillin and vancomycin to recover their antimicrobial activity over a Staphylococcus aureus biofilm. The antibiofilm proteins are of bee origin, and their activity was not due to serine, cysteine or metalloproteases. There were 2 proteins causing the antibiofilm action; these were named the Tetragonisca angustula biofilm destruction factors (TABDFs). TABDF-1 is a monomeric protein of approximately 50kDa that is responsible of the amylase activity of Tetragonisca angustula honeys. TABDF-2 is a protein monomer of approximately 75kDa. In conclusion the Tetragonisca angustula honeys from Costa Rica are a promising candidate for research and development of novel wound dressings focused on the treatment of acute and chronic Staphylococcus aureus biofilm wound infections.