Evaluación de compuestos fenólicos totales y capacidad antioxidante de los propóleos provenientes de varios pisos altitudinales en Nicoya, Guanacaste
Arias Allen, Frederick Lawrence
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad antioxidante y la composición de fenoles totales de los propóleos provenientes del cantón de Nicoya, los cuales se recolectaron en apiarios ubicados en diferentes pisos altitudinales, tomando en cuenta que la vegetación puede variar en cuanto a la altitud. Se seleccionaron nueve apiarios en las siguientes comunidades: Quiriman, Zaragoza, Mansión, Juan Díaz, Corral de piedra, Samara, Nambí, Bosques don José y Garcímuñoz. La recolección de las muestras fue llevada a cabo por el método del raspado, se tomaron 2 muestras por apiario, para posteriormente evaluar la capacidad antioxidante de las muestras. Se utilizó la prueba del valor ORAC o capacidad de absorbancia del radical oxígeno. Para la composición de fenoles totales se utilizó el ensayo Folin-Ciocalteu.
Los resultados mostraron que la relación entre compuestos fenólicos totales y la capacidad antioxidante es de un 96,8%, lo cual quiere decir que las muestras presentan una alta dependencia entre estas 2 variables. Además de que solamente el 9,1% de la capacidad antioxidante reflejada en todas las muestras se explica por la variable de altura por consiguiente no tiene significancia estadística.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity and the composition of total phenols of propolis from the canton of Nicoya, which were collected in apiaries located in different altitudinal floors, taking into account that the vegetation can vary in terms of altitude . Nine apiaries were selected in the following communities: Quiriman, Zaragoza, Mansión, Juan Díaz, Corral de piedra, Samara, Nambí, Bosques don José and Garcímuñoz. The collection of the samples was carried out by the scraping method, 2 samples were taken per apiary, to later evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the samples. The ORAC value or oxygen radical absorbance capacity test was used. For the composition of total phenols, the Folin-Ciocalteu test was used. The results showed that the relationship between total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity is 96.8%, which means that the samples show a high dependence between these 2 variables. In addition, only 9.1% of the antioxidant capacity reflected in all the samples is explained by the height variable, therefore it does not have statistical significance.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant capacity and the composition of total phenols of propolis from the canton of Nicoya, which were collected in apiaries located in different altitudinal floors, taking into account that the vegetation can vary in terms of altitude . Nine apiaries were selected in the following communities: Quiriman, Zaragoza, Mansión, Juan Díaz, Corral de piedra, Samara, Nambí, Bosques don José and Garcímuñoz. The collection of the samples was carried out by the scraping method, 2 samples were taken per apiary, to later evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the samples. The ORAC value or oxygen radical absorbance capacity test was used. For the composition of total phenols, the Folin-Ciocalteu test was used. The results showed that the relationship between total phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity is 96.8%, which means that the samples show a high dependence between these 2 variables. In addition, only 9.1% of the antioxidant capacity reflected in all the samples is explained by the height variable, therefore it does not have statistical significance.
Trabajo presentado para optar al grado de Master en Apicultura Tropical.
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