Acompañamiento grupal al Personal Auxiliar de Servicios Infantiles, de la Dirección Regional Sur de San José del Patronato Nacional de la Infancia, vinculado a las necesidades psicosociales relacionadas a sus funciones laborales
Méndez Villalobos, Jacqueline María
Peralta Argüello, Arantxa
Sotelo López, Adrián Alberto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente proyecto se enfocó en desarrollar un proceso de acompañamiento grupal dirigido al Personal Auxiliar de Servicios Infantiles (PASI) del Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (PANI), con el objetivo de abordar sus necesidades psicosociales relacionadas con sus funciones laborales. La población consistió en el PASI Tipo B del PANI, de cuatro residencias transitorias en San José, con la participación voluntaria de once mujeres y un hombre. La metodología se basó en el Grupo Operativo de Pichon-Rivière, dividiendo el proyecto en tres fases, de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados: diagnóstico, diseño y ejecución. En la fase de diagnóstico, se realizaron observaciones no participantes y entrevistas semiestructuradas para identificar las principales necesidades psicosociales. En la fase de diseño, se elaboraron las sesiones del acompañamiento grupal, según los resultados obtenidos, destacando por parte del PASI el deseo de trabajar de forma dinámica y creativa. La fase de ejecución consistió en nueve sesiones de acompañamiento grupal, de siete horas cada una, utilizando técnicas de psicodrama y arteterapia. Se llevaron a cabo estrategias de monitoreo y evaluación para identificar posibles mejoras, trabajando las necesidades psicosociales de autoestima, significado, autenticidad, relaciones, reconocimiento y logro. Como parte de los resultados, el PASI experimentó un aumento en su autoestima y credibilidad en sus logros, fortaleció la confianza en sí mismos y valoraron sus esfuerzos; hubo un cambio en la percepción del reconocimiento, pasando de buscarlo a nivel institucional, a reconocer y valorar el trabajo entre ellos mismos. Se adquirió mayor sentido de autonomía y autoestima en el proceso creativo del PASI, manifestando una mayor libertad de expresión y aceptación de sí mismos. Finalmente, estos resultados se vieron manifestados en una carta creada por el grupo hacia la institución, solicitando mejoras en el trato y condiciones laborales.
This project focused on developing a group accompaniment process aimed at the Auxiliary Child Services Staff (PASI) of the National Children's Trust (PANI), with the objective of addressing their psychosocial needs related to their job functions. The population consisted of Type B PASI from PANI, from four transitional residences in San José, with the voluntary participation of eleven women and one man. The methodology was based on Pichon-Rivière's Operative Group, dividing the project into three phases, according to the stated objectives: diagnosis, design, and execution. In the diagnosis phase, non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify the main psychosocial needs. In the design phase, group accompaniment sessions were developed according to the results obtained, highlighting the PASI's desire to work in a dynamic and creative way. The execution phase consisted of nine group accompaniment sessions, each lasting seven hours, using psychodrama and art therapy techniques. Monitoring and evaluation strategies were carried out to identify possible improvements, addressing psychosocial needs related to self-esteem, meaning, authenticity, relationships, recognition, and achievement. As part of the results, the PASI experienced an increase in self-esteem and credibility in their achievements, strengthened self-confidence, and valued their efforts. There was a change in the perception of recognition, shifting from seeking institutional recognition to recognizing and valuing the work among themselves. A greater sense of autonomy and self-esteem was acquired in the PASI's creative process, manifesting greater freedom of expression and self-acceptance. Finally, these results were manifested in a letter created by the group to the institution, requesting improvements in treatment and working conditions.
This project focused on developing a group accompaniment process aimed at the Auxiliary Child Services Staff (PASI) of the National Children's Trust (PANI), with the objective of addressing their psychosocial needs related to their job functions. The population consisted of Type B PASI from PANI, from four transitional residences in San José, with the voluntary participation of eleven women and one man. The methodology was based on Pichon-Rivière's Operative Group, dividing the project into three phases, according to the stated objectives: diagnosis, design, and execution. In the diagnosis phase, non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify the main psychosocial needs. In the design phase, group accompaniment sessions were developed according to the results obtained, highlighting the PASI's desire to work in a dynamic and creative way. The execution phase consisted of nine group accompaniment sessions, each lasting seven hours, using psychodrama and art therapy techniques. Monitoring and evaluation strategies were carried out to identify possible improvements, addressing psychosocial needs related to self-esteem, meaning, authenticity, relationships, recognition, and achievement. As part of the results, the PASI experienced an increase in self-esteem and credibility in their achievements, strengthened self-confidence, and valued their efforts. There was a change in the perception of recognition, shifting from seeking institutional recognition to recognizing and valuing the work among themselves. A greater sense of autonomy and self-esteem was acquired in the PASI's creative process, manifesting greater freedom of expression and self-acceptance. Finally, these results were manifested in a letter created by the group to the institution, requesting improvements in treatment and working conditions.
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