Imaginarios juveniles : una aproximación psicosocial a las percepciones, signos y símbolos utilizados por jóvenes universitarios en sus discursos sobre el TLC
Calvo Murillo, María Gabriela
Valenzuela Valerio, María Lidieth
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo general fue analizar los imaginarios de estudiantes universitarios a favor y en contra del TLC durante el periodo de referéndum 2007, que permitió conocer la percepción sobre el tratado comercial, analizar los signos y símbolos presentes en los discursos e interpretar los imaginarios juveniles presentes en ese momento histórico. El constructo teórico se basa en las teorías de Martín-Baró (2001), Wertsch (1998) y Berger & Luckmann (2001) referidas a la internalización del orden social mediante signos y símbolos utilizados en la cotidianidad, cuyos significados pueden mantenerse o suscitar cambios en la estructura social. El tipo de estudio fue cualitativo-descriptivo, con metodología fenomenológica. Se trabajó con grupo de discusión y entrevista focalizada con universitarios de ambas posiciones del TLC de la Universidad Nacional y Universidad de Costa Rica. Los resultados del estudio se concretizan en el surgimiento de recuerdos sobre hechos nacionales e internacionales, percepciones de estancamiento político, corrupción, incredulidad, dolor, entre otros.; así como la ideología de apoyar el TLC para tener un crecimiento económico en pro del bienestar social y económico costarricense. El estudio evidenció que la participación juvenil en este tratado comercial con Estados Unidos fue producto de la vinculación de tres elementos que facilitaron que el entramado de significaciones presente en los y las jóvenes se modificara en el tiempo.
The general objective was to analyze the imaginaries of university students in favor and against the FTA during the 2007 referendum period, which allowed us to know the perception of the trade agreement, to analyze the signs and symbols present in the discourses and to interpret the youth imaginaries present in that historical moment. The theoretical construct is based on the theories of Martín-Baró (2001), Wertsch (1998) and Berger & Luckmann (2001) referring to the internalization of the social order through signs and symbols used in everyday life, whose meanings can be maintained or provoke changes in the social structure. The type of study was qualitative-descriptive, with phenomenological methodology. We The study was qualitative-descriptive, with a phenomenological methodology, using focus group discussions and interviews with university students from both positions of the TLC of the Universidad Nacional and Universidad de Costa Rica. The results of the study are materialized in the emergence of recollections about national and international perceptions of political stagnation, corruption, disbelief, pain, among others; as well as the ideology of supporting NAFTA to achieve economic growth for Costa Rican social and economic welfare. The study showed that youth participation in this trade agreement with the United States was the result of the linkage of three elements that facilitated the modification of the framework of meanings present in the young people over time
The general objective was to analyze the imaginaries of university students in favor and against the FTA during the 2007 referendum period, which allowed us to know the perception of the trade agreement, to analyze the signs and symbols present in the discourses and to interpret the youth imaginaries present in that historical moment. The theoretical construct is based on the theories of Martín-Baró (2001), Wertsch (1998) and Berger & Luckmann (2001) referring to the internalization of the social order through signs and symbols used in everyday life, whose meanings can be maintained or provoke changes in the social structure. The type of study was qualitative-descriptive, with phenomenological methodology. We The study was qualitative-descriptive, with a phenomenological methodology, using focus group discussions and interviews with university students from both positions of the TLC of the Universidad Nacional and Universidad de Costa Rica. The results of the study are materialized in the emergence of recollections about national and international perceptions of political stagnation, corruption, disbelief, pain, among others; as well as the ideology of supporting NAFTA to achieve economic growth for Costa Rican social and economic welfare. The study showed that youth participation in this trade agreement with the United States was the result of the linkage of three elements that facilitated the modification of the framework of meanings present in the young people over time
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