Propuesta de un plan de manejo y desarrollo integral para la recuperación de la cuenca del río Sarapiquí en la zona norte de Costa Rica
Arauz Beita, Ileana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Sección Regional Huetar Norte y Caribe
Ante la preocupación de la gestión y manejo del agua en la zona,
ha habido esfuerzos por coordinar acciones concretas, pero algu nas de estas solo fueron posible, luego del terremoto de Cinchona
(UNA, 2015).
Se propone realizar la formulación e implementación de un plan
de recuperación de la cuenca del río Sarapiquí en coordinación con
las Asociaciones Administradoras de los Acueductos Comunales
Locales y los actores sociales involucrados en la zona, cumplien do objetivos como: a) Promover un marco orientado a establecer
los lineamientos de trabajo municipal y de organizaciones sociales,
para la recuperación práctica de la cuenca; b) Orientar el desarrollo
sustentable de los pueblos comprendidos en la cuenca, mediante un
ordenamiento ajustado a la vocación natural del recurso; c) Definir
la estrategia general para la ejecución del plan, en términos de prio ridad, tiempo, costo y gestión del recurso hídrico.
Los resultados esperados: 1) Elaboración de un nuevo diagnóstico ac tualizado y prospectivo, mediante el análisis multicriterio de variables
e indicadores locales; 2) Elaboración de una propuesta real de plan de
manejo y ordenamiento territorial, para la recuperación de la cuenca;
3) Discusión del plan de recuperación, con los actores comunitarios e
institucionales involucrados; y 4) Formación de una Comisión Técni ca para la Recuperación y Manejo de la Cuenca del Río Sarapiquí, así
como una buena y exitosa gestión y manejo del agua
In the face of concern for water management and management in the North Atlantic area, there have been efforts to coordinate concrete ac tions; Some of these were only possible after the Cinchona earthquake (UNA, 2015). It is proponed to formulate and implement a real recovery plan for the Sarapiquí river basin, in coordination with the local community aqueducts managing associations and the social actors involved in the area, fulfilling objectives such as: a) Promoting a targeted framework To establish guidelines for municipal work and social organizations for the practical recovery of the basin; B) To guide the sustainable development of the peoples included in the basin, by means of an order adjusted to the natural vocation of the resource; C) Define the overall strategy for the implementation of the plan, in terms of priority, time, cost and hidric resource management. The expected results: 1) Elaboration of a new updated and prospective diagnosis, through the multicriteria analysis of variables and local in dicators; 2) Elaboration of a real proposal of plan of management and territorial organization, for the recovery of the watershed; 3) Discus sion of the recovery plan, with the institutional and community actors involved; And 4) Formation of a Technical Commission for Recovery and Management of the Sarapiquí River Basin, as well as good and successful water management
In the face of concern for water management and management in the North Atlantic area, there have been efforts to coordinate concrete ac tions; Some of these were only possible after the Cinchona earthquake (UNA, 2015). It is proponed to formulate and implement a real recovery plan for the Sarapiquí river basin, in coordination with the local community aqueducts managing associations and the social actors involved in the area, fulfilling objectives such as: a) Promoting a targeted framework To establish guidelines for municipal work and social organizations for the practical recovery of the basin; B) To guide the sustainable development of the peoples included in the basin, by means of an order adjusted to the natural vocation of the resource; C) Define the overall strategy for the implementation of the plan, in terms of priority, time, cost and hidric resource management. The expected results: 1) Elaboration of a new updated and prospective diagnosis, through the multicriteria analysis of variables and local in dicators; 2) Elaboration of a real proposal of plan of management and territorial organization, for the recovery of the watershed; 3) Discus sion of the recovery plan, with the institutional and community actors involved; And 4) Formation of a Technical Commission for Recovery and Management of the Sarapiquí River Basin, as well as good and successful water management
Centroamérica. Agua, Cultura y Territorio. Actas del I Congreso Internacional, 2016
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