“Ni travestis ni transformistas, nosotras somos mujeres transgénero" : el acceso al empleo formal como un derecho humano
Salvatierra Jiménez, Pablo Antonio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación indaga en la realidad laboral de un grupo de tres mujeres transgénero habitantes del cantón central de la provincia de San José. El diseño de la investigación fue cualitativo. El estudio se caracteriza por ser explicativo – descriptivo y emplear la Historia de Vida y el Grupo Focal prioritariamente como técnicas de recolección de información, mismas que permitieron profundizar en aspectos importantes y sensibles de cada una de las participantes.
se realiza una propuesta de manual que parte del precepto de que el acceso a la información es un derecho humano, la cual busca dotar a las mujeres transgénero consultantes de información actualizada y de primera mano en pro de la defensa y reclamo de sus derechos.
This research investigates the labor reality of a group of three transgender women inhabitants of the central canton of the province of San José. The research design was qualitative. The study is characterized by being explanatory-descriptive and using the Life History and the Focus Group as the main techniques for collecting information, which allowed to deepen in important and sensitive aspects of each of the participants. A manual proposal is made based on the precept that access to information is a human right, which seeks to provide transgender women with updated and first-hand information for the defense and claim of their rights.
This research investigates the labor reality of a group of three transgender women inhabitants of the central canton of the province of San José. The research design was qualitative. The study is characterized by being explanatory-descriptive and using the Life History and the Focus Group as the main techniques for collecting information, which allowed to deepen in important and sensitive aspects of each of the participants. A manual proposal is made based on the precept that access to information is a human right, which seeks to provide transgender women with updated and first-hand information for the defense and claim of their rights.
Trabajo presentado para optar al grado de Magíster en Derechos Humanos y Educación para la Paz.
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