Pasantía en especies domésticas y exóticas de compañía en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional
Zúñiga Meléndez, Evelyn
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La pasantía se realizó en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional (HEMS-UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica. Se trabajó desde el 6 de febrero hasta 16 de abril de 2024, se concluyeron 328 horas de pasantía. El objetivo fundamental fue consolidar habilidades, conocimientos y destrezas para el manejo clínico integral de las especies domésticas y exóticas de compañía, se atendieron 246 pacientes, un (83%) especies domésticas, (59%) caninos, (24%) felinos, un (17%) fueron pacientes exóticos en su mayoría pequeños mamíferos y en menor proporción Aves y reptiles. Para el manejo de información de los pacientes consultados y posterior análisis, se procedió a construir una bitácora, con tablas para cada especie, se incluyeron datos generales del paciente, exámenes de laboratorio, ultrasonido, radiografías, así como terapias y procedimientos quirúrgicos. Para el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los datos se empleó el programa de Excel y su herramienta de tablas dinámicas. La edad promedio de la mayoría de los pacientes se agrupo en dos estratos etarios de uno a cinco años (39%) y mayores a diez años (48%), solamente una tortuga y un loro superaron los 20 años. Un (57%) fueron hembras castradas (HC), (43%) hembras no castradas (HNC), (47%) machos castrados (MC) y (53%) machos no castrados (MNC).
Los principales motivos de consulta en el total de pacientes fueron (14%) consulta ortopedia, (12%) referidos para un procedimiento quirúrgico, (10%) por inapetencia, (7%) por vómito, (5%) presencia de masas o abultamientos y castración. En caninos la sintomatología principal fue inapetencia, vómitos, hematoquecia y abultamientos o masas, en felinos inapetencia, disuria y secreción nasal, en exóticos hiporexia, decaimiento.
The internship was carried out at the Hospital for Minor and Wild Species of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University (HEMS-UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica. The internship lasted from February 6 to April 16, 2024, and 328 hours of internship were completed. The fundamental objective was to consolidate skills, knowledge and abilities for the comprehensive clinical management of domestic and exotic companion species, 246 patients were treated (83%) domestic species, (59%) canines, (24%) felines, and (17%) were exotic patients, most of them small mammals and, to a lesser extent, birds and reptiles. To manage information on the patients consulted and to carry out subsequent analysis, a log was created with tables for each species, including general patient data, laboratory tests, ultrasound, X-rays, as well as therapies and surgical procedures. For qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data, Excel and its dynamic tables tool were used. The average age of most patients was grouped into two age strata: one to five years (39%) and over ten years (48%). Only one turtle and one parrot were over 20 years old. One (57%) were spayed females (HC), (43%) unspayed females (HNC), (47%) spayed males (MC) and (53%) unspayed males (MNC). The main reasons for consultation in all patients were (14%) orthopedic consultation, (12%) referral for a surgical procedure, (10%) for loss of appetite, (7%) for vomiting, (5%) presence of lumps or masses and castration. In canines the main symptoms were loss of appetite, vomiting, hematochezia and lumps or masses, in felines loss of appetite, dysuria and nasal discharge, in exotics hyporexia, weakness. The main systems affected in canines: gastrointestinal (25%), musculoskeletal (11%), reproductive (15%) and integumentary (12%); in felines: renal-urinary (25%), respiratory and integumentary (17%), in exotic patients: gastrointestinal (34%), integumentary (17%), among others.
The internship was carried out at the Hospital for Minor and Wild Species of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University (HEMS-UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica. The internship lasted from February 6 to April 16, 2024, and 328 hours of internship were completed. The fundamental objective was to consolidate skills, knowledge and abilities for the comprehensive clinical management of domestic and exotic companion species, 246 patients were treated (83%) domestic species, (59%) canines, (24%) felines, and (17%) were exotic patients, most of them small mammals and, to a lesser extent, birds and reptiles. To manage information on the patients consulted and to carry out subsequent analysis, a log was created with tables for each species, including general patient data, laboratory tests, ultrasound, X-rays, as well as therapies and surgical procedures. For qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data, Excel and its dynamic tables tool were used. The average age of most patients was grouped into two age strata: one to five years (39%) and over ten years (48%). Only one turtle and one parrot were over 20 years old. One (57%) were spayed females (HC), (43%) unspayed females (HNC), (47%) spayed males (MC) and (53%) unspayed males (MNC). The main reasons for consultation in all patients were (14%) orthopedic consultation, (12%) referral for a surgical procedure, (10%) for loss of appetite, (7%) for vomiting, (5%) presence of lumps or masses and castration. In canines the main symptoms were loss of appetite, vomiting, hematochezia and lumps or masses, in felines loss of appetite, dysuria and nasal discharge, in exotics hyporexia, weakness. The main systems affected in canines: gastrointestinal (25%), musculoskeletal (11%), reproductive (15%) and integumentary (12%); in felines: renal-urinary (25%), respiratory and integumentary (17%), in exotic patients: gastrointestinal (34%), integumentary (17%), among others.
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