Implicaciones del lenguaje simbólico en el aprendizaje de la Física. Un Estudio desde la Semiótica de la Imagen
Gaitán Román, Jorge Eliécer
Porras Rojas, María Gabriela
Zuñiga Melendez, Adriana
Picado-Sandí, Esteban
Fracaro, Anahí
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Editorial Grupo Compás
El presente trabajo consiste en idear un conjunto de criterios al personal docente que sirva de herramienta durante la escogencia del material didáctico considerando aquellos aspectos que involucren tanto la naturaleza de las imágenes como la de sus estudiantes, de acuerdo a los intereses propios en su práctica pedagógica. Con tal intención se analizades de la semiótica de la imagen lasimplicaciones del lenguaje simbólico utilizado en los contenidos de movimiento rectilíneo con velocidad constante, movimiento parabólico y colisiones elásticas e inelásticas plasmado de tres libros de textos de física de décimo nivel, elegidos al azar en una muestra siete docentes de educación diversificada diurna, de las regiones de Alajuela y de San José-Norte.
The present work consists of devising a set of criteria for the teaching staff that serves as a tool during the choice of didactic material, considering those aspects that involve both the nature of the images and that of their students, according to their own interests in their pedagogical practice. . With this intention, the implications of the symbolic language used in the contents of rectilinear movement with constant speed, parabolic movement and elastic and inelastic collisions captured from three tenth-level physics textbooks, chosen at random in a It shows seven teachers of daytime diversified education, from the regions of Alajuela and San José-Norte.
The present work consists of devising a set of criteria for the teaching staff that serves as a tool during the choice of didactic material, considering those aspects that involve both the nature of the images and that of their students, according to their own interests in their pedagogical practice. . With this intention, the implications of the symbolic language used in the contents of rectilinear movement with constant speed, parabolic movement and elastic and inelastic collisions captured from three tenth-level physics textbooks, chosen at random in a It shows seven teachers of daytime diversified education, from the regions of Alajuela and San José-Norte.
Gaitám, J., Porras, M., Zúñiga, A., Picado, E., Fracaro, A. (2022). Implicaciones del lenguaje simbólico en el aprendizaje de la Física
un estudio desde la semiótica de la imagen. Editorial Grupo Compás.
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