Las relaciones intergeneracionales y estereotipos etarios como dimensiones psicosociales de la intergeneracionalidad en personas adolescentes y adultas mayores de la provincia de Alajuela, Costa Rica
Cascante Zúñiga, Ayleen
Espinoza Morúa, Gabriela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente estudio pretende analizar la dinámica entre los estereotipos etarios y
las relaciones intergeneracionales desde la perspectiva de personas adolescentes y adultas
mayores residentes en Alajuela (Costa Rica), ya que, ante los cambios sociodemográficos
sucedidos en el último siglo, se ha ido modificando considerablemente la pirámide
poblacional en el país, identificando un aumento en la brecha entre generaciones. La
mayoría de trabajos realizados en este ámbito se han desarrollado desde la rama de la
Gerontología enfocando sus estrategias en fomentar la calidad de vida de la población
mayor. Por lo que se consideró relevante abordar el tema de forma igualitaria para ambas
poblaciones, reconociendo que los estudios generalmente se enfocan en una de ellas y no
necesariamente en la relación mutua, visibilizando de igual manera las perspectivas,
necesidades e intereses de cada generación.
El acercamiento al fenómeno se realizó desde el marco teórico de la Psicología
Social tomando en cuenta la teoría de la Identidad Social de Tajfel (1984) y la Teoría del
Contacto de Allport (1971), ambas permiten comprender las dos dimensiones del estudio,
tanto los estereotipos como las relaciones intergeneracionales.
La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo desde un enfoque fenomenológico, se
aplicaron 12 entrevistas semiestructuradas, seis a personas adolescentes y seis a personas
adultas mayores, residentes de la provincia de Alajuela, Costa Rica. Asimismo, se
aplicaron cinco cuestionarios a personas expertas en el tema, con el fin de profundizar en
las experiencias teórico-metodológicas de la intergeneracionalidad en el país.
Entre las principales conclusiones se identificó la incidencia de los estereotipos
etarios en las relaciones y viceversa, así como la influencia de los contextos de interacción
en las percepciones hacia el endogrupo y exogrupo, como lo es, la propia vivencia del
envejecimiento. Los entornos familiares resaltaron como el principal lugar de encuentro
entre las generaciones, no obstante, al no fomentar estas relaciones en espacios familiares
puede ser más difícil que se lleve a cabo en espacios extrafamiliares. La
intergeneracionalidad va más allá de compartir un espacio físico hace referencia a la
calidad del vínculo y por eso la importancia de seguir estudiando la temática.
This study aims to analyze the dynamics between age stereotypes and intergenerational relationships from the perspective of adolescents and adults older residents in Alajuela (Costa Rica), since, given the sociodemographic changes happened in the last century, the pyramid has been modified considerably population in the country, identifying an increase in the gap between generations. The Most of the work carried out in this field has been developed from the branch of Gerontology focusing its strategies on promoting the quality of life of the population higher. Therefore, it was considered relevant to address the issue equally for both populations, recognizing that studies generally focus on one of them and not necessarily in the mutual relationship, making visible the perspectives in the same way, needs and interests of each generation. The approach to the phenomenon was made from the theoretical framework of Psychology Taking into account the theory of Social Identity of Tajfel (1984) and the Theory of Contact by Allport (1971), both allow us to understand the two dimensions of the study, both stereotypes and intergenerational relationships. The data collection was carried out from a phenomenological approach, applied 12 semi-structured interviews, six to adolescents and six to people older adults, residents of the province of Alajuela, Costa Rica. Also, applied five questionnaires to experts on the subject, in order to delve into the theoretical-methodological experiences of intergenerationality in the country. Among the main conclusions, the incidence of stereotypes was identified age in relationships and vice versa, as well as the influence of interaction contexts in the perceptions towards the in-group and out-group, as it is, the experience of the aging. Family environments stood out as the main meeting place between generations, however, by not fostering these relationships in familiar spaces it may be more difficult to carry out in extra-family spaces. The intergenerationality goes beyond sharing a physical space refers to the quality of the link and therefore the importance of continuing to study the subject
This study aims to analyze the dynamics between age stereotypes and intergenerational relationships from the perspective of adolescents and adults older residents in Alajuela (Costa Rica), since, given the sociodemographic changes happened in the last century, the pyramid has been modified considerably population in the country, identifying an increase in the gap between generations. The Most of the work carried out in this field has been developed from the branch of Gerontology focusing its strategies on promoting the quality of life of the population higher. Therefore, it was considered relevant to address the issue equally for both populations, recognizing that studies generally focus on one of them and not necessarily in the mutual relationship, making visible the perspectives in the same way, needs and interests of each generation. The approach to the phenomenon was made from the theoretical framework of Psychology Taking into account the theory of Social Identity of Tajfel (1984) and the Theory of Contact by Allport (1971), both allow us to understand the two dimensions of the study, both stereotypes and intergenerational relationships. The data collection was carried out from a phenomenological approach, applied 12 semi-structured interviews, six to adolescents and six to people older adults, residents of the province of Alajuela, Costa Rica. Also, applied five questionnaires to experts on the subject, in order to delve into the theoretical-methodological experiences of intergenerationality in the country. Among the main conclusions, the incidence of stereotypes was identified age in relationships and vice versa, as well as the influence of interaction contexts in the perceptions towards the in-group and out-group, as it is, the experience of the aging. Family environments stood out as the main meeting place between generations, however, by not fostering these relationships in familiar spaces it may be more difficult to carry out in extra-family spaces. The intergenerationality goes beyond sharing a physical space refers to the quality of the link and therefore the importance of continuing to study the subject
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