Análisis de la ley de educación y formación técnica dual bajo la modalidad de investigación - acción participativa (IAP), en conjunto con un grupo de cuatro docentes sindicalizadas (ANDE-APSE) de la región central de Heredia
Rivas Monge, Oscar
Ruiz Zamora, Sergio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo del presente artículo fue analizar el contenido pedagógico y
político de la Ley de Educación y Formación Técnica Dual. Este estudio se llevó a
cabo desde la modalidad de Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) y se sustenta
desde el paradigma sociocrítico bajo el enfoque cualitativo. Se conformó con la
participación de cuatro docentes sindicalizadas de la Asociación de Profesores de
Secundaria (APSE) y Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE) las cuales
asumieron un papel activo de co-investigadoras militantes, junto a los coinvestigadores mediadores-gestores. Todos los participantes contaban con
formación docente en diferentes áreas y de diversos contextos educativos. Para
este objetivo se realizó un taller virtual de análisis crítico de la bibliografía de la
Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), sindicatos,
colegios profesionales, prensa, así como de material audiovisual. El análisis se
fundamentó en los referentes teóricos del materialismo dialéctico y la pedagogía
crítica. El taller se dividió en cuatro fases, según la categoría de análisis respectiva:
concepto de educación dual, didáctica de la educación dual, contexto
socioeconómico y político de la ley, y pensamiento crítico. Los resultados revelaron
la falta de profundización sobre el contenido didáctico en la ley y en los documentos
consultados, la instrumentalización del concepto de dualidad, la conclusión de que
todo cambio político o cambio educativo está sujeto a cambios macroeconómicos,
la necesidad de replantear el papel político del docente en la sociedad, la posibilidad
del currículo emergente como principio de ruptura práctica con la mercantilización
de la educación. Durante el proceso de investigación se hicieron visibles nuevos
elementos ausentes en la bibliografía inicial como: el aspecto emocional, la
inversión epistémica de los derechos humanos en dirección hacia su
instrumentalización y, por último, no se lograron conformar alternativas políticas
para un posterior análisis y participación militante en la problemática tratada.
The objective of this article was to analyze the pedagogical and political content of the Dual Technical Education and Training Law. This study was carried out using the Participatory Action Research modality and is based on the sociocritical paradigm under the qualitative approach. It was carried out with the participation of four unionized teachers from the Asociación de Profesores de Secundaria, and the Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE), who took an active role of militant coresearchers, together with the co-researcher mediator-managers. All participants came from different areas, from different educational contexts. This objective was achieved through a virtual critical analysis workshop of the bibliography of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), trade unions, professional associations, press, as well as audiovisual material. The analysis was based on the theoretical references of dialectical materialism and critical pedagogy. The workshop was divided into four phases, according to the respective categories of analysis: concept of dual education, didactics of dual education, the socioeconomic and political context of the law, and critical thinking. The results revealed the lack of deepening of the didactic content in the law and in the documents consulted, the instrumentalization of the concept of duality, the conclusion that any political change or educational change is subject to macroeconomic changes, the need to rethink the political role of the teacher in society, the possibility of the emerging curriculum as a principle of practical rupture with the commercialization of education. During the research process, new elements that were absent in the initial bibliography became visible, such as the emotional aspect, the epistemic inversion of human rights in the direction of their instrumentalization and, finally, that it was not possible to shape political alternatives for a later analysis and militant participation in the problems addressed.
The objective of this article was to analyze the pedagogical and political content of the Dual Technical Education and Training Law. This study was carried out using the Participatory Action Research modality and is based on the sociocritical paradigm under the qualitative approach. It was carried out with the participation of four unionized teachers from the Asociación de Profesores de Secundaria, and the Asociación Nacional de Educadores (ANDE), who took an active role of militant coresearchers, together with the co-researcher mediator-managers. All participants came from different areas, from different educational contexts. This objective was achieved through a virtual critical analysis workshop of the bibliography of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), trade unions, professional associations, press, as well as audiovisual material. The analysis was based on the theoretical references of dialectical materialism and critical pedagogy. The workshop was divided into four phases, according to the respective categories of analysis: concept of dual education, didactics of dual education, the socioeconomic and political context of the law, and critical thinking. The results revealed the lack of deepening of the didactic content in the law and in the documents consulted, the instrumentalization of the concept of duality, the conclusion that any political change or educational change is subject to macroeconomic changes, the need to rethink the political role of the teacher in society, the possibility of the emerging curriculum as a principle of practical rupture with the commercialization of education. During the research process, new elements that were absent in the initial bibliography became visible, such as the emotional aspect, the epistemic inversion of human rights in the direction of their instrumentalization and, finally, that it was not possible to shape political alternatives for a later analysis and militant participation in the problems addressed.
Palabras clave