Desarrollo de una capacitación virtual universitaria para estudiantes de la carrera de Educación Comercial con énfasis en Docencia, sobre la atención a la Comunidad Sorda Costarricense fundamentada en las Pedagogías de la Inclusión y la Cooperación; en la División de Educología de la Universidad Nacional, Campus Omar Dengo, período 2020- 2021
Benavides Brenes, Angie Raquel
Guevara Cárdenas, Leónidas Ernesto
Sánchez Granados, Abigail Pamela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En esta investigación fue aplicada una capacitación docente universitaria para personas estudiantes en formación docente con el fin de acrecentar sus competencias en una de las áreas del conocimiento más relevantes de la profesión: la atención al cliente. La meta fue alcanzar la ruptura de los abordajes propuestos tradicionales para convertirla en una atención inclusiva, humanitaria, equitativa, holística y sensible a la realidad en términos socio-culturales. En este caso, fue enlazado el desarrollo de competencias para la atención a la Comunidad sorda Costarricense y la aplicación de las pedagogías actuales innovadoras garantizando así, una educación que respeta la dignidad humana y que brinda una perspectiva del quehacer docente desde una mayor consciencia crítica de la realidad nacional. Lo investigado se fundamenta en el modelo de las Pedagogías de la Inclusión y la Cooperación por su cosmovisión de la transformación educativa y la no fragmentación de los saberes. Se aplicó el diseño
interpretativo desde la visión cualitativa. La población participante incluye a las personas estudiantes activas en formación de la carrera de la Educación Comercial con énfasis en Docencia desde el primer y hasta el cuarto año durante de carrera. Los instrumentos corresponden a: historia de vida, entrevistas y cuestionario. En general, los resultados mostraron la necesidad de formación e importancia cultural de la
temática, del reconocimiento de la población sorda y su lengua materna, el gran aporte de las pedagogías innovadoras en la educación a nivel país y la reingeniería ineludible de la atención al cliente hacia una atención inclusiva.
Lo concluido revela que a través de las capacitaciones es posible crear conocimiento; transformar la relación entre el currículo escolar, la didáctica y la pedagogía; des-construir y re-construir críticamente conceptos relacionados con el estudio; alcanzar la sensibilización en los temas abarcados, valorar las comunidades ricas en una cultura propia; fomentar el respeto de los derechos humanos y promover la cooperación y la inclusión educativa.
In this research, a university teacher training was applied to students in teacher training in order to increase their competencies in one of the most relevant areas of knowledge of the profession: customer service. The goal was to break away from traditional approaches and turn it into an inclusive, humanitarian, equitable, holistic and sensitive to reality in socio-cultural terms. In this case, the development of competencies for the attention to the Costa Rican deaf community and the application of current innovative pedagogies were linked, thus guaranteeing an education that respects human dignity and provides a perspective of the teaching work from a greater critical awareness of the national reality. The research is based on the model of Pedagogies of Inclusion and Cooperation for its worldview of educational transformation and the non-fragmentation of knowledge. The interpretative design was applied interpretative design was applied from a qualitative point of view. The participant population includes active students students in the Commercial Education career with emphasis in Teaching from the first to the fourth year during the career. to the fourth year during the career. The instruments correspond to: life history, interviews and questionnaire. questionnaire. In general, the results showed the need for training and cultural importance of the thematic, the recognition of the thematic, the recognition of the deaf population and their mother tongue, the great contribution of innovative pedagogies in education at the national level and the unavoidable reengineering of customer service towards an inclusive service. What has been concluded reveals that through training it is possible to create knowledge; transform the relationship between the school curriculum, didactics and pedagogy; critically deconstruct and re-construct concepts related to the study; achieve awareness of the topics covered, value communities rich in their own culture; foster respect for human rights and promote cooperation and educational inclusion. cooperation and educational inclusion.
In this research, a university teacher training was applied to students in teacher training in order to increase their competencies in one of the most relevant areas of knowledge of the profession: customer service. The goal was to break away from traditional approaches and turn it into an inclusive, humanitarian, equitable, holistic and sensitive to reality in socio-cultural terms. In this case, the development of competencies for the attention to the Costa Rican deaf community and the application of current innovative pedagogies were linked, thus guaranteeing an education that respects human dignity and provides a perspective of the teaching work from a greater critical awareness of the national reality. The research is based on the model of Pedagogies of Inclusion and Cooperation for its worldview of educational transformation and the non-fragmentation of knowledge. The interpretative design was applied interpretative design was applied from a qualitative point of view. The participant population includes active students students in the Commercial Education career with emphasis in Teaching from the first to the fourth year during the career. to the fourth year during the career. The instruments correspond to: life history, interviews and questionnaire. questionnaire. In general, the results showed the need for training and cultural importance of the thematic, the recognition of the thematic, the recognition of the deaf population and their mother tongue, the great contribution of innovative pedagogies in education at the national level and the unavoidable reengineering of customer service towards an inclusive service. What has been concluded reveals that through training it is possible to create knowledge; transform the relationship between the school curriculum, didactics and pedagogy; critically deconstruct and re-construct concepts related to the study; achieve awareness of the topics covered, value communities rich in their own culture; foster respect for human rights and promote cooperation and educational inclusion. cooperation and educational inclusion.
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