Educación de III Ciclo de la Enseñanza General Básica y Diversificada Académica: Análisis comparativo de las estructuras curriculares bajo la mirada de la inclusión, exclusión y desigualdad educativa
Seravalli, Giannina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el marco de la propuesta de investigación realizada desde el programa Perfiles, dinámicas y desafíos de la educación costarricense del CIDE, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, se realizó un análisis comparativo de los planes de estudio que existen en el sistema educativo público con respecto a factores socioeducativos y escenarios de inclusión-exclusión en la oferta de Educación Media en el nivel nacional. Para ello, se analizaron los planes de estudio de la educación pública secundaria tomando como referente lo dispuesto en el Ministerio de Educación Pública y en el documento denominado Compendio de ofertas y servicios del Sistema Educativo Costarricense 2016. Para el análisis, se realizó una valoración de las características curriculares, en cuanto a materias y número de lecciones, de cada plan curricular y la descripción de cada uno de ellos se comparó utilizando como punto de referencia el plan de estudio de los colegios académicos tradicionales, con el propósito de identificar si las distintas mallas curriculares podrían ser generadoras de inclusión, exclusión y desigualdad educativa desde los procesos de formación del estudiantado en los distintos planes de estudio de la educación pública costarricense.
Within the framework of the research activity carried out from the program Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of Costa Rican Education from CIDE, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, a comparative study was conducted among the different socio-educational factors and inclusion-exclusion actions present in the secondary educational level at a national scope. As a result, a description of the conformation of the public education system was made and the study plans are analyzed taking as a reference the provisions of the Ministry of Public Education and in the document called Compendium of Offers and Services of the Costa Rican Educational System 2016. For the analysis, an assessment of the curricular characteristics was carried out, in terms of subjects and number of lessons, of each curricular plan and the description of each of them was compared using the study plan of traditional academic schools as a point of reference. The main goal of doing this analysis was to identify whether the different curricular proposals could generate inclusion, exclusion, and educational inequality from the student training processes on the Costa Rican public education subject curricula
Within the framework of the research activity carried out from the program Profiles, Dynamics and Challenges of Costa Rican Education from CIDE, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, a comparative study was conducted among the different socio-educational factors and inclusion-exclusion actions present in the secondary educational level at a national scope. As a result, a description of the conformation of the public education system was made and the study plans are analyzed taking as a reference the provisions of the Ministry of Public Education and in the document called Compendium of Offers and Services of the Costa Rican Educational System 2016. For the analysis, an assessment of the curricular characteristics was carried out, in terms of subjects and number of lessons, of each curricular plan and the description of each of them was compared using the study plan of traditional academic schools as a point of reference. The main goal of doing this analysis was to identify whether the different curricular proposals could generate inclusion, exclusion, and educational inequality from the student training processes on the Costa Rican public education subject curricula
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