Fortalecimiento de las habilidades de lectoescritura mediante el uso de la estrategia: “Explorando el maravilloso reino de las letras”, con la implementación del método ecléctico, dirigido a niños y niñas en condición de rezago escolar del centro educativo Paso Tempisque, Dirección Regional de Santa Cruz, periodo 2023-2024
Barrantes Chavarría, Alonso
Casares Calvo, Selena
Cortes Miranda, Angely
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Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica Sede Regional Chorotega
Selena Casares Calvo, S., Barrantes Chavarría, A & Cortes Miranda, A. (2024).
Fortalecimiento de las habilidades de lectoescritura mediante el uso de la estrategia:
“Explorando el maravilloso reino de las letras”, con la implementación del método
ecléctico, dirigido a niños y niñas en condición de rezago escolar del centro educativo Paso
Tempisque, Dirección Regional de Santa Cruz, periodo 2023-2024. El proyecto tuvo como
objetivo fortalecer las habilidades de lectoescritura en niños y niñas en condición de rezago
escolar de la escuela Paso Tempisque, en la Dirección Regional de Santa Cruz, durante el
período 2023-2024. Los objetivos específicos direccionaron el proyecto a identificar las
necesidades de lectoescritura y factores asociados que impiden el avance escolar
significativo de la niñez seleccionada, mediante la aplicación de un diagnóstico
socioeducativo. Lo anterior, permitió diseñar la propuesta “Explorando el maravilloso reino
de las letras” con el uso del método ecléctico. Así como desarrollar mediante un conjunto
de talleres lúdicos la propuesta pedagógica con el uso del método ecléctico, para el
fortalecimiento de las habilidades de lectoescritura. Finalmente, evaluar mediante un post
diagnóstico el alcance de las habilidades de lectoescritura adquiridas por el estudiantado.
Los pasos metodológicos responden a la investigación naturalista, siguiendo el enfoque
cualitativo bajo la investigación acción. Los principales hallazgos indican que es posible
cautivar e incentivar el gusto e interés por la lectura y la escritura, con la implementación
de iniciativas pedagógicas innovadoras, donde impere el juego, el arte, la creatividad y el
acompañamiento docente en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
Palabras claves: lectoescritura- método ecléctico- rezago escolar- diagnóstico
Selena Casares Calvo, S., Barrantes Chavarría, A & Cortes Miranda, A. (2024). Strengthening literacy skills through the use of the strategy: “Exploring the wonderful kingdom of letters”, with the implementation of the eclectic method, aimed at boys and girls who are behind in school at the Paso Tempisque educational center, Regional Directorate of Santa Cruz, period 2023-2024. The project aimed to strengthen reading and writing skills in boys and girls who were behind in school at the Paso Tempisque school, in the Regional Directorate of Santa Cruz, during the period 2023-2024. The specific objectives directed the project to identify the literacy needs and associated factors that impede the significant academic progress of the selected children, through the application of a socio-educational diagnosis. The above allowed us to design the proposal “Exploring the wonderful kingdomof letters” As well as developing the pedagogical proposal through a set of recreational workshops using the eclectic method, to strengthen reading and writing skills. Finally, evaluate through a post-diagnosis the extent of the reading and writing skills acquired by the students. The methodological steps respond to naturalistic research, following the qualitative approach under action research. The main findings indicate that it is possible to captivate and encourage the taste and interest in reading and writing, with the implementation of innovative pedagogical initiatives, where play, art, creativity and teacher support prevail in the teaching and learning processes. Keywords: reading and writing- eclectic method-school backwardness- socio-educational diagnosis.
Selena Casares Calvo, S., Barrantes Chavarría, A & Cortes Miranda, A. (2024). Strengthening literacy skills through the use of the strategy: “Exploring the wonderful kingdom of letters”, with the implementation of the eclectic method, aimed at boys and girls who are behind in school at the Paso Tempisque educational center, Regional Directorate of Santa Cruz, period 2023-2024. The project aimed to strengthen reading and writing skills in boys and girls who were behind in school at the Paso Tempisque school, in the Regional Directorate of Santa Cruz, during the period 2023-2024. The specific objectives directed the project to identify the literacy needs and associated factors that impede the significant academic progress of the selected children, through the application of a socio-educational diagnosis. The above allowed us to design the proposal “Exploring the wonderful kingdomof letters” As well as developing the pedagogical proposal through a set of recreational workshops using the eclectic method, to strengthen reading and writing skills. Finally, evaluate through a post-diagnosis the extent of the reading and writing skills acquired by the students. The methodological steps respond to naturalistic research, following the qualitative approach under action research. The main findings indicate that it is possible to captivate and encourage the taste and interest in reading and writing, with the implementation of innovative pedagogical initiatives, where play, art, creativity and teacher support prevail in the teaching and learning processes. Keywords: reading and writing- eclectic method-school backwardness- socio-educational diagnosis.
Palabras clave