Cuentos de angustias y paisajes de Carlos Salazar Herrera : the plausibility of substituting a folk dialect with a regional dialect
Méndez Salazar, María Luz
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta traducción y proyecto de investigación se presentan como uno de los requisitos
para obtener el grado de Master en Traducción Inglés-Español de la Universidad
Nacional, Costa Rica. Su contenido demuestra la pertinencia traductora de sustituir un
dialecto utilizado en literatura costumbrista por uno regional para la traducción de los
diálogos en la obra Cuentos de angustias y paisajes de Carlos Salazar Herrera, con la
intención de transmitir las características sociolingüísticas de los campesinos
costarricenses, quienes son los protagonistas principales de estos cuentos. Apoyado
por los principios de la gramática descriptiva, y basado en la teoría de Christiane Nord,
acerca del libre albedrío del traductor para llevar a cabo su trabajo, esta traducción e
investigación demuestran como un dialecto literario sí puede ser traducido
sistemáticamente, basándose en las características sintácticas, morfológicas y
fonéticas más sobresalientes del inglés vernáculo hablado por Afroamericanos (AAVE
según sus siglas en inglés), un dialecto comúnmente hablado en la actualidad en los
estados del sur de los Estados Unidos.
This translation and research project is presented as one of the requirements for the Master's degree in English-Spanish Translation requirements to obtain a Master's degree in English-Spanish Translation from the National University, Costa Rica. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Its content demonstrates the translational relevance of substituting a dialect used in costumbrista dialect used in costumbrista literature by a regional one for the translation of the dialogues in the play Cuentos de the translation of the dialogues in the work Cuentos de angustias y paisajes by Carlos Salazar Herrera, with the intention of to convey the sociolinguistic characteristics of the Costa Rican peasants, who are the ones Costa Rican peasants, who are the main protagonists of these stories. Supported by the principles of descriptive grammar, and based on the theory of Christiane Nord, the free will of the translator to carry out his or her work, this translation and research demonstrate how a literary dialect is research demonstrates how a literary dialect can indeed be translated systematically, based on the systematically, based on the most salient syntactic, morphological and phonetic characteristics of English phonetic features of African American Vernacular English (AAVE), a dialect that is (AAVE), a dialect commonly spoken today in the southern states of the United States. southern states of the United States.
This translation and research project is presented as one of the requirements for the Master's degree in English-Spanish Translation requirements to obtain a Master's degree in English-Spanish Translation from the National University, Costa Rica. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. Its content demonstrates the translational relevance of substituting a dialect used in costumbrista dialect used in costumbrista literature by a regional one for the translation of the dialogues in the play Cuentos de the translation of the dialogues in the work Cuentos de angustias y paisajes by Carlos Salazar Herrera, with the intention of to convey the sociolinguistic characteristics of the Costa Rican peasants, who are the ones Costa Rican peasants, who are the main protagonists of these stories. Supported by the principles of descriptive grammar, and based on the theory of Christiane Nord, the free will of the translator to carry out his or her work, this translation and research demonstrate how a literary dialect is research demonstrates how a literary dialect can indeed be translated systematically, based on the systematically, based on the most salient syntactic, morphological and phonetic characteristics of English phonetic features of African American Vernacular English (AAVE), a dialect that is (AAVE), a dialect commonly spoken today in the southern states of the United States. southern states of the United States.
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