Propuesta de un plan de capacitaciones para los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Tibás, durante el periodo 2022-2023
Martínez Aguilar, Eliécer Antonio
Rivera Salazar, Daniela Sofía
Rodríguez Alvarado, Rolando
Schmidt Corea, Michelle
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Universidad Nacional, Costa rica
El tema principal de esta investigación es la creación de una propuesta de plan
de capacitaciones para los colaboradores de la Municipalidad de Tibás, como parte
de las acciones para fortalecer y optimizar los procesos institucionales según lo
establecido en su Plan Estratégico Municipal 2020-2024. El equipo de investigación
consta de cuatro personas estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Administración con
énfasis en Recursos Humanos de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, quienes
recolectan información, sobre las necesidades de capacitación de la institución,
procesos y normativas relacionados a la capacitación municipal, entre otros temas
relevantes para el desarrollo de la investigación.
Dicho esto, como parte de la problemática de esta investigación, es importante
mencionar que la institución no cuenta con un plan de capacitación como parte de las
herramientas para el desarrollo personal y profesional de sus colaboradores, el cual
pueda incidir directamente en la adaptación, innovación y crecimiento organizacional,
por lo que la propuesta realizada responde a las necesidades que tiene la
municipalidad en temas de formación para el puesto de trabajo, por lo que se
desarrolla la siguiente interrogante: ¿Cómo puede mejorar la Municipalidad de Tibás
la gestión del talento humano por medio de la elaboración e implementación de un
plan de capacitaciones para sus colaboradores? La respuesta a esta pregunta es
desarrollada a través del presente documento.
The main topic of this research is the creation of a plan proposal of training for the collaborators of the Municipality of Tibás, as part of actions to strengthen and optimize institutional processes as established in its Municipal Strategic Plan 2020-2024. The research team It consists of four students of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration with emphasis on Human Resources at the National University of Costa Rica, who collect information on the training needs of the institution, processes and regulations related to municipal training, among other topics relevant to the development of research. That said, as part of the problem of this research, it is important mention that the institution does not have a training plan as part of the tools for the personal and professional development of its collaborators, which can directly affect adaptation, innovation and organizational growth, Therefore, the proposal made responds to the needs of the municipality in matters of training for the job, so it is develops the following question: How can the Municipality of Tibás improve the management of human talent through the development and implementation of a training plan for your collaborators? The answer to this question is developed through this document.
The main topic of this research is the creation of a plan proposal of training for the collaborators of the Municipality of Tibás, as part of actions to strengthen and optimize institutional processes as established in its Municipal Strategic Plan 2020-2024. The research team It consists of four students of the Bachelor's Degree in Administration with emphasis on Human Resources at the National University of Costa Rica, who collect information on the training needs of the institution, processes and regulations related to municipal training, among other topics relevant to the development of research. That said, as part of the problem of this research, it is important mention that the institution does not have a training plan as part of the tools for the personal and professional development of its collaborators, which can directly affect adaptation, innovation and organizational growth, Therefore, the proposal made responds to the needs of the municipality in matters of training for the job, so it is develops the following question: How can the Municipality of Tibás improve the management of human talent through the development and implementation of a training plan for your collaborators? The answer to this question is developed through this document.
Licenciatura en Administración con énfasis en Gestión de Recursos Humanos
Palabras clave