El sistema familiar frente a la depresión infantil : estudio realizado con dos familias que tienen un niño/a en primaria que presenta síntomas depresivos, una lectura desde la teoría sistémica
Córdoba Aguilar, Yesenia
Rojas Delgado, Angie
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Pretende analizar el funcionamiento de dos sistemas familiares ante la presencia de síntomas depresivos en uno de los miembros del subsistema filial. Con este fin, se logró profundizar en aspectos como estructura y dinámica familiar,
ahondando tanto en las pautas comunicacionales así como en las interacciones al interior de cada sistema familiar participante, además se logró indagar en el carácter relacional existente entre la funcionalidad familiar de los dos sistemas partícipes, con el fenómeno de la depresión infantil. Se precisa mencionar que la temática se abordó desde la Teoría Familiar Sistémica, mediante la utilización del método fenomenológico, lo cual permitió establecer a partir del análisis de los resultados obtenidos, las principales conclusiones, entre ellas se pueden mencionar: el funcionamiento familiar constituye un elemento esencial en el desarrollo infantil de los dos niños asignados como pacientes identificados por la manifestación de su síntoma, que en este caso específico es la depresión infantil. Se puede indicar que la manera en cómo se han organizado, aunado a la forma en cómo se relacionan y comunican los miembros de las familias en cada caso específico, han influenciado en el desarrollo psicosocial de dichos niños, dando como resultado la manifestación de la depresión como una manera de comunicar al exterior que la dinámica en la que se desenvuelve su familia, le está desfavoreciendo su proceso de desarrollo. Ya para finalizar, se considera pertinente señalar que la forma en que los sistemas enfrentan dicha situación, ha dependido de la interrelación de varios elementos tales como la historia familiar, la relación establecida con sus familias de origen, la tipología, la composición familiar, entre otros.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the functioning of two family systems in the presence of depressive symptoms in one of the members of the filial subsystem. To this end, aspects such as family structure and dynamics were studied in depth, delving into the communicational patterns as well as into the interactions within each participating family system, in addition, it was possible to investigate the relational character existing between the family functionality of the two participating systems, with the phenomenon of childhood depression. It is necessary to mention that the subject was approached from the Systemic Family Theory, through the use of the phenomenological method, which allowed to establish from the analysis of the obtained results, the main conclusions, among them we can mention: the family functioning constitutes an essential element in the infantile development of the two children assigned as patients identified by the manifestation of their symptom, which in this specific case is infantile depression. It can be indicated that the way in which they have been organized, together with the way in which the members of the families relate and communicate in each specific case, have influenced the psychosocial development of these children, resulting in the manifestation of depression as a way of communicating to the outside world that the dynamics in which their family is developing is unfavoring their development process. Finally, it is considered pertinent to
The purpose of this study was to analyze the functioning of two family systems in the presence of depressive symptoms in one of the members of the filial subsystem. To this end, aspects such as family structure and dynamics were studied in depth, delving into the communicational patterns as well as into the interactions within each participating family system, in addition, it was possible to investigate the relational character existing between the family functionality of the two participating systems, with the phenomenon of childhood depression. It is necessary to mention that the subject was approached from the Systemic Family Theory, through the use of the phenomenological method, which allowed to establish from the analysis of the obtained results, the main conclusions, among them we can mention: the family functioning constitutes an essential element in the infantile development of the two children assigned as patients identified by the manifestation of their symptom, which in this specific case is infantile depression. It can be indicated that the way in which they have been organized, together with the way in which the members of the families relate and communicate in each specific case, have influenced the psychosocial development of these children, resulting in the manifestation of depression as a way of communicating to the outside world that the dynamics in which their family is developing is unfavoring their development process. Finally, it is considered pertinent to
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