Una reflexión acerca de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Matemática con la población andragógica.
Bolaños González, Helen
Céspedes López, Michael
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El presente trabajo pretende reflexionar acerca de la inclusión de la población
andragógica en la educación superior. Es importante dar pautas o
recomendaciones para brindar estrategias de enseñanza adecuadas a ese
estudiante andragógico.
La metodología empleada es la revisión bibliográfica como un primer
acercamiento al problema; además, permite reflexionar desde el rol docente la
realidad de aula. Esta se compone de cuatro fases: definición del problema,
búsqueda, organización y análisis de la información, utilizando las técnicas del
fichaje y análisis de documentos.
El estudiante adulto se motiva entorno a las necesidades e interés, el aprendizaje
está centrado sobre la realidad y la experiencia; estos y otros factores deben
marcar una diferencia en las estrategias metodológicas y evaluativas del docente.
The present work aims to reflect on the inclusion of the andragogic population in higher education. It is important to give guidelines or recommendations to provide appropriate teaching strategies to that andragogic student. The methodology used is the bibliographic review as a first approach to the problem; In addition, it allows reflecting from the teaching role the reality of the classroom. This consists of four phases: definition of the problem, search, organization and analysis of information, using the techniques of signing and document analysis. The adult student is motivated by needs and interest, learning is centered on reality and experience; These and other factors must make a difference in the methodological and evaluative strategies of the teacher.
The present work aims to reflect on the inclusion of the andragogic population in higher education. It is important to give guidelines or recommendations to provide appropriate teaching strategies to that andragogic student. The methodology used is the bibliographic review as a first approach to the problem; In addition, it allows reflecting from the teaching role the reality of the classroom. This consists of four phases: definition of the problem, search, organization and analysis of information, using the techniques of signing and document analysis. The adult student is motivated by needs and interest, learning is centered on reality and experience; These and other factors must make a difference in the methodological and evaluative strategies of the teacher.
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