Memoria I Congreso Internacional y VII Congreso Nacional en Educación Comercial: proceso de transformación curricular en función de la mejora continua
Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Secretariado Profesional
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente Memoria recoge todo lo acontecido en el I Congreso Internacional y VII Congreso Nacional en Educación Comercial: Proceso de transformación curricular en función de la mejora continua; bajo la modalidad virtual, impartido por la Escuela de Secretariado Profesional. Detalla las conferencias, ponencias, así como las apreciaciones de las personas participantes en cada una de las actividades a las cuales asistieron durante los días 22, 23 y 24 de julio del 2020.
Para la Escuela de Secretariado Profesional el llevar a cabo este Congreso por vez primera bajo la modalidad virtual fue todo reto que se ha enfrentado durante los últimos tiempos en esta materia. Lo anterior, se debió a la emergencia experimentada en el mundo entero por el COVID-19; sin embargo, imperó el compromiso de la Unidad Académica de cumplir con el objetivo que tiene de contribuir con la comunidad docente y estudiantil, a fin de fortalecer conocimientos y competencias, lo cual ha sido el norte durante los 46 años de existencia. Por medio de la plataforma del aula virtual y por medio de la virtualidad se propuso ampliar los horizontes de participación indistintamente de la ubicación geográfica, de la disponibilidad horaria de los participantes y de esta forma retribuirle a la sociedad costarricense la confianza depositada en los eventos que se han organizado.
This report gathers all the events of the I International Congress and VII National Congress on Business Education: Process of curricular transformation in function of continuous improvement; under the virtual modality, given by the Professional Secretarial School. It details the conferences, presentations, as well as the appreciations of the participants in each of the activities attended during July 22, 23 and 24, 2020. For the Professional Secretarial School to carry out this Congress for the first time under the virtual modality was a challenge that has been faced in recent times in this area. This was due to the emergency experienced worldwide by the COVID-19; however, the commitment of the Academic Unit to fulfill its objective of contributing to the teaching and student community, in order to strengthen knowledge and skills, which has been the north during the 46 years of existence, prevailed. By means of the virtual classroom platform and virtuality, it was proposed to broaden the horizons of participation regardless of geographical location, the time availability of the participants and thus repay the Costa Rican society for the trust placed in the events that have been organized.
This report gathers all the events of the I International Congress and VII National Congress on Business Education: Process of curricular transformation in function of continuous improvement; under the virtual modality, given by the Professional Secretarial School. It details the conferences, presentations, as well as the appreciations of the participants in each of the activities attended during July 22, 23 and 24, 2020. For the Professional Secretarial School to carry out this Congress for the first time under the virtual modality was a challenge that has been faced in recent times in this area. This was due to the emergency experienced worldwide by the COVID-19; however, the commitment of the Academic Unit to fulfill its objective of contributing to the teaching and student community, in order to strengthen knowledge and skills, which has been the north during the 46 years of existence, prevailed. By means of the virtual classroom platform and virtuality, it was proposed to broaden the horizons of participation regardless of geographical location, the time availability of the participants and thus repay the Costa Rican society for the trust placed in the events that have been organized.
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