Desequilibro externo y ajuste en Costa Rica y Republica Dominicana (1982-1985)
Galvan Suzaña, Hector
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El trabajo Desequilibrio Externo y Ajuste en Costa Rica y República Dominicana surge de
la necesidad de enfrentar modelos teóricos que subyacen en les políticas de ajustes del
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) con la realidad de países que, con sus respectivas
diferencies, mantienen muchas similitudes en términos de los "patrones de desarrollo"
adoptados con la finalidad de probar su nivel de efectividad en la solución de los
principales desequilibrios económicos y en la mejora de los indicadores sociales.
Más en concreto: la idea de este estudio me nació a partir de las charlas que
escuchara sobre los procesos de ajustes en Costa Rica, mientras cursaba la maestría en
Política Económica De ellas me llamaba poderosamente la atención cómo este país
había logrado la aplicación de procesos de ajustes fondomonetaristas y no había tenido
la emerge experiencia de República Dominicana cuando en aquella semana de abril
de 1984 murieron muchos dominicanos a raíz de la adopción de propuestas de
liberalización cambiaria y de precios.
¿Qué había ocurrido? ¿Por qué en Costa Rica el ajuste he estado acompañado de
una relativa estabilización, un lento crecimiento económico y un deterioro social que
ha estado compensado por importantes programes sociales, mientras en la República
Dominicana ha predominado una situación de estancamiento de la producción y de
acelerada inflación junto a un aumento del empobrecimiento las capas sociales de
más bajos ingresos del país?.
The work External Imbalance and Adjustment in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic arises from the need to confront theoretical models that underlie the adjustment policies of the International Monetary Fund (FMI) with the reality of countries that, with their respective differences, maintain many similarities in terms of the "development patterns" adopted in order to test their level of effectiveness in solving the main economic imbalances and in improving social indicators. More specifically: the idea of this study was born from the talks I heard about the adjustment processes in Costa Rica, while I was studying for a master's degree in Economic Policy. I was very struck by how this country had achieved the application of of monetary fund adjustments and had not had the emergent experience of the Dominican Republic when in that week of April 1984 many Dominicans died as a result of the adoption of proposals for exchange and price liberalization. What had happened? Why in Costa Rica has the adjustment been accompanied by a relative stabilization, a slow economic growth and a social deterioration that has been compensated by important social programs, while in the Dominican Republic a situation of stagnant production and accelerated growth has prevailed? inflation together with an increase in the impoverishment of the country's lowest-income social classes?
The work External Imbalance and Adjustment in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic arises from the need to confront theoretical models that underlie the adjustment policies of the International Monetary Fund (FMI) with the reality of countries that, with their respective differences, maintain many similarities in terms of the "development patterns" adopted in order to test their level of effectiveness in solving the main economic imbalances and in improving social indicators. More specifically: the idea of this study was born from the talks I heard about the adjustment processes in Costa Rica, while I was studying for a master's degree in Economic Policy. I was very struck by how this country had achieved the application of of monetary fund adjustments and had not had the emergent experience of the Dominican Republic when in that week of April 1984 many Dominicans died as a result of the adoption of proposals for exchange and price liberalization. What had happened? Why in Costa Rica has the adjustment been accompanied by a relative stabilization, a slow economic growth and a social deterioration that has been compensated by important social programs, while in the Dominican Republic a situation of stagnant production and accelerated growth has prevailed? inflation together with an increase in the impoverishment of the country's lowest-income social classes?
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