Esquema de manejo forestal adaptativo compatible con la lógica de producción del agricultor de subsistencia, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica
Romero Mora, María Monserrat
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los pequeños productores representan más de la mitad de las fincas agrícolas del país, por consiguiente, se convierten en una alternativa de solución en cuanto a la problemática de que en la actualidad al sector forestal se le dificulta abastecer la demanda interna de madera nacional. Al respecto, en las últimas décadas la reforestación ha presentado una tendencia a la baja, ya que cada vez son menos propietarios de fincas los interesados en trabajar con producción maderable, principalmente por una serie de acontecimientos a lo largo de la historia que han dejado malas experiencias y poca culturización forestal. Sin embargo, en el mercado predomina la tendencia de utilizar productos con características biodegradables, los cuales a su vez aporten al desarrollo rural, esto de nuevo abre la oportunidad de impulsar el comercio de madera nacional por medio de los pequeños productores, causando un triple beneficio al país, debido a que no solo el sector contaría con madera, sino que esta población sería beneficiada por incluir en sus fincas sistemas agroforestales, los cuales además de permitirles un mayor ingreso (a corto y largo plazo), los favorecería en el cuido de suelos y ciertos cultivos. Asimismo, en cuanto al ambiente se obtendrían varios beneficios, a saber, los pasos de fauna, cuido de mantos acuíferos, generación de microclimas, entre otros. Todo lo expuesto evidencia que lograr esta alianza entre los pequeños productores y el sector forestal es una excelente oportunidad para el país, lo que requiere de adaptación y disponibilidad gubernamental, pues la manera en cómo hoy está creado el esquema de manejo forestal no considera los intereses, preferencias ni tradiciones de estos pequeños productores, por esto es necesario un oportuno esfuerzo hacia la flexibilidad y adaptabilidad; adicional, con el fin de que este sea realmente efectivo y se concluya con la adopción del cultivo forestal por parte de los pequeños productores, convirtiéndose en una actividad que prevalezca durante generaciones, se requiere transformar la norma según el perfil del productor. Para ello, es fundamental identificar aquellos factores que inciden en la toma de decisiones de los pequeños productores y aplicarlos en la elaboración de un nuevo esquema de manejo forestal adaptado a sus realidades. Por esta razón, mediante la realización de dos artículos científicos, este trabajo planteó tres objetivos. El primero, desarrollado en el primer artículo, consistió en identificar los factores presentes en el proceso de toma de decisiones de los pequeños productores. El segundo buscó presentar un esquema de manejo forestal adaptativo (EMFA) a las necesidades del pequeño productor. El tercero, por medio de un ejemplo de caso breve, pretendió evidenciar la disponibilidad institucional al cambio según el criterio experto. Estos dos últimos objetivos formaron el segundo artículo. En el año 2018 se realizó un censo en dos asentamientos del INDER ubicados en Sarapiquí de Heredia: Azarea María y El Jardín, donde habitan 77 pequeños productores, con el propósito de conocer los factores que inciden en sus decisiones y su percepción sobre el sector forestal. Además, se presentaron tres aspectos por solucionar y su posible solución ante catorce profesionales en representación de siete entes que forman parte de la gobernanza forestal, con el objetivo de conocer qué tan de acuerdo estarían con el cambio. Toda esta información se utilizó para poder caracterizar a los pequeños productores y el cómo toman decisiones, basándose en la percepción de la autoimagen y del sistema productivo. También, se efectuó un análisis retrospectivo fundamentado en decisiones de adopción de sistemas productivos de los últimos cinco. Adicional, se definieron las características que un sistema productivo debe poseer según el pequeño productor, creando con esto un sistema de producción ideal, el cual se confrontó a la realidad actual agrícola y forestal. A partir de lo anterior, se identificaron los cambios necesarios en el esquema de manejo forestal para acercarlo más a ese sistema productivo idealizado, originándose un EMFA. Posterior a ello, se llevó a cabo una nueva confrontación mediante la que se demostró la efectividad teórica del EMFA. Se determinó un total de 162 interacciones entre factores indirectos y directos, las mismas se clasificaron en tres grupos según las veces que el productor cambió de sistema de producción en periodos cortos (cinco años). Al respecto, el Grupo A tuvo una mayor representación en la población con un 67.5 %, le siguieron el Grupo B con un 24.7 % y el Grupo C con un 7.8 %. El 67.5 % de los productores no se encontraban de acuerdo en incluir el cultivo de madera. Además, se evidenció la discrepancia del sector forestal con la perspectiva del pequeño productor y se proyectó la disminución que esta tendría al presentar ante los pequeños productores el EMFA y la disponibilidad institucional al cambio. Se demostró la existencia de factores de decisión que influyen en cómo el productor adopta los sistemas agrícolas contrarios al cultivo de madera. La venta segura (VS) es uno de ellos; por consiguiente, hasta que los esquemas de manejo forestal actuales no sean ajustados, la posibilidad de una adopción espontánea es mínima y seguirá necesitando de ayudas financieras. De este modo, se concluyó que el ajuste del esquema de manejo forestal permite una mayor adopción de la actividad por parte del pequeño productor, no obstante, toda propuesta realizada podría ser exitosa únicamente si la gobernanza forestal flexibiliza y posibilita el cambio. Todo lo anterior se presentó en este trabajo a partir de dos capítulos, los cuales constituyen artículos científicos que se enviaron a la Revista de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional, con el fin de que el primero sea publicado durante año 2023 y el segundo artículo durante el año 2024.
Small producers account for more than half of the country's agricultural farms, making them an alternative solution to the problem that the forestry sector is currently finding it difficult to supply the domestic demand for timber. In this regard, reforestation has shown a downward trend in recent decades, as fewer and fewer farm owners are interested in working with timber production, mainly due to a series of events throughout history that have left bad experiences and little forestry education. However, in the market there is a predominant tendency to use products with biodegradable characteristics, which in turn contribute to rural development. This again opens the opportunity to promote the domestic timber trade through small producers, causing a triple benefit to the country, because not only the sector would have timber, but this population would benefit by including agroforestry systems in their farms, which in addition to allowing them a higher income (in the short and long term), would favor them in the care of soils and certain crops. Likewise, in terms of the environment, several benefits would be obtained, such as wildlife crossings, care of aquifers, generation of microclimates, among others. All of the above shows that achieving this alliance between small producers and the forestry sector is an excellent opportunity for the country, which requires adaptation and governmental availability, since the way in which the forest management scheme is currently created does not consider the interests, preferences or traditions of these small producers, which is why a timely effort towards flexibility and adaptability is necessary; In addition, in order for this to be truly effective and lead to the adoption of forest cultivation by small producers, making it an activity that will prevail for generations, it is necessary to transform the standard according to the producer's profile. To this end, it is essential to identify those factors that influence the decision-making process of small producers and apply them in the development of a new forest management scheme adapted to their realities. For this reason, by means of two scientific articles, this work had three objectives. The first, developed in the first article, consisted of identifying the factors present in the decision-making process of small producers. The second sought to present an adaptive forest management scheme (EMFA) to the needs of small producers. The third, by means of a brief case example, aimed to demonstrate the institutional readiness to change according to expert criteria. These last two objectives formed the second article. In 2018, a census was conducted in two INDER settlements located in Sarapiquí de Heredia: Azarea María and El Jardín, where 77 small producers live, with the purpose of knowing the factors that affect their decisions and their perception of the forestry sector. In addition, three aspects to be solved and their possible solution were presented to fourteen professionals representing seven entities that are part of forest governance, with the objective of finding out how much they would agree with the change. All this information was used to characterize small producers and how they make decisions, based on their perception of their self-image and the production system. A retrospective analysis was also carried out based on decisions to adopt production systems over the last five years. In addition, the characteristics that a production system should have according to the small producer were defined, thus creating an ideal production system, which was compared to the current agricultural and forestry reality. Based on the above, the necessary changes in the forest management scheme were identified in order to bring it closer to the idealized production system, thus creating an EMFA. Subsequently, a new confrontation was carried out to demonstrate the theoretical effectiveness of the EMFA. A total of 162 interactions between indirect and direct factors were determined, which were classified into three groups according to the number of times the producer changed production systems in short periods (five years). In this regard, Group A had a higher representation in the population with 67.5 %, followed by Group B with 24.7 % and Group C with 7.8 %. 67.5 % of the producers did not agree with the inclusion of the timber crop. In addition, the discrepancy between the forestry sector and the small producer's perspective became evident and it was projected that this would decrease when the EMFA and the institutional willingness to change were presented to the small producers. The existence of decision factors that influence how the producer adopts agricultural systems contrary to timber cultivation was demonstrated. Secure sale (VS) is one of them; therefore, until the current forest management schemes are adjusted, the possibility of spontaneous adoption is minimal and will continue to require financial support. Thus, it was concluded that the adjustment of the forest management scheme allows a greater adoption of the activity by the small producer, however, any proposal made could be successful only if the forest governance makes the change flexible and possible. All of the above was presented in this work in two chapters, which constitute scientific articles that were sent to the Revista de Ciencias Ambientales of the Universidad Nacional, with the purpose of publishing the first one in 2023 and the second article in 2024.
Small producers account for more than half of the country's agricultural farms, making them an alternative solution to the problem that the forestry sector is currently finding it difficult to supply the domestic demand for timber. In this regard, reforestation has shown a downward trend in recent decades, as fewer and fewer farm owners are interested in working with timber production, mainly due to a series of events throughout history that have left bad experiences and little forestry education. However, in the market there is a predominant tendency to use products with biodegradable characteristics, which in turn contribute to rural development. This again opens the opportunity to promote the domestic timber trade through small producers, causing a triple benefit to the country, because not only the sector would have timber, but this population would benefit by including agroforestry systems in their farms, which in addition to allowing them a higher income (in the short and long term), would favor them in the care of soils and certain crops. Likewise, in terms of the environment, several benefits would be obtained, such as wildlife crossings, care of aquifers, generation of microclimates, among others. All of the above shows that achieving this alliance between small producers and the forestry sector is an excellent opportunity for the country, which requires adaptation and governmental availability, since the way in which the forest management scheme is currently created does not consider the interests, preferences or traditions of these small producers, which is why a timely effort towards flexibility and adaptability is necessary; In addition, in order for this to be truly effective and lead to the adoption of forest cultivation by small producers, making it an activity that will prevail for generations, it is necessary to transform the standard according to the producer's profile. To this end, it is essential to identify those factors that influence the decision-making process of small producers and apply them in the development of a new forest management scheme adapted to their realities. For this reason, by means of two scientific articles, this work had three objectives. The first, developed in the first article, consisted of identifying the factors present in the decision-making process of small producers. The second sought to present an adaptive forest management scheme (EMFA) to the needs of small producers. The third, by means of a brief case example, aimed to demonstrate the institutional readiness to change according to expert criteria. These last two objectives formed the second article. In 2018, a census was conducted in two INDER settlements located in Sarapiquí de Heredia: Azarea María and El Jardín, where 77 small producers live, with the purpose of knowing the factors that affect their decisions and their perception of the forestry sector. In addition, three aspects to be solved and their possible solution were presented to fourteen professionals representing seven entities that are part of forest governance, with the objective of finding out how much they would agree with the change. All this information was used to characterize small producers and how they make decisions, based on their perception of their self-image and the production system. A retrospective analysis was also carried out based on decisions to adopt production systems over the last five years. In addition, the characteristics that a production system should have according to the small producer were defined, thus creating an ideal production system, which was compared to the current agricultural and forestry reality. Based on the above, the necessary changes in the forest management scheme were identified in order to bring it closer to the idealized production system, thus creating an EMFA. Subsequently, a new confrontation was carried out to demonstrate the theoretical effectiveness of the EMFA. A total of 162 interactions between indirect and direct factors were determined, which were classified into three groups according to the number of times the producer changed production systems in short periods (five years). In this regard, Group A had a higher representation in the population with 67.5 %, followed by Group B with 24.7 % and Group C with 7.8 %. 67.5 % of the producers did not agree with the inclusion of the timber crop. In addition, the discrepancy between the forestry sector and the small producer's perspective became evident and it was projected that this would decrease when the EMFA and the institutional willingness to change were presented to the small producers. The existence of decision factors that influence how the producer adopts agricultural systems contrary to timber cultivation was demonstrated. Secure sale (VS) is one of them; therefore, until the current forest management schemes are adjusted, the possibility of spontaneous adoption is minimal and will continue to require financial support. Thus, it was concluded that the adjustment of the forest management scheme allows a greater adoption of the activity by the small producer, however, any proposal made could be successful only if the forest governance makes the change flexible and possible. All of the above was presented in this work in two chapters, which constitute scientific articles that were sent to the Revista de Ciencias Ambientales of the Universidad Nacional, with the purpose of publishing the first one in 2023 and the second article in 2024.
Licenciatura con énfasis en Manejo Forestal y modalidad: Proyecto de graduación
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