Pasantía en medicina interna de especies de compañía y bovinos, en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica y en explotaciones ganaderas en la región Huerta Norte, Costa Rica
Vindas van der Wielen., Emilia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta pasantía fue realizada del 11 de enero de 2021 al 18 de marzo de 2021;
cinco semanas en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres y cinco semanas en
fincas ganaderas en la región Huetar Norte para un total de 343 horas. El objetivo
principal de esta pasantía era fortalecer las destrezas, los conocimientos y las
habilidades que fueron adquiridas en el transcurso de la carrera en la medicina interna
de especies menores y bovinos. Se participó en la atención de 79 pacientes de
especies menores (74 caninos y cinco felinos) y 708 pacientes de especie bovina.
Con respecto a las especies de compañía, el sistema afectado más frecuente
fue el sistema gastrointestinal, tanto en caninos (23) como en felinos (dos). Otros
sistemas afectados incluyeron el sistema tegumentario (12 caninos), el sistema
músculo-esquelético (ocho caninos y dos felinos), entre otros. Se realizaron 221
pruebas complementarias. Las pruebas complementarias que fueron realizadas
mayormente fueron las pruebas de laboratorio, el hemograma (59 caninos y cuatro
felinos) y las químicas sanguíneas (56 caninos y tres felinos). Otras pruebas
complementarias realizadas durante la pasantía incluyen el diagnóstico por imágenes,
biopsia, citología, urianálisis, endoscopía, entre otros.
En relación a los bovinos, la mayoría de los animales atendidos fueron hembras
(95%) y pertenecientes a fincas ganaderas dedicadas a la producción láctea (66%
ganado de lecherías, 34% ganado de cría). El grupo etario atendido con mayor
frecuencia fue el de toros y vacas adultas (92%) y el procedimiento realizado en mayor
cantidad fue la palpación rectal para diagnóstico reproductivo (548). Otros
procedimientos realizados incluyen evaluar la condición corporal, la evaluación
andrológica, remoción de pezones supranumerarios en terneras, entre otros.
Adicionalmente, se analizó el caso de un paciente canino de raza Doberman
Pinscher miniatura diagnosticado con enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal (IBD)
y el caso de un toro Brahman Americano con degeneración testicular crónica
This internship was held from January 11th 2021 to March 18th 2021. The first five weeks were in the “Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres” of the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica and the following five weeks in cattle farms in the Huetar Norte region for a total of 343 hours. During this time, the student participated in the care of 79 patients of companion species (74 canines and five felines) and 708 bovines. The main objective of this internship was to strengthen the knowledge and skills with respect to bovine’s and companion species’ internal medicine obtained throughout the university. Regarding the companion species, the system most frequently affected was the gastrointestinal system, both in canines (23) and in felines (two). Other affected systems included the integumentary system (12 canines), the musculoskeletal system (8 canines and two felines), among others. 221 complementary tests were carried out. The complementary test that was performed most frequently was laboratory testing: blood count (59 canines and four felines) and blood chemistries (56 canines and three felines). Other complementary tests performed during the internship include diagnostic imaging, biopsy, cytology, urinalysis, endoscopy, among others. On the bovine species cases, most of the animals attended were female (95%) and belonging to cattle farms dedicated to dairy production (66% dairy cattle, 34% breeding cattle). The most frequently attended age group was adult bulls and cows (92%) and the procedure performed most recurrently was rectal palpation for reproductive diagnosis (548). Other procedures performed include the andrological evaluation and removal of supranumerary nipples in calves. In addition, the case of a canine patient diagnosed with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the case of an American Brahman bull with chronic testicular degeneration were analyzed.
This internship was held from January 11th 2021 to March 18th 2021. The first five weeks were in the “Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres” of the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica and the following five weeks in cattle farms in the Huetar Norte region for a total of 343 hours. During this time, the student participated in the care of 79 patients of companion species (74 canines and five felines) and 708 bovines. The main objective of this internship was to strengthen the knowledge and skills with respect to bovine’s and companion species’ internal medicine obtained throughout the university. Regarding the companion species, the system most frequently affected was the gastrointestinal system, both in canines (23) and in felines (two). Other affected systems included the integumentary system (12 canines), the musculoskeletal system (8 canines and two felines), among others. 221 complementary tests were carried out. The complementary test that was performed most frequently was laboratory testing: blood count (59 canines and four felines) and blood chemistries (56 canines and three felines). Other complementary tests performed during the internship include diagnostic imaging, biopsy, cytology, urinalysis, endoscopy, among others. On the bovine species cases, most of the animals attended were female (95%) and belonging to cattle farms dedicated to dairy production (66% dairy cattle, 34% breeding cattle). The most frequently attended age group was adult bulls and cows (92%) and the procedure performed most recurrently was rectal palpation for reproductive diagnosis (548). Other procedures performed include the andrological evaluation and removal of supranumerary nipples in calves. In addition, the case of a canine patient diagnosed with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and the case of an American Brahman bull with chronic testicular degeneration were analyzed.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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