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Ítem Precursory seismic signals before two catastrophic landslides at Irazú Volcano, Costa Rica(Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Comission, 2024) Chaves Sibaja, Esteban; Pacheco, Javier; Schwartz, Susan; Chavarría, Nathalie; Noah, Finnegan; Higman, BretwoodMassive rock landslides impose a continuous impact on the socio-economic growth of developing cities, public infrastructure and telecommunications. Every year, millions of dollars are invested in reverting the negative effects associated with their occurrence all over the world. At volcanoes, complex landslide instabilities triggered in some cases by nearby earthquakes, rainfall, local deformation, or a combination of all, may induce changes in the lithostatic pressure of the edifice, suddenly affecting their internal dynamics and increasing the risk of catastrophic eruptions as occurred during the 80’s in Mt. San Helens. Near field geodynamic monitoring, including broadband seismic, GNSS stations and other techniques, is then essential to better characterize ground failure and to improve landslide hazards assessments. The southwest flank of the Irazú volcano in central Costa Rica has been recognized to host massive rock landslides in the past. Just in December 2014 and August 2020, a total combined of 53 million m3 of mass wasting were deposited along the basement of “Río Sucio”, one of the main tributaries of the Sarapiquí river. Using the near field and geodynamic monitoring network that OVSICORI-UNA operates at Irazú and Turrialba volcanos since 2011, we show unique seismological observations that shed light about the rupture initiation and dynamic evolution of the mass movement. Our results demonstrate that during the 2014 and 2020 events, the nucleation phase initiate weeks prior to the catastrophic collapse with the generation of low frequency earthquakes (LFEs), events dominated by velocity weakening frictional properties that likely represent the stick-slip failure of small asperities localized along the basement. Among the observed LFEs, we report the occurrence of 10 repeating earthquake families, each formed by multiple LFEs that rupture approximately the same asperity at different times, generating identical waveforms. Our observations show that as the mass accelerate with time 1) the number of repeating families increases progressively and 2) the inter-event time between LFEs decreases linearly until they merge forming a tremor signal that initiate 30 min prior to the collapse. Near-field seismic data exhibits an exponential increase in tremor amplitude, and thus, seismic moment, that suddenly reduces and become quiescent for 20 seconds before the impulsive mass detachment and failure. We posit that transient embrittlement is the mechanism responsible for such a unique observation. As the slip rate increases, faulting regions with predominantly stable-sliding (aseismic) frictional properties become unstable (seismic), as previously observed in subduction zones and laboratory experiments. As a result, the number of unstable asperities and/or the total effective area of contact between the sliding mass and the basement increases dramatically, modulating tremor amplitude with time. The shear strength from the elastically couple asperities is enough to provide temporal (~20 s) stability to the entire mass, inducing the seismic quiescence. However, the accrued shear stresses imposed by the slow slip episode on the weak asperities overcomes the frictional strength, inducing the catastrophic failure. Our results provide direct evidence of the mechanics that controlled landslide nucleation and resemble those from laboratory experiments and fault zones during tectonic earthquakes.Ítem Monitoreo geodésico de una Brecha Sísmica Madura: Nicoya, Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2002-10) Protti, Marino; González, VictorUna brecha sísmica existe bajo y frente a la Península de Nicoya en el noroeste de Costa Rica. Esta brecha es un segmento de la zona de subducción de Centroamérica donde la placa del Coco se introduce por debajo de la placa del Caribe. Grandes sismos han ocurrido en este segmento en 1853, 1900 y 1950. Sin deslizamiento significativo desde 1950, con una velocidad de convergencia cercana a los 90 mm/año y con un área de ruptura entre los 5000 y 10000 km2, la brecha sísmica de Nicoya tiene potencial para generar un terremoto de magnitud superior a los 7.5 grados. Dado su alto potencial sísmico, la disponibilidad de información y especialmente el hecho de que la Península de Nicoya se encuentra directamente sobre el área de ruptura, esta brecha sísmica ha sido seleccionada como uno de los dos sitios para el Experimento Mundial de las Zonas Sismogénicas (SEIZE). En un esfuerzo internacional por monitorear y documentar la deformación cortical, el OVSICORI-UNA ha venido trabajando con instituciones de los Estados Unidos y del Japón en la operación de estaciones sísmicas y en la ocupación de una red de GPS en y alrededor de la Península de Nicoya. Esta península está siendo desplazada hacia el continente y subsidiendo a velocidades de hasta 25 mm/año, consistente con la acumulación de deformación esperada a lo largo de una zona de subducción bloqueda. Durante el año 2002 estamos instalando 3 estaciones de registro continuo de GPS y re-ocuparemos la red total de GPS durante el 2003. Dado el estado de madurez de la brecha sísmica de Nicoya, estas mediciones podrían darnos la oportunidad de documentar la deformación co-sísmica y post-sísmica cuando este gran sismo ocurra.Ítem Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Arc(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Auger, L. S.; Abers, G; Rossi, G.; Plank, T.; Fisher, K.; González, V.; Protti, Marino; Strauch, WilfriedResumen de ponencia "Crustal Thickness Along the Central American Volcanic Arc"Ítem A Creep Event on the Shallow Interface of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Protti, Marino; González, Victor; Kato, Teruyuki; Iinuma, Takeshi; Miyazaki, Shinichi; Obana, Koichiro; Kaneda, Yoshiyuki; LaFemina, Peter; Dixon, Timothy; Schwartz, SusanSummary of the paper "A Creep Event on the Shallow Interface of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone"Ítem Active Thrusting in the Inner Fore arc of Middle America, Costa Rica(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Sitchler, J. C.; Fischer, D. M.; Gardner, T. W.; Protti, MarinoSummary of the paper "Active Thrusting in the Inner Fore arc of Middle America, Costa Rica"Ítem Imaging the Subduction Factory Beneath Central America: The TUCAN Broadband Seismic Experiment(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Abers, Geoffrey; Auger, L.; Syracuse, E.; Plank, T.; Fischer, K. M.; Rychert, Catherine; Walker, A.; Protti, Marino; Strauch, Wilfried; Perez, P.Summary of the paper "Imaging the Subduction Factory Beneath Central America: The TOUCAN Broadband Seismic Experiment"Ítem Coastal Deformation Patterns Along the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica, Central America(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Marshall, Jean S.; Khaw, Jonathan F.; Parra, J. G.; Annis, L. K.; Protti, MarinoSummary of the paper "Coastal Deformation Patterns Along the Nicoya Seismic Gap, Pacific Coast, Costa Rica, Central America"Ítem Seismogenic zone structure along the Middle America Trench, Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica, from 3D local earthquake tomography(American Geophysical Union, 2004) Deshon, Heather R.; Schwartz, Susan; Dorman, LeRoy; Newman, Andrew V.; Protti, Marino; González, VictorResumen de la ponencia "Estructura de la zona sismogénica a lo largo de la Fosa Mesoamericana, Nicoya Península, Costa Rica, a partir de tomografía sísmica local 3D"Ítem Fine-Tuning the Seismic Potential of the Nicoya Gap in NW Costa Rica(American Geophysical Union, 2007-05-22) González, Victor; Protti, MarinoThe Nicoya seismic gap is a subduction segment along the Middle American Trench where the Cocos plate subducts under the Caribbean plate. This seismic gap, located under the Nicoya Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica, has ruptured with large earthquakes in 1853, 1900 and 1950. Its strong coupling contrasts with the immediately adjacent weak segments: Nicaragua to the NW and central Costa Rica to the SE. The Nicaragua segment has a very high level of background seismicity with several earthquakes per year with magnitudes above 5.0; its most recent large event was an abnormally slow earthquake (Mw=7.6) that generated a destructive tsunami in 1992. The central Costa Rica segment also has a high level of background seismicity with very frequent events with magnitudes above 4.5; its last large event (Mw=7.0) occurred in 1990 just at the boundary with the Nicoya seismic gap. The aftershock areas of the Costa Rica, 1990 and Nicaragua, 1992 earthquakes allowed the geographic extent of the Nicoya seismic gap to be clearly defined. Evidences that support a strong coupling for the Nicoya segment are: a) very low background seismicity; b) the sudden end of aftershocks of the 1990 and 1992 earthquakes at its boundaries; and c) the fast NE motion (parallel to convergence) of the Nicoya Peninsula (nearly 30mm/yr.) observed with GPS. Recent seismological and geodetic studies (Protti et al., 2001; Newman et al., 2002; Iinuma et al., 2004; Norabuena et al., 2004; DeShone et al., 2006) restrict the seismic coupling to 50 +/- 5% and the potential rupture area to 8000 +/- 1500 km2. These values, together with a convergence rate around 88mm/yr and no significant seismic slip since 1950, give the Nicoya seismic gap a potential, for the following 5 years, to generate a earthquake with Mw=7.8 +/- 0.1 magnitude.Ítem OVSICORI's Southern Costa Rica Geodynamic Control Network: The opening of a Pandora's Box(IASPEI, 2016-06-20) Protti, Marino; González Salas, Victor; Hernández Rodríguez, Enrique; Muller, Cyril; Rojas, Daniel; Villalobos, HairoSummary of the presentation “OVSICORI's South Costa Rica Geodynamic Control Network: Opening a Pandora's box. Presented at II General Assembly of the Latin America and Caribbean Seismological Commission of IASPEI, Heredia, Costa Rica, June 20-22, 2016Ítem Sulphur isotopic composition of volcanic gases from Poás and Turrialba volcanoes, Costa Rica(Goldschmidt Conference, 2015) Alfonso, P.; Martínez Cruz, María; Canet, C.; Delgado, H.; Fernández, Erick; Sáenz, WendyPóster presentado en Goldschmidt Conference 2015Ítem The opening of vents like decompression valves of the hydrothermal system at Turrialba volcano, Costa Rica(International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 2013-07-24) Avard, Geoffroy; Pacheco, Javier; Martínez Cruz, María; Miranda, Sebastian; Conde, Vladimir; Galle, BoÍtem Spatial shifts in fumarolic degassing at Poás volcano: Phreatic Activity in the Ultra Acid Crater Lake versus Subaerial Degassing(IAVCEI Commission on Hazards and Risk, 2011-09-11) Martínez Cruz, María; Fernández, Erick; Van Bergen, Manfred J.Summary of the presentation Spatial shifts in fumarolic degassing at Poás volcano: Phreatic Activity in the Ultra Acid Crater Lake versus Subaerial DegassingÍtem When the hazard you are monitoring is the least of your troubles: the early days of a ubiquitous computing citizen science initiative on active volcanoes(American Geophysical Union, 2014) Van Manen, Saskia M.; Richards, Mike; Seaton, Robert; Cameron, Ian; Avard, Geoffroy; Martínez Cruz, MaríaÍtem Poás volcano: significance of mobile trace elements in the hyperacid crater lake(IAVCEI Commission on Volcano Lakes, 2019-03) Martínez Cruz, María; Keizer, Martijn; Avard, Geoffroy; Brenes-Navarro, Gilberto; Herrera-Murillo, JorgeResumen de la ponencia: Poás volcano: significance of mobile trace elements in the hyperacid crater lakeÍtem Fluorosis dental en la población infantil en las cercanías del Volcán Irazú, Costa Rica(Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, 2014) Rojas Zúñiga, Floricelle; Floor, Geerke H.; Malavassi, Eduardo; Martínez Cruz, María; Van Bergen, ManfredPóster presentado en el XX Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería QuímicaÍtem Seismic activity at Irazú volcano after the 5th September 2012 Nicoya, Earthquake, Costa Rica(2013) Martínez Cruz, María; Pacheco Alvarado, Javier; Avard, Geoffroy; Chavarría Kopper, FedericoPóster sobre actividad sísmica en el volcán Irazú después del terremoto del 5 de septiembre de 2012 en Nicoya, Costa RicaÍtem Monitoring magmatic-hydrothermal activity with rare earth elements in crater lakes(International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, 2013-07) Van Bergen, Manfred; Martínez Cruz, María; Ayres, GeorginaResumen de la ponencia Monitoring magmatic-hydrothermal activity with rare earth elements in crater lakes