Pedagogía de la hospitalidad : la diversidad de creencias, espiritualidades y convicciones interpela a la educación
Méndez Méndez, José Mario
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Projeto Cultural Labirintos
La creciente diversidad cultural y religiosa de Costa Rica se presenta como un desafío constante para la educación en general y para la educación religiosa en particular. La acción de repensar interculturalmente las educación religiosa contribuirá seguramente a la conformación de comunidades educativas más
hospitalarias, en las que todas las personas se sienten acogidas e invitadas a aprender unas de otras, no a pesar de sus diferencias, sino gracias a ellas. El reconocimiento de las tradiciones “hospitalarias” de las diversas espiritualidades y religiones puede nutrir prácticas educativas que alientan la solidaridad y el compromiso por la paz y la justicia.
The growing cultural and religious diversity of Costa Rica presents itself as a constant challenge for education in general and for religious education in particular. The action of interculturally rethinking religious education will surely contribute to the formation of more hospitable educational communities, in which all people feel welcomed and invited to learn from each other, not in spite of their differences, but because of them. Recognition of the "hospitable" traditions of diverse spiritualities and religions can nurture educational practices that encourage solidarity and commitment to peace and justice.
The growing cultural and religious diversity of Costa Rica presents itself as a constant challenge for education in general and for religious education in particular. The action of interculturally rethinking religious education will surely contribute to the formation of more hospitable educational communities, in which all people feel welcomed and invited to learn from each other, not in spite of their differences, but because of them. Recognition of the "hospitable" traditions of diverse spiritualities and religions can nurture educational practices that encourage solidarity and commitment to peace and justice.
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