Racismo y discriminación hacia los pueblos indígenas en Costa Rica: Un caso de historia reciente
Solano-Acuña, Ana Sofía
Cordero-Cordero, Stephanie
Rodríguez-Brenes, Sharon
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este artículo delinea el escenario social que antecedió al aumento en la violencia y a los asesinatos de líderes indígenas en la zona sur de Costa Rica (2019-2020), mediante la exposición y análisis de los principales resultados del estudio “Percepciones sobre la discriminación étnica y cultural en Costa Rica”, cuya tarea fue acercarse a las representaciones sociales que poseían las personas residentes en el país sobre la diversidad cultural, y la situación social, política y territorial que rodeaba a los pueblos indígenas. Para este análisis se contó con el estudio elaborado por el IDESPO-Universidad Nacional en setiembre del año 2019, fuentes hemerográficas, pronunciamientos de las organizaciones indígenas, e informes de especialistas. El análisis realizado en este trabajo expuso el racismo continuo que rodea a los pueblos indígenas y los disuelve en la memoria histórica, los convierte en fragmentos de museo o personajes peligrosos. En conclusión, el racismo hacia 11 los pueblos indígenas en Costa Rica es un tema no superado, que se actualiza y transfigura de acuerdo con el momento histórico.
This article outlines the social scenario that preceded the increase in violence and the murders of indigenous leaders in the southern area of Costa Rica (2019-2020), through the presentation and analysis of the main results of the study “Perceptions about ethnic discrimination and cultural in Costa Rica”, whose task was to approach the social representations that people residing in the country had about cultural diversity, and the social, political and territorial situation that surrounded indigenous peoples. For this analysis, the study prepared by the IDESPO-National University in September 2019, newspaper sources, statements from indigenous organizations, and reports from specialists were used. The analysis carried out in this work exposed the continuous racism that surrounds indigenous peoples and dissolves them in historical memory, turning them into museum fragments or dangerous characters. In conclusion, racism towards indigenous peoples in Costa Rica is an issue that has not been overcome, which is updated and transfigured according to the historical moment.
This article outlines the social scenario that preceded the increase in violence and the murders of indigenous leaders in the southern area of Costa Rica (2019-2020), through the presentation and analysis of the main results of the study “Perceptions about ethnic discrimination and cultural in Costa Rica”, whose task was to approach the social representations that people residing in the country had about cultural diversity, and the social, political and territorial situation that surrounded indigenous peoples. For this analysis, the study prepared by the IDESPO-National University in September 2019, newspaper sources, statements from indigenous organizations, and reports from specialists were used. The analysis carried out in this work exposed the continuous racism that surrounds indigenous peoples and dissolves them in historical memory, turning them into museum fragments or dangerous characters. In conclusion, racism towards indigenous peoples in Costa Rica is an issue that has not been overcome, which is updated and transfigured according to the historical moment.
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