Exposición laboral a disolventes orgánicos volátiles en el proceso productivo de una empresa química de Costa Rica
Villalobos Morales, Josué A.
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Resumen. El sitio de estudio, es una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de la fabricación y la comercialización de shampoo y acondicionadores, resinas para pinturas y productos cosméticos, donde se determinó la exposición laboral mediante la cuantificación de las concentraciones ambientales y el análisis de factores de riesgo laboral, mediante la aplicación de la metodología del Instituto Nacional de Investigación de Seguridad de Francia (INRS), denominada “Riesgo químico: sistemática para la evaluación higiénica”. Esta metodología implementa un análisis global de las condiciones de uso y almacenamiento de los productos químicos presentes en el sitio de estudio mediante la implementación de listas de chequeo y encuestas, tomando en cuenta factores como: proceso productivo y condiciones de infraestructura, además de la determinación y cuantificación de contaminantes atmosféricos internos, mediante la técnica de cromatografía de gases, generando los valores limites ambientales de exposición diaria VLA-ED experimentales. Se detectaron y cuantificaron 22 contaminantes atmosféricos mediante la técnica cromatografía de gases, tal como; el isocianato de N- butil, el cual sobrepasó los valores límites ambientales de exposición diaria (VLA-ED) del Instituto Nacional de Seguridad, Salud y Bienestar en el Trabajo (INSSBT) de España. Este contaminante se asocia a afectaciones a la salud tales como: padecimientos de síntomas de alergia o asma. Finalmente, se incluyó un plan con medidas correctivas sobre el correcto uso del equipo de protección personal y almacenamiento de sustancias químicas. La determinación de la exposición laboral a disolventes orgánicos volátiles en el proceso productivo en el sitio de estudio demostró, altos valores en el nivel de riesgo químico, por lo cual se deben modificar las condiciones actuales de trabajo, con el fin de prevenir afectaciones a la salud a corto o largo plazo de los trabajadores.
Summary. The study site is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and marketing of shampoo and conditioners, paint resins and cosmetic products, where occupational exposure was determined by quantifying environmental concentrations and analysing occupational risk factors, by applying the methodology of the French National Institute for Safety Research (INRS), called ‘Chemical risk: systematic for hygienic evaluation’. This methodology implements a global analysis of the conditions of use and storage of the chemical products present in the study site through the implementation of checklists and surveys, taking into account factors such as: production process and infrastructure conditions, as well as the determination and quantification of internal atmospheric pollutants, using the gas chromatography technique, generating the experimental environmental limit values of daily exposure VLA-ED. 22 atmospheric pollutants were detected and quantified by gas chromatography technique, such as N-butyl isocyanate, which exceeded the daily environmental exposure limit values (ELV-ED) of the Spanish National Institute for Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (INSSBT). This pollutant is associated with health effects such as allergy and asthma symptoms. Finally, a corrective action plan on the correct use of personal protective equipment and storage of chemicals was included. The determination of occupational exposure to volatile organic solvents in the production process at the study site showed high values in the level of chemical risk, for which the current working conditions must be modified in order to prevent short or long term health effects on the workers.
Summary. The study site is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and marketing of shampoo and conditioners, paint resins and cosmetic products, where occupational exposure was determined by quantifying environmental concentrations and analysing occupational risk factors, by applying the methodology of the French National Institute for Safety Research (INRS), called ‘Chemical risk: systematic for hygienic evaluation’. This methodology implements a global analysis of the conditions of use and storage of the chemical products present in the study site through the implementation of checklists and surveys, taking into account factors such as: production process and infrastructure conditions, as well as the determination and quantification of internal atmospheric pollutants, using the gas chromatography technique, generating the experimental environmental limit values of daily exposure VLA-ED. 22 atmospheric pollutants were detected and quantified by gas chromatography technique, such as N-butyl isocyanate, which exceeded the daily environmental exposure limit values (ELV-ED) of the Spanish National Institute for Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (INSSBT). This pollutant is associated with health effects such as allergy and asthma symptoms. Finally, a corrective action plan on the correct use of personal protective equipment and storage of chemicals was included. The determination of occupational exposure to volatile organic solvents in the production process at the study site showed high values in the level of chemical risk, for which the current working conditions must be modified in order to prevent short or long term health effects on the workers.
Villalobos Morales, J. (2023). Exposición laboral a disolventes orgánicos volátiles en el proceso productivo de una empresa química de Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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