Análisis de casos de la gestión presupuestaria de los comités cantonales de deportes y recreación de la provincia de Heredia
Zúniga Carballo, Daniela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el presente trabajo se aborda la problemática que presentan los comités cantonales de
deportes en la gestión presupuestaria sobre los recursos que administran, específicamente
en los comités de San Rafael, Belén, Heredia y Flores, y de lo cual se derivan los objetivos
del presente estudio. A través de la investigación, se realiza un análisis de la recaudación
de los ingresos, ejecución de los gastos y de los objetivos planteados en los planes
operativos anuales, que permitió identificar oportunidades de mejora en la gestión, tomando
como referencia y periodo de análisis el lapso del 2017 al 2021.
Como base para la investigación, se utilizó las Normas Técnicas sobre Presupuestos
Públicos y el Marco Conceptual y Estratégico para el fortalecimiento de la Gestión para
Resultados en el Desarrollo en Costa Rica (MCE-GpRD), estos documentos se enfocan en
la mejora continua de la gestión pública, en el uso de los recursos y en la generación de
valor público a través de los bienes y servicios que brinda el estado. Además, para la
recolección de los resultados, se aplicó un análisis cuantitativo de los montos de ingresos,
gastos y objetivos de planes operativos anuales de los años 2017 al 2021, y un análisis
cualitativo complementando, así, con la aplicación de entrevistas a los encargados de los
procesos de la gestión presupuestaria y a los presidentes de las juntas directivas de cada
comité, y para medir el cumplimiento de cada fase del proceso presupuestario, se aplicó
una herramienta evaluando temas en todas la fases del proceso presupuestario.
Los principales resultados de la investigación se traducen en la mala gestión que los
comités ejercen sobre los ingresos y gastos, no miden el cumplimiento de los objetivos que
se plantean, ausencia de planificación desde la formulación del presupuesto, de control en
las ejecuciones de los presupuestos y falta de evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones.
Como conclusión de la investigación, se evidencia que los comités cantonales de deportes
y recreación presentan muchas debilidades en el proceso de la gestión presupuestaria,
además, deben velar por mejorar estos procesos, con el fin de obtener los resultados y los
beneficios en pro de los habitantes de cada cantón.
This study addresses the problems presented by the Cantonal Sports Committees in the budgetary management of the resources they administer, specifically in the committees of San Rafael, Belén, Heredia and Flores, and from which the objectives of this study are derived. Through the research, an analysis of the collection of income, execution of expenditures and the objectives set out in the annual operating plans is carried out, which allowed identifying opportunities for improvement in management, taking as a reference and period of analysis the period from 2017 to 2021. As a basis for the research, the Technical Standards on Public Budgets and the Conceptual and Strategic Framework for Strengthening Management for Development Results in Costa Rica (MCE-GpRD) were used; these documents focus on the continuous improvement of public management, the use of resources and the generation of public value through the goods and services provided by the state. In addition, for the collection of the results, a quantitative analysis of the amounts of revenues, expenditures and objectives of annual operating plans for the years 2017 to 2021 was applied, and a qualitative analysis complemented with the application of interviews to those in charge of the budget management processes and the presidents of the Boards of Directors of each committee, and to measure compliance with each phase of the budget process, a tool was applied evaluating issues in all phases of the budget process. The main results of the research are the poor management that the committees exercise over income and expenses, they do not measure the fulfillment of the objectives they set, lack of planning from the formulation of the budget, lack of control in the execution of the budgets and lack of evaluations for decision making. As a conclusion of the research, it is evident that the Cantonal Committees of Sports and Recreation present many weaknesses in the process of budget management, they should ensure the improvement of these processes in order to obtain results and benefits for the inhabitants of each canton.
This study addresses the problems presented by the Cantonal Sports Committees in the budgetary management of the resources they administer, specifically in the committees of San Rafael, Belén, Heredia and Flores, and from which the objectives of this study are derived. Through the research, an analysis of the collection of income, execution of expenditures and the objectives set out in the annual operating plans is carried out, which allowed identifying opportunities for improvement in management, taking as a reference and period of analysis the period from 2017 to 2021. As a basis for the research, the Technical Standards on Public Budgets and the Conceptual and Strategic Framework for Strengthening Management for Development Results in Costa Rica (MCE-GpRD) were used; these documents focus on the continuous improvement of public management, the use of resources and the generation of public value through the goods and services provided by the state. In addition, for the collection of the results, a quantitative analysis of the amounts of revenues, expenditures and objectives of annual operating plans for the years 2017 to 2021 was applied, and a qualitative analysis complemented with the application of interviews to those in charge of the budget management processes and the presidents of the Boards of Directors of each committee, and to measure compliance with each phase of the budget process, a tool was applied evaluating issues in all phases of the budget process. The main results of the research are the poor management that the committees exercise over income and expenses, they do not measure the fulfillment of the objectives they set, lack of planning from the formulation of the budget, lack of control in the execution of the budgets and lack of evaluations for decision making. As a conclusion of the research, it is evident that the Cantonal Committees of Sports and Recreation present many weaknesses in the process of budget management, they should ensure the improvement of these processes in order to obtain results and benefits for the inhabitants of each canton.
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