Organización, empresa y administración en un ambiente globalizado. De la era industrial a la era del conocimiento
Baltodano Zúñiga, Víctor Julio
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
El presente artículo aborda el impacto que ha tenido el ambiente cambiante, dinámico y de incertidumbre sobre la organización, la empresa y la administración. Se hace un breve bosquejo de la evolución histórica de la administración en el siglo XX, pasando de la Era Industrial Clásica a la Era del Conocimiento o Era de la Información como también se le conoce. Asimismo, se aborda, sin ser exhaustivo, el impacto de la globalización sobre la organización en la cual se destaca la búsqueda, la flexibilización de las formas de organización como arma para aumentar la competitividad en un entorno cambiante y de creciente incertidumbre; se destaca la organización por redes como un enfoque novedoso de organización empresarial y la organización virtual como producto de la explosión de la Internet y de las tecnologías de información. Por último, se destaca el impacto de la globalización sobre el trabajo y las nuevas relaciones laborales a las que este fenómeno está conduciendo.
The present article approaches the lrnpact that has had the changing, dynamic atmosphere and of unknown on the organization, the company and the administration. A brief search of the evaluation historical of the administration in the XX century ago passing from the Industrial Era to the Era of the Knowledge or Era of the Information as well as she is known. Likewise, it is approached, without being exhausted, the impact of the globalization on the organization where she stands out the search of the flexible in the organization ways like weapon to increase the competitiveness in a changing environment and of growing uncertainty; she stands out the organization for nets like novel focus of internet and of the technologies of information. Lastly, she stands out the impact of the globalization on the work and the new labor relationships to those that this phenomenon is driving.
The present article approaches the lrnpact that has had the changing, dynamic atmosphere and of unknown on the organization, the company and the administration. A brief search of the evaluation historical of the administration in the XX century ago passing from the Industrial Era to the Era of the Knowledge or Era of the Information as well as she is known. Likewise, it is approached, without being exhausted, the impact of the globalization on the organization where she stands out the search of the flexible in the organization ways like weapon to increase the competitiveness in a changing environment and of growing uncertainty; she stands out the organization for nets like novel focus of internet and of the technologies of information. Lastly, she stands out the impact of the globalization on the work and the new labor relationships to those that this phenomenon is driving.
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