Planificación Estratégica Urbana de una Ciudad Competitiva y Sostenible: Estudio de Caso Ciudad de Limón.
Quesada Montero, Sara
Barrantes Vargas, Ufemia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La Planificación Estratégica Urbana propone una serie de lineamientos y herramientas
enfocadas en el desarrollo de los territorios, por esta razón la presente investigación está
orientada a la búsqueda de planes estratégicos mediante la observación de ciudades que
demuestran un alto grado de competitividad y sostenibilidad que den como resultado
experiencias exitosas.
¿Por qué es importante que las ciudades sean competitivas y sostenibles?
La urbanización provee oportunidades, según estadísticas del Banco Mundial: Todos los
países que han alcanzado el estatus de ingreso medio tienen al menos un grado del 50% de
urbanización. Los países más urbanizados tienen niveles más bajos de pobreza y son más
prósperos. La oportunidad para la competitividad en las ciudades es muy grande Si todas las
urbes fueran capaces de incrementar la tasa de crecimiento del empleo a los niveles del 25
por ciento de las ciudades con mayor crecimiento en la región, se crearían casi 20 millones de
empleos adicionales. (Maria, 2016). Según datos del Banco Mundial de Ciudades Competitivas
para empleos y desarrollo 2015. (Banco Mundial, 2015) Algunas de las ciudades que han
asumido el reto de ser más competitivas; han tenido algunos aspectos clave:
Desarrollo Humano Sostenible: se caracteriza por ser integral ya que comprende tanto lo social
como lo ambiental, económico, cultural y político; los que son necesarios para lograr bienestar.
También es un proceso continuo; se centraliza en las personas siendo estas la verdadera
riqueza de un país, es sostenible y equitativo. (Proyecto Estado de la Nación, 1995, PNUD,
- Tienen “coaliciones de crecimiento” público-privadas, con equilibrio.
- Una mayor delegación de poderes a las ciudades con las capacidades adecuadas
tiende a dar mejores resultados económicos
Urban Strategic Planning proposes a series of guidelines and tools focused on the development of the territories, for this reason the present research is oriented to the search for strategic plans by observing cities that demonstrate a high degree of competitiveness and sustainability resulting in successful experiences. Why is it important for cities to be competitive and sustainable? Urbanization provides opportunities, according to World Bank statistics: All the countries that have achieved middle-income status have at least a 50% degree of urbanization. The most urbanized countries have lower levels of poverty and are more prosperous. The opportunity for competitiveness in cities is very great If all the cities were able to increase the growth rate of employment to the levels of 25 percent of the fastest growing cities in the region, it would create almost 20 million additional jobs. (Maria, 2016). According to data from the World Bank of Competitive Cities for jobs and development 2015. (World Bank, 2015) Some of the cities that have assumed the challenge of being more competitive; have had some key aspects: Sustainable Human Development: it is characterized by being integral since it includes both the social as the environmental, economic, cultural and political; those that are necessary to achieve well-being. It is also a continuous process; focuses on people, these being the true wealth of a country, it is sustainable and equitable. (State of the Nation Project, 1995, UNDP, 1994). - They have public-private “growth coalitions”, with balance. - Greater delegation of powers to cities with adequate capacities tends to give better financial results
Urban Strategic Planning proposes a series of guidelines and tools focused on the development of the territories, for this reason the present research is oriented to the search for strategic plans by observing cities that demonstrate a high degree of competitiveness and sustainability resulting in successful experiences. Why is it important for cities to be competitive and sustainable? Urbanization provides opportunities, according to World Bank statistics: All the countries that have achieved middle-income status have at least a 50% degree of urbanization. The most urbanized countries have lower levels of poverty and are more prosperous. The opportunity for competitiveness in cities is very great If all the cities were able to increase the growth rate of employment to the levels of 25 percent of the fastest growing cities in the region, it would create almost 20 million additional jobs. (Maria, 2016). According to data from the World Bank of Competitive Cities for jobs and development 2015. (World Bank, 2015) Some of the cities that have assumed the challenge of being more competitive; have had some key aspects: Sustainable Human Development: it is characterized by being integral since it includes both the social as the environmental, economic, cultural and political; those that are necessary to achieve well-being. It is also a continuous process; focuses on people, these being the true wealth of a country, it is sustainable and equitable. (State of the Nation Project, 1995, UNDP, 1994). - They have public-private “growth coalitions”, with balance. - Greater delegation of powers to cities with adequate capacities tends to give better financial results
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