“Estrategias de afrontamiento que desarrollan atletas universitarios ante una lesión deportiva: un estudio desde la psicología del deporte
Redondo Díaz, Marianela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
A continuación, se presenta un acercamiento general a la actualidad investigativa de las lesiones
deportivas y sus respectivas estrategias de afrontamiento, así como del contexto general a nivel
mundial y como se vive la realidad en el deporte universitario costarricense. El apartado de
antecedentes repasa estudios e investigaciones que han sido base en la construcción del objeto de
estudio, con lo cual se justifica la importancia del actual trabajo, el cual encara un proceso que forma
parte de la carrera de todos los atletas y que pocas veces es tratado de forma integral.
Como planteamiento guía para la ejecución del presente estudio, se propone como objetivo:
Analizar las estrategias de afrontamiento que desarrollan los atletas universitarios ante las lesiones
deportivas. El cual traza un camino poco conocido en el contexto costarricense donde la Psicología
Deportiva avanza a pequeños pasos para posicionarse como medular en el desarrollo de los atletas
costarricenses, esta es una disciplina relativamente nueva y básicamente se encarga de examinar el
desarrollo del ser humano, sus emociones, sus comportamientos y demás componentes, en un
contexto deportivo y entendiendo como estos pueden afectar el desempeño del atleta. Esta rama de
la psicología, también es responsable de estudiar los aspectos relacionados a las lesiones deportivas,
como se muestra en el Capítulo II, donde, además, se engloban otros constructos importantes en
materia de lesiones, sumado a esto, se encuentra el eje principal, la definición de Estrategias de
afrontamiento, así como su respectiva contextualización en materia de deporte.
El capítulo III, reseña el tipo de investigación, que se desarrolló desde un enfoque mixto con
un Diseño de Triangulación Concurrente (DITRIAC), asimismo, en el área cualitativa se planteó una
aproximación desde un enfoque fenomenológico y la información de tipo cuantitativo, fue trabajada
en un diseño no experimental, de tipo Transeccional Exploratorio. En cuanto a los instrumentos, se
usó el Inventario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento y una entrevista semiestructurada, además, se
plantean las hipótesis, descripción de las variables y de la muestra, que se compuso de 83 atletas
universitarios, además de los criterios de elección y calidad de información. Aunado a esto, se
presenta y detalla el procedimiento tomado hacia la recolección de los diferentes datos.
El análisis de los datos, presentado en el último capítulo, muestra que resolución de
problemas, pensamiento desiderativo y apoyo social, son las estrategias utilizadas con mayor
frecuencia, mientras que la retirada social es la menos empleada. Por otra parte, en los análisis
realizados de Prueba T, los resultados presentan una diferencia significativa en la estrategia “Retirada
Social” y “Autocrítica”, en los cuales, los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional tuvieron mayor
puntaje. Además, se hace un aporte importante en cada uno de los aspectos considerados en los
objetivos específicos, complementado con las vivencias de los atletas entrevistados a profundidad.
Next, a general approach to the current investigation of injuries is presented sports and their respective coping strategies, as well as the general context at the world and how reality is lived in Costa Rican university sports. The section of background reviews studies and research that have been the basis for the construction of the object of study, which justifies the importance of the current work, which faces a process that forms part of the career of all athletes and that is seldom treated in a comprehensive way. As a guiding approach for the execution of this study, the following objective is proposed: Analyze the coping strategies that university athletes develop in the face of injuries sports Which traces a path little known in the Costa Rican context where Psychology Deportiva advances in small steps to position itself as a core in the development of athletes Costa Ricans, this is a relatively new discipline and is basically responsible for examining the development of the human being, their emotions, their behaviors and other components, in a sports context and understanding how these can affect the athlete's performance. This branch of psychology is also responsible for studying aspects related to sports injuries, as shown in Chapter II, where, in addition, other important constructs are included in Injury matter, added to this, is the main axis, the definition of Strategies of coping, as well as its respective contextualization in sports. Chapter III reviews the type of research, which was developed from a mixed approach with a Concurrent Triangulation Design (DITRIAC), likewise, in the qualitative area a approach from a phenomenological approach and quantitative information, it was worked in a non-experimental, Transectional Exploratory type design. As for the instruments, used the Coping Strategies Inventory and a semi-structured interview, in addition, raise the hypotheses, description of the variables and the sample, which was made up of 83 athletes university students, in addition to the criteria of choice and quality of information. In addition to this, presents and details the procedure taken to collect the different data. The analysis of the data, presented in the last chapter, shows that the resolution of problems, wishful thinking and social support are the strategies used with the greatest frequency, while social withdrawal is the least used. On the other hand, in the analyzes performed in the T Test, the results present a significant difference in the strategy “Withdrawal Social ”and“ Self-criticism ”, in which the students of the National University had greater score. In addition, an important contribution is made in each of the aspects considered in the specific objectives, complemented by the experiences of the athletes interviewed in depth.
Next, a general approach to the current investigation of injuries is presented sports and their respective coping strategies, as well as the general context at the world and how reality is lived in Costa Rican university sports. The section of background reviews studies and research that have been the basis for the construction of the object of study, which justifies the importance of the current work, which faces a process that forms part of the career of all athletes and that is seldom treated in a comprehensive way. As a guiding approach for the execution of this study, the following objective is proposed: Analyze the coping strategies that university athletes develop in the face of injuries sports Which traces a path little known in the Costa Rican context where Psychology Deportiva advances in small steps to position itself as a core in the development of athletes Costa Ricans, this is a relatively new discipline and is basically responsible for examining the development of the human being, their emotions, their behaviors and other components, in a sports context and understanding how these can affect the athlete's performance. This branch of psychology is also responsible for studying aspects related to sports injuries, as shown in Chapter II, where, in addition, other important constructs are included in Injury matter, added to this, is the main axis, the definition of Strategies of coping, as well as its respective contextualization in sports. Chapter III reviews the type of research, which was developed from a mixed approach with a Concurrent Triangulation Design (DITRIAC), likewise, in the qualitative area a approach from a phenomenological approach and quantitative information, it was worked in a non-experimental, Transectional Exploratory type design. As for the instruments, used the Coping Strategies Inventory and a semi-structured interview, in addition, raise the hypotheses, description of the variables and the sample, which was made up of 83 athletes university students, in addition to the criteria of choice and quality of information. In addition to this, presents and details the procedure taken to collect the different data. The analysis of the data, presented in the last chapter, shows that the resolution of problems, wishful thinking and social support are the strategies used with the greatest frequency, while social withdrawal is the least used. On the other hand, in the analyzes performed in the T Test, the results present a significant difference in the strategy “Withdrawal Social ”and“ Self-criticism ”, in which the students of the National University had greater score. In addition, an important contribution is made in each of the aspects considered in the specific objectives, complemented by the experiences of the athletes interviewed in depth.
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