Propuesta de diseño de una guía metodológica para la evaluación de la gestión y la calidad de las micro y pequeñas empresas de hospedaje del sector turismo en la zona del Golfo de Nicoya, comunidad de Isla Venado.
Cortés Quirós, Yenani Roisenia
Díaz Matarrita, Esmeralda
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Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Sede Regional Chorotega, Campus Liberia
El presente trabajo consiste en un proyecto de investigación el cual se titula:
Propuesta de diseño de una guía metodológica para la evaluación de la gestión y
de la calidad de las micro y pequeñas empresas de hospedaje del sector turismo en
la zona del Golfo de Nicoya, comunidad de Isla Venado.
Tomando como objeto de estudio las micro y pequeñas empresas dedicadas
exclusivamente al servicio de hospedaje en la comunidad de Isla Venado se realiza
un análisis de la información relacionada con el tema seleccionado, así como un
mapeo de las empresas que se encuentran operando en la comunidad en el área
designada y a su vez la identificación de las necesidades recolectadas a través del
uso y aplicación de herramientas.
Durante la elaboración de este trabajo se evidenció como problemática que las
empresas estudiadas carecen de herramientas que faciliten una autoevaluación en
materia de gestión de procesos internos y calidad de productos y servicios que
ofrecen, esto se presenta debido a que no generan la suficiente liquidez para
desarrollarlas o diseñarlas.
Es importante resaltar que el nivel de capacitación del personal en diferentes
ámbitos como atención al cliente, manipulación de alimentos, manejo de paquete
de office, entre otros es deficiente. Además, las barreras en materia legislativa
aumentan la dificultad en el proceso de inicio y desarrollo para las micro y pequeñas
empresas que operan en las comunidades que forman parte de la Zona Marítimo
Terrestre (ZMT), así como en materia de procesos internos y capacitación.
Con este documento se pretende facilitar una guía que ayude con el auge y
posicionamiento tanto a nivel nacional como internacional de estas micro y
pequeñas empresas y que a su vez logren un respectivo seguimiento en los
procesos de certificaciones por parte de entidades reguladoras y relacionadas con
el turismo en el país.
Palabras claves: microempresas, turismo, empresas de hospedaje, certificaciones,
zona marítimo terrestre, gestión, calidad.
This work is a research project titled: "Proposal for Designing a Methodological Guide for Evaluating Management and Quality in Micro and Small Hospitality Businesses in the Tourism Sector in the Gulf of Nicoya Area, Isla Venado Community." The study focuses on micro and small businesses dedicated exclusively to hospitality services in the Isla Venado community. It involves analyzing information related to the chosen topic, mapping the businesses operating in the designated area, and identifying needs collected through the use and application of tools. During the preparation of this work, it was evident that the studied businesses lack tools that facilitate self-assessment in terms of internal process management and the quality of the products and services they offer. This issue arises because these businesses do not generate enough liquidity to develop or design such tools. It is important to highlight that the level of staff training in various areas such as customer service, food handling, and office software management, among others, is inadequate. Additionally, legislative barriers increase the difficulty in starting and developing micro and small businesses in communities within the Zona Marítimo Terrestre (MTZ), as well as in internal processes and training. This document aims to provide a guide to help boost and position these micro and small businesses both nationally and internationally, and to enable them to achieve proper follow-up in certification processes by regulatory and tourism-related entities in the country. Keywords: microbusinesses, tourism, hospitality businesses, certifications, maritime-terrestrial zone, management, quality.
This work is a research project titled: "Proposal for Designing a Methodological Guide for Evaluating Management and Quality in Micro and Small Hospitality Businesses in the Tourism Sector in the Gulf of Nicoya Area, Isla Venado Community." The study focuses on micro and small businesses dedicated exclusively to hospitality services in the Isla Venado community. It involves analyzing information related to the chosen topic, mapping the businesses operating in the designated area, and identifying needs collected through the use and application of tools. During the preparation of this work, it was evident that the studied businesses lack tools that facilitate self-assessment in terms of internal process management and the quality of the products and services they offer. This issue arises because these businesses do not generate enough liquidity to develop or design such tools. It is important to highlight that the level of staff training in various areas such as customer service, food handling, and office software management, among others, is inadequate. Additionally, legislative barriers increase the difficulty in starting and developing micro and small businesses in communities within the Zona Marítimo Terrestre (MTZ), as well as in internal processes and training. This document aims to provide a guide to help boost and position these micro and small businesses both nationally and internationally, and to enable them to achieve proper follow-up in certification processes by regulatory and tourism-related entities in the country. Keywords: microbusinesses, tourism, hospitality businesses, certifications, maritime-terrestrial zone, management, quality.
Palabras clave