Análisis de la resistencia a insecticidas piretroides asociada a una mutación en el gen del canal de sodio sensible a voltaje (vssc), en poblaciones de Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae) en Costa Rica
Estrada Gamboa, Joyce María
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La mosca del establo (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) es una plaga de importancia agropecuaria a nivel mundial y Costa Rica no es la excepción. Durante años se han utilizado los insecticidas piretroides para su control, sin embargo, el mal uso de estos químicos ha promovido el desarrollo de resistencia en la mosca. La resistencia a los piretroides se ha relacionado principalmente con cambios genéticos, como mutaciones de resistencia tipo "knockdown". La resistencia representa un desafío significativo en el control de esta mosca, por lo tanto, en este estudio se planteó analizar el estado de la resistencia a insecticidas piretroides en poblaciones de la mosca Stomoxys calcitrans L. del país por medio del estudio del alelo de resistencia kdr-his el cual está asociado a la resistencia a insecticidas piretroides en esta mosca. Para lograr esto, se determinó la frecuencia del alelo mutado kdr-his y sus distintos genotipos, en poblaciones de la mosca recolectadas en ganaderías aledañas a zonas de cultivos agrícolas y con control químico de la plaga en las localidades de Alajuela (piña), Puntarenas (palma aceitera) y Limón (banano). Además, se analizaron individuos provenientes de una ganadería apartada de campos de cultivos agrícolas en la localidad de Heredia. Asimismo, se evaluó la susceptibilidad a insecticidas piretroides en poblaciones de la mosca de la localidad de Alajuela, mediante bioensayos in vitro evaluando permetrina y deltametrina. Los hallazgos revelaron que el alelo mutado kdr-his se encontró en todos los sitios investigados, con frecuencias entre 0.35 y 0.51. Este estudio representa el primer informe de la presencia de este alelo de
resistencia en poblaciones de moscas de las localidades de Puntarenas, Limón y Heredia. El genotipo más observado fue el heterocigoto, lo cual puede tener implicaciones futuras en términos de resistencia a los insecticidas piretroides en las poblaciones de moscas en nuestro país. La detección de individuos susceptibles en la provincia de Limón y la presencia de la mutación en la población de Heredia sugieren la existencia de un flujo de individuos, lo cual tiene un impacto en el estatus de resistencia de las poblaciones. Además, se concluyó que las poblaciones de moscas analizadas en la localidad de Alajuela no mostraron resistencia al insecticida deltametrina. Sin embargo, se observó una resistencia moderada al insecticida permetrina en estas poblaciones. Es importante destacar que se encontraron individuos homocigotos para el alelo de resistencia entre las moscas que no lograron sobrevivir a la exposición a los insecticidas. Los resultados anteriores ofrecen una visión general del estado de resistencia a los piretroides en las poblaciones de mosca en nuestro país, lo cual proporciona información valiosa para mejorar el control de esta plaga.
The stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) is a pest of worldwide agricultural importance and Costa Rica is no exception. For years, pyrethroid insecticides have been used for its control, however, the misuse of these chemicals has promoted the development of resistance in the fly. Resistance to pyrethroids has been linked primarily to genetic changes, such as "knockdown" resistance mutations. Resistance represents a significant challenge in the control of this fly, therefore, in this study we proposed to analyze the status of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in populations of the Stomoxys calcitrans L. fly in the country by studying the kdr-his resistance allele, which is associated with resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in this fly. To achieve this, the frequency of the mutated allele kdr-his and its different genotypes were determined in populations of the fly collected in cattle ranches close to agricultural crop areas and with chemical control of the pest in the localities of Alajuela (pineapple), Puntarenas (oil palm) and Limón (banana). In addition, individuals from a cattle ranch away from agricultural crop fields in the locality of Heredia were analyzed. Likewise, susceptibility to pyrethroid insecticides was evaluated in populations of the fly in Alajuela by means of in vitro bioassays evaluating permethrin and deltamethrin. The findings revealed that the kdr-his mutant allele was found in all sites investigated, with frequencies between 0.35 and 0.51. This study represents the first report of the presence of this resistance allele in fly populations from Puntarenas, Limón and Heredia. The most observed genotype was heterozygous, which may have future implications in terms of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in fly populations in our country. The detection of susceptible individuals in the province of Limón and the presence of the mutation in the population of Heredia suggest the existence of a flow of individuals, which has an impact on the resistance status of the populations. In addition, it was concluded that the fly populations analyzed in the Alajuela locality did not show resistance to the insecticide deltamethrin. However, moderate resistance to the insecticide permethrin was observed in these populations. Importantly, homozygous individuals for the resistance allele were found among the flies that failed to survive exposure to insecticides. The above results provide an overview of the status of resistance to pyrethroids in fly populations in our country, which provides valuable information to improve the control of this pest.
The stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) is a pest of worldwide agricultural importance and Costa Rica is no exception. For years, pyrethroid insecticides have been used for its control, however, the misuse of these chemicals has promoted the development of resistance in the fly. Resistance to pyrethroids has been linked primarily to genetic changes, such as "knockdown" resistance mutations. Resistance represents a significant challenge in the control of this fly, therefore, in this study we proposed to analyze the status of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in populations of the Stomoxys calcitrans L. fly in the country by studying the kdr-his resistance allele, which is associated with resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in this fly. To achieve this, the frequency of the mutated allele kdr-his and its different genotypes were determined in populations of the fly collected in cattle ranches close to agricultural crop areas and with chemical control of the pest in the localities of Alajuela (pineapple), Puntarenas (oil palm) and Limón (banana). In addition, individuals from a cattle ranch away from agricultural crop fields in the locality of Heredia were analyzed. Likewise, susceptibility to pyrethroid insecticides was evaluated in populations of the fly in Alajuela by means of in vitro bioassays evaluating permethrin and deltamethrin. The findings revealed that the kdr-his mutant allele was found in all sites investigated, with frequencies between 0.35 and 0.51. This study represents the first report of the presence of this resistance allele in fly populations from Puntarenas, Limón and Heredia. The most observed genotype was heterozygous, which may have future implications in terms of resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in fly populations in our country. The detection of susceptible individuals in the province of Limón and the presence of the mutation in the population of Heredia suggest the existence of a flow of individuals, which has an impact on the resistance status of the populations. In addition, it was concluded that the fly populations analyzed in the Alajuela locality did not show resistance to the insecticide deltamethrin. However, moderate resistance to the insecticide permethrin was observed in these populations. Importantly, homozygous individuals for the resistance allele were found among the flies that failed to survive exposure to insecticides. The above results provide an overview of the status of resistance to pyrethroids in fly populations in our country, which provides valuable information to improve the control of this pest.
Estrada Gamboa, J. (2023). Análisis de la resistencia a insecticidas piretroides asociada a una mutación en el gen del canal de sodio sensible a voltaje (vssc), en poblaciones de Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae) en Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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