Plan de inversión para la comercialización de helados a la plancha de Pizda heladería ubicado en Filadelfia de Carrillo 2024.
Angulo Guevara, Kevin Alonso
Contreras Ruiz, Guering
García Campos, Christopher
Peralta Ondoy, Byron
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Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Sede Regional Chorotega, Campus Liberia
Tipo de modalidad
Trabajo Final de graduación para optar por el grado académico de licenciatura en administración con énfasis en Gestión Financiera de la Escuela de Administración de Empresas
Tema: Plan de inversión para la comercialización de helados a la plancha de PIZDA heladería ubicado en filadelfia de carrillo 2023-24
Para algunos autores, la innovación para una empresa tanto en Costa Rica como alrededor del mundo ha sido, por lo general, una de las opciones para conseguir un mejor posicionamiento y por lo tanto se promueven los ingresos y salida de su producto, generando una oportunidad de crecimiento, que le permita comercializar aún más sus productos. Con este plan de inversión se pretende la adquisición de una máquina para realizar helados en plancha.
Desde tiempos antiguos el ser humano ha tratado de innovar diferentes productos, tal es el caso de la leche, de la cual se ha generado una extensión de líneas de productos bastantes diversos.
Esto demuestra cómo las tradiciones culinarias se han desarrollado y evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos, y cómo la tecnología y los ingredientes disponibles han influido en la fabricación e innovación de estos postres.
La adquisición de esta máquina es para la fabricación de helados de frutas, las cuales le dan sabor a los helados, las cuales podrán ser hechas a base de leche, o bien a base de agua para las personas intolerantes a la lactosa. Una acción relevante para este emprendimiento es concretar la relación con comerciantes que puedan abastecer de materia prima y de toppings que sirven para adornar los helados realizados por este emprendimiento. Por tal razón, es importante que este emprendimiento construya buenas relaciones para tener proveedores fijos para que no se tenga desabastecimiento de productos.
La industria de los helados a la plancha en el continente americano representa un punto estratégico de mercado que está constante evolución. Desde las coloridas carretas de helados callejeros en las ciudades de América Latina hasta las modernas heladerías, los helados a la plancha han experimentado un crecimiento significativo en popularidad. Esta tendencia culinaria ha sido impulsada por una combinación de factores, que incluyen la diversidad de sabores y toppings que reflejan la riqueza de las culturas de la región, así como la creciente demanda de experiencias gastronómicas únicas por parte de los consumidores.
Los helados a la plancha ha sido una innovación a lo largo del país, ya que ha sido un producto muy atractivo para las personas desde su forma de creación instantánea, hasta la infinidad de sabores que se pueden realizar y hasta sabores nuevos de helado según el gusto del cliente.
En las diferentes ciudades que componen la provincia de Guanacaste, existen heladerías que han introducido este tipo de helados en Guanacaste, en Filadelfia no existe un local con este tipo de helado. Esto representa una oportunidad en Guanacaste porque es una provincia caliente.
Type of modality Final graduation work to opt for the academic degree in administration with emphasis in Financial Management from the School of Business Administration. Subject: Investment plan for the commercialization of grilled ice cream for PIZDA ice cream parlor located in Filadelfia de Carrillo 2023-24. Problem For some authors, innovation for a company both in Costa Rica and around the world has generally been one of the options to achieve a better positioning and therefore promote the income and output of its product, generating an opportunity for growth, allowing it to further market its products. This investment plan is intended to acquire a machine to make ice cream on a griddle. Since ancient times, human beings have tried to innovate different products, such is the case of milk, which has generated an extension of quite diverse product lines. This demonstrates how culinary traditions have developed and evolved over the centuries, and how technology and available ingredients have influenced the manufacture and innovation of these desserts. The acquisition of this machine is for the manufacture of fruit ice cream, which gives flavor to the ice cream and can be made with milk, or water-based for people who are lactose intolerant. A relevant action for this venture is to establish a relationship with traders who can supply raw materials and toppings that are used to decorate the ice cream made by this venture, for this reason it is important that this venture builds good relationships to have regular suppliers so that there is no shortage of products. The grilled ice cream industry in the American continent represents a strategic point of market that is constantly evolving. From colorful street ice cream carts in Latin American cities to modern ice cream parlors, grilled ice cream has experienced significant growth in popularity. This culinary trend has been driven by a combination of factors, including the diversity of flavors and toppings that reflect the richness of the region's cultures, as well as growing consumer demand for unique dining experiences. Grilled ice cream has been an innovation throughout the country as it has been a very attractive product for people from its instant creation to the infinite number of flavors that can be made and even new flavors of ice cream according to the customer's taste. In the different cities that make up the province of Guanacaste, there are ice cream shops that have introduced this type of ice cream in Guanacaste, in Philadelphia there is no place with this type of ice cream. This represents an opportunity in Guanacaste because it is a hot province.
Type of modality Final graduation work to opt for the academic degree in administration with emphasis in Financial Management from the School of Business Administration. Subject: Investment plan for the commercialization of grilled ice cream for PIZDA ice cream parlor located in Filadelfia de Carrillo 2023-24. Problem For some authors, innovation for a company both in Costa Rica and around the world has generally been one of the options to achieve a better positioning and therefore promote the income and output of its product, generating an opportunity for growth, allowing it to further market its products. This investment plan is intended to acquire a machine to make ice cream on a griddle. Since ancient times, human beings have tried to innovate different products, such is the case of milk, which has generated an extension of quite diverse product lines. This demonstrates how culinary traditions have developed and evolved over the centuries, and how technology and available ingredients have influenced the manufacture and innovation of these desserts. The acquisition of this machine is for the manufacture of fruit ice cream, which gives flavor to the ice cream and can be made with milk, or water-based for people who are lactose intolerant. A relevant action for this venture is to establish a relationship with traders who can supply raw materials and toppings that are used to decorate the ice cream made by this venture, for this reason it is important that this venture builds good relationships to have regular suppliers so that there is no shortage of products. The grilled ice cream industry in the American continent represents a strategic point of market that is constantly evolving. From colorful street ice cream carts in Latin American cities to modern ice cream parlors, grilled ice cream has experienced significant growth in popularity. This culinary trend has been driven by a combination of factors, including the diversity of flavors and toppings that reflect the richness of the region's cultures, as well as growing consumer demand for unique dining experiences. Grilled ice cream has been an innovation throughout the country as it has been a very attractive product for people from its instant creation to the infinite number of flavors that can be made and even new flavors of ice cream according to the customer's taste. In the different cities that make up the province of Guanacaste, there are ice cream shops that have introduced this type of ice cream in Guanacaste, in Philadelphia there is no place with this type of ice cream. This represents an opportunity in Guanacaste because it is a hot province.
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