Diplomacia y deuda externa : el caso de Honduras (1897-1912)
Quesada Monge, Rodrigo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En la época del pleno apogeo del Libre Comercio ( 1860-1890), a raíz de los grandes éxitos de la
Revolución Industrial Inglesa, el flujo de capitales hacia el exterior fue enormemente facilitado por
un rápido "aflojamiento" del mercado de capitales de Londres, proceso que, como sabemos, alcanzará el colapso hacia 1873. Esa flexibilidad del mercado de capitales, permitió el arribo de una
serie de corredores de bolsa, intermediarios y especuladores que se enriquecieron extraordinariamente al tramitar o promover los préstamos que gobiernos de Repúblicas lejanas y casi desconocidas
habían solicitado a casas bancarias londinenses, algunas de las cuales, muchas veces, se integraban
sólo para cumplir con aquel propósito, y desaparecían al día siguiente de flotado el préstamo en
cuestión (1). Costa Rica, Honduras, Paraguay y Santa Domingo fueron objeto de una investigación hecha
por el Parlamento inglés en 187 5, que puso en evidencia todos los mecanismos de una gigantesca
estafa ubicada en el contexto descrito. El caso de Honduras, es un ejemplo lamentable en ese sentido, y quizás el más memorable en lo que se refiere
al tipo de operaciones bursátiles que caracterizaron
al Capitalismo Premonopolista.
El 25 de Octubre de 1867, el Gobierno del General Medina celebró un contrato con los Señores
Bischoffsheim & Goldsmith, mediante el cual la
firma flotaría bonos en Londres por un valor nominal de un millón de libras esterlinas, con el objeto de construir en Honduras un ferrocarril interoceánico (2).
At the height of Free Trade (1860-1890), following the great successes of the English Industrial Revolution, the flow of capital abroad was greatly facilitated by a rapid "loosening" of the London capital market, process that, as we know, will reach collapse around 1873. This flexibility of the capital market allowed the arrival of a series of stockbrokers, intermediaries and speculators who became extraordinarily rich by processing or promoting loans that governments of distant and almost distant Republics Unknown companies had applied to London banking houses, some of which, many times, were integrated only to fulfill that purpose, and disappeared the day after the loan in question was floated (1). Costa Rica, Honduras, Paraguay and Santa Domingo were the subject of an investigation carried out by the English Parliament in 1875, which revealed all the mechanisms of a gigantic scam located in the described context. The case of Honduras is a regrettable example in this sense, and perhaps the most memorable in regards to the type of stock market operations that characterized Pre-monopoly Capitalism. On October 25, 1867, the Government of General Medina entered into a contract with Messrs. Bischoffsheim & Goldsmith, by which the firm would float bonds in London for a face value of one million pounds sterling, with the aim of building in Honduras a interoceanic railway (2).
At the height of Free Trade (1860-1890), following the great successes of the English Industrial Revolution, the flow of capital abroad was greatly facilitated by a rapid "loosening" of the London capital market, process that, as we know, will reach collapse around 1873. This flexibility of the capital market allowed the arrival of a series of stockbrokers, intermediaries and speculators who became extraordinarily rich by processing or promoting loans that governments of distant and almost distant Republics Unknown companies had applied to London banking houses, some of which, many times, were integrated only to fulfill that purpose, and disappeared the day after the loan in question was floated (1). Costa Rica, Honduras, Paraguay and Santa Domingo were the subject of an investigation carried out by the English Parliament in 1875, which revealed all the mechanisms of a gigantic scam located in the described context. The case of Honduras is a regrettable example in this sense, and perhaps the most memorable in regards to the type of stock market operations that characterized Pre-monopoly Capitalism. On October 25, 1867, the Government of General Medina entered into a contract with Messrs. Bischoffsheim & Goldsmith, by which the firm would float bonds in London for a face value of one million pounds sterling, with the aim of building in Honduras a interoceanic railway (2).
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