Diagnóstico y propuesta de mejora para el manejo de residuos peligrosos dentro de la UEN PySA del ICE.
Obando Miranda., Jeimmy E.
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El presente Diagnóstico y Propuesta de Mejora para el Manejo de Residuos
Peligrosos constituye un documento guía en el manejo de esta clase de residuos
en los diferentes proyectos y centros de servicio del ICE durante las actividades
cotidianas en la prestación de su servicio. A fin de que la presente propuesta
establezca recomendaciones para una gestión integral en el manejo de residuos
peligrosos. Se indica que el presente trabajo se desarrolló como una Práctica Profesional
para optar por el grado académico de Bachillerato, dentro de la UEN PySA del
ICE; en un período comprendido entre Julio y Noviembre del 2010.
Como parte del documento se incluyen los siguientes temas: Este capítulo incluye la presentación, justificación, objetivos y la metodología utilizada. Asimismo, se incluyó una sección de marco teórico para mencionar los aportes bibliográficos a los conocimientos teóricos y conceptuales requeridos
para la elaboración de este trabajo. I Capítulo: Introducción del trabajo: Este capítulo incluye la presentación, justificación, objetivos y la metodología
utilizada. Asimismo, se incluyó una sección de marco teórico para mencionar los aportes bibliográficos a los conocimientos teóricos y conceptuales requeridos para la elaboración de este trabajo. II Capítulo: Caracterización de la UEN PySA.: En este capítulo se inició la recopilación de información sobre cómo se conformó la Unidad Estratégica de Negocios Proyectos y Servicios Asociados. En PySA, se solicitaron documentos electrónicos y físicos como fueron planes de gestión ambiental, organigramas, normativas internas que se encuentran en la página interna de la empresa y la unidad y otros obtenidos de la documentación del Sistema de Gestión Integral de residuos. III Capítulo: Diagnóstico de la gestión de residuos peligrosos en PySA.: En este capítulo se investigó cual es el manejo actual de los residuos peligrosos en los sitios seleccionados. Por medio de los gestores ambientales de cada área y proyecto, se determinó cuales residuos se producían en mayor cantidad, el tipo y la cuantificación (en caso de que estuviera cuantificado), así como el manejo que se le da a los mismos. Las preguntas que se formularon en la entrevista fueron por ejemplo las siguientes: ¿Que están utilizando actualmente? ¿Que están botando? ¿Cuánto se está generando? ¿Dónde los están acopiando o guardando y en qué condiciones? Entre otras, las cuales se muestran en los anexos. Tomando como referencia las matrices de residuos de los Proyectos, Líneas de Transmisión y Centros de Servicio elegidos, los residuos peligrosos generados y a tratar en este documento, para la búsqueda de alternativas de tratamiento son:
• Pinturas: acrílicas, barnices, aerosoles, envases con pinturas
• Disolventes: aguarrás, thinner y envases con disolventes IV Capítulo: Propuesta de Mejora para el Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos
en determinados proyectos y centros de servicio de la UEN PySA.: En este capítulo se propusieron acciones para mejorar el manejo de los residuos peligrosos, si bien es cierto el ICE tiene convenio con Holcim, y estos se encargan de procesar los aceites domésticos, subproductos del caucho y aceites dieléctricos ; para el manejo de las pinturas, barnices, aerosoles, y sus residuos, se requiere de acciones completas, para minimizar la cantidad de residuos que estos generan, así como acciones que al ser implementadas, representen para la organización una minimización de costos económicos y humanos. V Capítulo: Conclusiones y recomendaciones:
Con base en el análisis del manejo de residuos peligrosos en la UEN PySA y el
diagnóstico realizado en los tres sitios seleccionados, se presentaron las
posibles opciones para aplicar las recomendaciones y, de ser necesario, estas
se detallarán en la sección de anexos.
This Diagnosis and Improvement Proposal for the Management of Hazardous Waste is a guiding document in the management of this type of waste. This Diagnosis and Proposal for Improving Hazardous Waste Management is a guiding document for the management of this type of waste at ICE's at ICE's different projects and service centers during day-to-day service activities. activities in the day-to-day provision of its services. In order for this proposal to establishes recommendations for comprehensive management of hazardous waste. hazardous waste. It should be noted that this work was developed as a Professional Practice for the academic degree of Bachelor's Degree, within the UEN PySA of ICE, in a period of time between July ICE; in a period between July and November 2010. The following topics are included as part of the document: This chapter includes the presentation, justification, objectives and methodology used. methodology used. Also, a theoretical framework section was included to mention the bibliographic contributions to the knowledge of the The theoretical and conceptual knowledge required for the elaboration of this work. for the elaboration of this work. I Chapter: Introduction of the work: This chapter includes the presentation, justification, objectives and methodology used. used. A theoretical framework section was also included to mention the bibliographic contributions to the theoretical and conceptual knowledge required. bibliographic contributions to the theoretical and conceptual knowledge required for the preparation of this work. for the elaboration of this work. Chapter II: Characterization of the P&AS SBU.: In this chapter we began the collection of information on how the Strategic Business Unit Projects and Associated Services was formed. At P&ASP, electronic and physical documents were requested, such as environmental management plans, organization charts, internal regulations found on the company's and the unit's internal web page, and others obtained from the documentation of the Integrated Waste Management System. Chapter III: Diagnosis of hazardous waste management in P&SW.: In this chapter we investigated the current management of hazardous waste at the selected sites. at the selected sites. Through the environmental managers of each area and project, it was determined which wastes were being and project, it was determined which wastes were produced in greater quantities, the type of waste and the and quantification (if quantified), as well as the management of the waste. management of the waste. The questions that were asked in the interview were for example the following: What are you currently using? What are you throwing away? How much is being generated? Where are they being collected or stored and in what conditions? what conditions? Among others, which are shown in the annexes. Taking as a reference the waste matrices of the Projects, Transmission Lines and Service Centers selected. Transmission Lines and Service Centers, the hazardous wastes generated and to be treated in this document, for and to be dealt with in this document, in order to search for treatment alternatives are: - Paints: acrylic paints, varnishes, aerosols, paint containers. - Solvents: turpentine, thinner and solvent containers. IV Chapter: Hazardous Waste Management Improvement Proposal in selected projects and service centers of the P&SA Business Unit: In this chapter we proposed actions to improve hazardous waste management. While it is true that ICE has an agreement with Holcim, and they are in charge of processing domestic processing domestic oils, rubber by-products, and dielectric oils. oils; for the management of paints, varnishes, aerosols, and their residues, complete actions are required to minimize the amount of waste they generate, as well as actions that and actions that, when implemented, represent a minimization of economic costs for the the organization a minimization of economic and human costs. V Chapter: Conclusions and recommendations: Based on the analysis of hazardous waste management at UEN PySA and the diagnosis carried out at the three selected sites, the following conclusions and recommendations can be drawn the three selected sites, the possible options for implementing the recommendations were presented. possible options for implementing the recommendations and, if necessary, these will be detailed in the annex section. will be detailed in the annexes section.
This Diagnosis and Improvement Proposal for the Management of Hazardous Waste is a guiding document in the management of this type of waste. This Diagnosis and Proposal for Improving Hazardous Waste Management is a guiding document for the management of this type of waste at ICE's at ICE's different projects and service centers during day-to-day service activities. activities in the day-to-day provision of its services. In order for this proposal to establishes recommendations for comprehensive management of hazardous waste. hazardous waste. It should be noted that this work was developed as a Professional Practice for the academic degree of Bachelor's Degree, within the UEN PySA of ICE, in a period of time between July ICE; in a period between July and November 2010. The following topics are included as part of the document: This chapter includes the presentation, justification, objectives and methodology used. methodology used. Also, a theoretical framework section was included to mention the bibliographic contributions to the knowledge of the The theoretical and conceptual knowledge required for the elaboration of this work. for the elaboration of this work. I Chapter: Introduction of the work: This chapter includes the presentation, justification, objectives and methodology used. used. A theoretical framework section was also included to mention the bibliographic contributions to the theoretical and conceptual knowledge required. bibliographic contributions to the theoretical and conceptual knowledge required for the preparation of this work. for the elaboration of this work. Chapter II: Characterization of the P&AS SBU.: In this chapter we began the collection of information on how the Strategic Business Unit Projects and Associated Services was formed. At P&ASP, electronic and physical documents were requested, such as environmental management plans, organization charts, internal regulations found on the company's and the unit's internal web page, and others obtained from the documentation of the Integrated Waste Management System. Chapter III: Diagnosis of hazardous waste management in P&SW.: In this chapter we investigated the current management of hazardous waste at the selected sites. at the selected sites. Through the environmental managers of each area and project, it was determined which wastes were being and project, it was determined which wastes were produced in greater quantities, the type of waste and the and quantification (if quantified), as well as the management of the waste. management of the waste. The questions that were asked in the interview were for example the following: What are you currently using? What are you throwing away? How much is being generated? Where are they being collected or stored and in what conditions? what conditions? Among others, which are shown in the annexes. Taking as a reference the waste matrices of the Projects, Transmission Lines and Service Centers selected. Transmission Lines and Service Centers, the hazardous wastes generated and to be treated in this document, for and to be dealt with in this document, in order to search for treatment alternatives are: - Paints: acrylic paints, varnishes, aerosols, paint containers. - Solvents: turpentine, thinner and solvent containers. IV Chapter: Hazardous Waste Management Improvement Proposal in selected projects and service centers of the P&SA Business Unit: In this chapter we proposed actions to improve hazardous waste management. While it is true that ICE has an agreement with Holcim, and they are in charge of processing domestic processing domestic oils, rubber by-products, and dielectric oils. oils; for the management of paints, varnishes, aerosols, and their residues, complete actions are required to minimize the amount of waste they generate, as well as actions that and actions that, when implemented, represent a minimization of economic costs for the the organization a minimization of economic and human costs. V Chapter: Conclusions and recommendations: Based on the analysis of hazardous waste management at UEN PySA and the diagnosis carried out at the three selected sites, the following conclusions and recommendations can be drawn the three selected sites, the possible options for implementing the recommendations were presented. possible options for implementing the recommendations and, if necessary, these will be detailed in the annex section. will be detailed in the annexes section.
Práctica Profesional Supervisada de Bachillerato en Gestión Ambiental. Escuela de Ciencias Ambientales. Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
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