Modelo de gestión financiera aplicado a la empresa de buses de la Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan, Puriscal
Badilla Villalobos, Yenifer
Valverde Retana, Noelia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Título de Proyecto: Modelo de gestión financiera, aplicado a la empresa de buses de la Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan de Puriscal. Elaborado: Noelia Valverde Retana y Yenifer Badilla Villalobos. Interrogante/ Problema: ¿Cómo es la gestión financiera del Servicio de Buses de la Ruta 148-A, transporte de estudiantes, y ADITUR de San Juan de Puriscal, administrado por ADISJ? Objetivo general: Analizar la gestión financiera del Servicio de Buses de la Ruta 148-A, transporte de estudiantes, y ADITUR de San Juan de Puriscal, administrado por ADISJ, para el período de 2017- 2018. Objetivos específicos: 1. Realizar un análisis de ingresos de los años 2017-2018, con el fin de planificar de manera estratégica los movimientos que se efectúen para una toma de decisiones asertiva. 2. Efectuar un análisis de gastos de los años 2017-2018, con el fin de visualizar el comportamiento, su razonabilidad y así minimizar el impacto de salidas innecesarias para la eficiente utilización de los recursos. 3. Brindar una estructuración del procedimiento del manejo de efectivo, con el fin de hacer frente a la problemática en su rentabilidad, basado en los resultados del análisis del manejo de los gastos e ingresos, para la maximización de los recursos y mejorar la estabilidad financiera de los productos de transporte de ASIDJ. Modelo de análisis: La investigación se centra en tres principales variables: Ingresos, gastos de los servicios de transporte y la rentabilidad. Síntesis del capítulo IV: En el desarrollo de la investigación mediante la aplicación de instrumentos y las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección de datos se logra obtener una visión panorámica de la actividad económica que se desempeña bajo la figura de la Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan, Puriscal y lo que representa en términos financieros. Tomando como base los resultados es posible identificar oportunidades de mejora y a partir del análisis correspondiente se plantean las conclusiones y recomendaciones respectivas, incluyendo una herramienta que genere alternativas de forma positiva en la gestión como tal. Síntesis de las conclusiones, recomendaciones y propuesta: Conclusión General: Es importante para ADISJ considerar nuevas alternativas en procedimientos para llevar a cabo una gestión financiera con proyección y planeamiento efectivo en la administración de la empresa de buses. Ya que, no se da una administración adecuada de los recursos, lo cual se ve reflejado en la carencia de proyección y contemplación del rendimiento de cada uno de los servicios que se ofrecen. Evitando el aprovechamiento de los mismos y dejando de lado la utilidad financiera por priorizar la utilidad social. Recomendación General: Es recomendable contar con el seguimiento y el control interno de las actividades y la administración de los recursos de la empresa de buses, en el que se incluya acciones correctivas ante situaciones que afecten el bienestar de las finanzas de la empresa. Además, conocer el rendimiento que debe tener cada uno de los servicios que se ofrecen y cuál es el que realmente se cumple, con el fin de tomar las decisiones asertivas en el momento indicado. Proyectar la ganancia que se quiere obtener y plantear procedimientos que ayuden a efectuar el principal objetivo de la asociación, brindar beneficios constantes a la comunidad. Propuesta: La política y procedimiento del manejo de efectivo, es una herramienta que puede tomar en consideración ADISJ para mejorar uno de los procesos con mayor problemática en el desarrollo de la administración de los servicios que se expone por parte de la empresa de buses. Lo cual permite contar con una opción que ayude a facilitar la toma de decisiones y el manejo de los recursos, brindando un rumbo claro de cómo se deben plantear las diferentes funciones para obtener el resultado óptimo contando con la información necesaria.
Project Title: Financial management model, applied to the bus company of the Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan de Puriscal. Prepared by: Noelia Valverde Retana and Yenifer Badilla Villalobos. Question/Problem: How is the financial management of the Bus Service of Route 148-A, student transportation, and ADITUR of San Juan de Puriscal, administered by ADISJ? General objective: Analyze the financial management of the Bus Service of Route 148-A, student transport, and ADITUR of San Juan de Puriscal, administered by ADISJ, for the period of 2017-2018. Specific objectives: 1. Conduct a revenue analysis of the years 2017-2018, in order to strategically plan the movements to be made for an assertive decision making. 2. Carry out an analysis of expenses for the years 2017-2018, in order to visualize the behavior, its reasonableness and thus minimize the impact of unnecessary exits for the efficient use of resources. 3. Provide a structuring of the cash management procedure, in order to face the problem in its profitability, based on the results of the analysis of the management of expenses and income, in order to maximize resources and improve financial stability of ASIDJ's transportation products. Analysis model: The research focuses on three main variables: Income, transportation services expenses and profitability. Synthesis of chapter IV: In the development of the research, through the application of instruments and the techniques used for data collection, it is possible to obtain a panoramic vision of the economic activity carried out by the Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan, Puriscal and what it represents in financial terms. Based on the results it is possible to identify opportunities for improvement and from the corresponding analysis the respective conclusions and recommendations are made, including a tool that generates alternatives in a positive way in the management as such. Summary of conclusions, recommendations and proposal: General Conclusion: It is important for ADISJ to consider new alternatives in procedures to carry out a financial management with projection and effective planning in the administration of the bus company. Since, there is not an adequate administration of resources, which is reflected in the lack of projection and contemplation of the performance of each of the services offered. Avoiding the use of the same and leaving aside the financial utility by prioritizing the social utility. General Recommendation: It is advisable to count on the follow-up and internal control of the activities and the administration of the resources of the bus company, in which corrective actions are included before situations that affect the well-being of the company's finances. In addition, to know the performance that each of the services offered should have and which is the one that is really fulfilled, in order to make assertive decisions at the right time. Project the profit to be obtained and propose procedures that help to achieve the main objective of the association, to provide constant benefits to the community. Proposal: The cash management policy and procedure is a tool that ADISJ can take into consideration to improve one of the most problematic processes in the development of the administration of the services provided by the bus company. This allows to have an option that helps to facilitate decision making and resource management, providing a clear direction of how the different functions should be approached to obtain the optimal result with the necessary information.
Project Title: Financial management model, applied to the bus company of the Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan de Puriscal. Prepared by: Noelia Valverde Retana and Yenifer Badilla Villalobos. Question/Problem: How is the financial management of the Bus Service of Route 148-A, student transportation, and ADITUR of San Juan de Puriscal, administered by ADISJ? General objective: Analyze the financial management of the Bus Service of Route 148-A, student transport, and ADITUR of San Juan de Puriscal, administered by ADISJ, for the period of 2017-2018. Specific objectives: 1. Conduct a revenue analysis of the years 2017-2018, in order to strategically plan the movements to be made for an assertive decision making. 2. Carry out an analysis of expenses for the years 2017-2018, in order to visualize the behavior, its reasonableness and thus minimize the impact of unnecessary exits for the efficient use of resources. 3. Provide a structuring of the cash management procedure, in order to face the problem in its profitability, based on the results of the analysis of the management of expenses and income, in order to maximize resources and improve financial stability of ASIDJ's transportation products. Analysis model: The research focuses on three main variables: Income, transportation services expenses and profitability. Synthesis of chapter IV: In the development of the research, through the application of instruments and the techniques used for data collection, it is possible to obtain a panoramic vision of the economic activity carried out by the Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de San Juan, Puriscal and what it represents in financial terms. Based on the results it is possible to identify opportunities for improvement and from the corresponding analysis the respective conclusions and recommendations are made, including a tool that generates alternatives in a positive way in the management as such. Summary of conclusions, recommendations and proposal: General Conclusion: It is important for ADISJ to consider new alternatives in procedures to carry out a financial management with projection and effective planning in the administration of the bus company. Since, there is not an adequate administration of resources, which is reflected in the lack of projection and contemplation of the performance of each of the services offered. Avoiding the use of the same and leaving aside the financial utility by prioritizing the social utility. General Recommendation: It is advisable to count on the follow-up and internal control of the activities and the administration of the resources of the bus company, in which corrective actions are included before situations that affect the well-being of the company's finances. In addition, to know the performance that each of the services offered should have and which is the one that is really fulfilled, in order to make assertive decisions at the right time. Project the profit to be obtained and propose procedures that help to achieve the main objective of the association, to provide constant benefits to the community. Proposal: The cash management policy and procedure is a tool that ADISJ can take into consideration to improve one of the most problematic processes in the development of the administration of the services provided by the bus company. This allows to have an option that helps to facilitate decision making and resource management, providing a clear direction of how the different functions should be approached to obtain the optimal result with the necessary information.
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