Globalización y las nuevas estrategias de desarrollo
Murillo Rodríguez, Carlos
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
La globalización es, eminentemente, un
fenómeno tecnológico que permea la
cultura, las relaciones sociales y, en
general, la forma en cómo las sociedades funcionan.
Hoy en día, la revolución en las comunicaciones hace que los conceptos de espacio y tiempo tengan dimensiones muy distintas a las de hace
cincuenta años. Los cambios en el transporte, en
el campo de la informática junto a fenómenos
como internet, la comunicación por vía satélite,
fax, teléfono celular y la televisión por cable, han
acortado las distancias en el planeta. Esto nos ha
conducido a que hoy la interdependencia entre las
naciones y los individuos sea más evidente que
nunca. Desde nuestros hogares pudimos seguir
en vivo la guerra del Golfo Pérsico o la de los
Balcanes. Por medio de internet tenemos acceso
a las bibliotecas o centros de información de
universidades importantes y mediante el transporte aéreo podemos desplazarnos a cualquier parte
del mundo en pocas horas. Toda esta revolución
tecnológica tiene un efecto inmediato en nuestra
vida cotidiana.
Globalization is, eminently, a technological phenomenon that permeates the culture, social relations and, in general, the way in which societies function. Today, the revolution in communications means that the concepts of space and time have very different dimensions from those of yesteryear. fifty years. The changes in transportation, in the field of computer science together with phenomena like the Internet, communication via satellite, fax, cell phone and cable TV, have shortened the distances on the planet. This has led to the fact that today the interdependence between nations and individuals is more evident that never. From our homes we could follow live the Persian Gulf War or the Balkans. Through the internet we have access to to the libraries or information centers of important universities and by means of air transport we can travel anywhere of the world in a few hours. All this revolution technology has an immediate effect on our daily life.
Globalization is, eminently, a technological phenomenon that permeates the culture, social relations and, in general, the way in which societies function. Today, the revolution in communications means that the concepts of space and time have very different dimensions from those of yesteryear. fifty years. The changes in transportation, in the field of computer science together with phenomena like the Internet, communication via satellite, fax, cell phone and cable TV, have shortened the distances on the planet. This has led to the fact that today the interdependence between nations and individuals is more evident that never. From our homes we could follow live the Persian Gulf War or the Balkans. Through the internet we have access to to the libraries or information centers of important universities and by means of air transport we can travel anywhere of the world in a few hours. All this revolution technology has an immediate effect on our daily life.
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