Propuesta de conservación, preservación y restauración de la documentación antigua del Centro de Documentación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones
Marín Valverde, Gerardo Alberto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El Centro de Documentación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, nace como una necesidad de cubrir demandas de información del personal y de los ciudadanos en estudios electorales y democracia, cuenta con una colección antigua de 23312 recursos de información en las colecciones de La Gaceta y de Leyes y Decretos. Los documentos están ubicados en el área en que se encuentra la colección general, donde existen diferentes condiciones que pueden afectar la preservación de la colección antigua. De ahí la necesidad de crear una propuesta de conservación, preservación y restauración, brinde líneas generales tanto para su manipulación, como para su procesamiento, y que garantice su conservación y preservación. Este trabajo busca evidenciar la importancia de proteger los documentos con valor histórico, de los agentes de deterioro interno y externos, tales como: plagas, eventos naturales, polvo, humedad y del accionar del ser humano. La investigación plantea dos objetivos generales: el primero analizar la situación actual de la colección antigua del Centro de Documentación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, sobre la pertinencia de la colección, estado físico de la colección, causas de deterioro, como la aplicación de lineamientos de conservación, preservación y restauración de la colección. El segundo corresponde al diseño de una propuesta con lineamientos de conservación, preservación y restauración de colección antigua del Centro de Documentación del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, con el fin de contribuir con la protección del patrimonio documental de la institución, el mismo contará con las siguientes acciones: definir los lineamientos necesarios de conservación, preservación y restauración, determinar los recursos infraestructurales, tecnológicos, económicos y de personal y definir una estrategia para la difusión de la propuesta de lineamientos de conservación, preservación y restauración. Esta investigación adopta un enfoque mixto, ya que se utilizarán los métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, así mismo es de tipo descriptiva y proyectiva. Las fuentes de información la constituyeron, los funcionarios del Centro de Documentación, así como el personal de limpieza, seguridad y mantenimiento. Por otra parte, se recurrió a especialistas en restauración y conservación de documentos. Para la elaboración de la propuesta se recopiló la información mediante encuestas, observación y análisis de contenido. Los resultados del diagnóstico revelaron que son dos las colecciones más antiguas, específicamente los ejemplares del diario oficial La Gaceta, así como la colección de Leyes y Decretos, por lo que la investigación se centra en estas colecciones. Lo primero que se realizó fue un inventario, con el objetivo de identificar las causas del deterioro de estos recursos de información, pudiéndose constatar que presentan: humedad, están expuestos a temperaturas no reguladas y a luz artificial. Aparte de elementos como deterioro por el uso de adhesivos, insectos, polvo, entre otras causas de deterioro. Las condiciones de almacenamiento de la colección, se constató el uso de estantes metálicos en buen estado. En cuanto a la forma de almacenamiento, la colección de Gacetas se encuentra colocadas horizontalmente, debido a su tamaño y peso, lo que evita que se dañen, mientras que la colección de Leyes y Decretos están en forma vertical. Para la limpieza del área del acervo se determinó el uso de paño seco para los estantes y muebles, no así plumeros, paños magnéticos, aspiradora, o trapo húmedo mezclado con otras diluyentes. La propuesta incluye instrucciones para el manejo diario de las colecciones, las medidas para su conservación, restauración y preservación, sin dejar de lado los cuidados para su reproducción y divulgación. Por otra parte, se instruye que la difusión de la propuesta se deberá hacer ante las altas autoridades del Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, con el propósito de que consideren un mayor apoyo en xii materia económica para el Centro de Documentación para el resguardo de forma adecuada de la documentación antigua y garantizar su preservación. Entre las conclusiones se pudo constatar que las condiciones en las que se encuentra la colección antigua no son las más adecuadas y la unidad de información necesitaba un espacio separado del acervo general que reúna las condiciones óptimas para ubicar la colección antigua para su resguardo. En lo referente a las acciones de conservación, preservación y restauración de los documentos se determinó los siguientes puntos que se debe utilizar, estantería fija para que en caso de sismos los documentos no sufran deterioro por causa de caídas, fumigación del área para evitar el criadero de plagas, revisión de la documentación para constatar si hay presencia de plagas de insectos o roedores, revisar las instalaciones eléctricas como del agua, entre otros
The Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal was created as a need to cover the information demands of the personnel and citizens in electoral studies and democracy. It has an old collection of 23312 information resources in the collections of La Gaceta and Laws and Decrees. The documents are located in the area where the general collection is located, where there are different conditions that may affect the preservation of the old collection. Hence the need to create a conservation, preservation and restoration proposal that provides general guidelines for their handling and processing and guarantees their conservation and preservation. This work seeks to demonstrate the importance of protecting documents with historical value from internal and external deterioration agents, such as: pests, natural events, dust, humidity and human action. The research has two general objectives: the first is to analyze the current situation of the old collection of the Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the relevance of the collection, the physical state of the collection, causes of deterioration, and the application of conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines for the collection. The second corresponds to the design of a proposal with guidelines for the conservation, preservation and restoration of the old collection of the Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with the purpose of contributing to the protection of the documentary heritage of the institution, which will include the following actions: define the necessary conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines, determine the infrastructural, technological, economic and personnel resources, and define a strategy for the dissemination of the proposed conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines. This research adopts a mixed approach, since quantitative and qualitative methods will be used, as well as descriptive and projective methods. The sources of information were the officials of the Documentation Center, as well as the cleaning, security and maintenance personnel. On the other hand, specialists in restoration and conservation of documents were consulted. In order to prepare the proposal, information was gathered through surveys, observation and content analysis. The results of the diagnosis revealed that there are two of the oldest collections, specifically the copies of the official newspaper La Gaceta, as well as the collection of Laws and Decrees, so the research focuses on these collections. The first thing that was done was an inventory, with the objective of identifying the causes of the deterioration of these information resources, and it was found that they present: humidity, they are exposed to unregulated temperatures and artificial light. Apart from elements such as deterioration due to the use of adhesives, insects, dust, among other causes of deterioration. The storage conditions of the collection, the use of metal shelves in good condition was observed. Regarding the way of storage, the collection of Gazettes is placed horizontally, due to their size and weight, which prevents them from being damaged, while the collection of Laws and Decrees is placed vertically. For cleaning the collection area, it was decided to use a dry cloth for the shelves and furniture, but not dusters, magnetic cloths, vacuum cleaners, or damp cloths mixed with other diluents. The proposal includes instructions for the daily handling of the collections, measures for their conservation, restoration and preservation, as well as care for their reproduction and dissemination. On the other hand, it is instructed that the dissemination of the proposal should be made to the high authorities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with the purpose that they consider a greater economic support for the Documentation Center in order to adequately safeguard the old documentation and guarantee its preservation. Among the conclusions, it was found that the conditions in which the old collection is located are not the most adequate and the information unit needed a space separate from the general collection that meets the optimal conditions to house the old collection for its safekeeping. Regarding conservation, preservation and restoration actions for the documents, the following points were determined: fixed shelving so that in the event of earthquakes the documents do not suffer deterioration due to falls, fumigation of the area to avoid pest breeding grounds, review of the documentation to check for the presence of insect or rodent pests, review of the electrical and water installations, among others.
The Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal was created as a need to cover the information demands of the personnel and citizens in electoral studies and democracy. It has an old collection of 23312 information resources in the collections of La Gaceta and Laws and Decrees. The documents are located in the area where the general collection is located, where there are different conditions that may affect the preservation of the old collection. Hence the need to create a conservation, preservation and restoration proposal that provides general guidelines for their handling and processing and guarantees their conservation and preservation. This work seeks to demonstrate the importance of protecting documents with historical value from internal and external deterioration agents, such as: pests, natural events, dust, humidity and human action. The research has two general objectives: the first is to analyze the current situation of the old collection of the Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the relevance of the collection, the physical state of the collection, causes of deterioration, and the application of conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines for the collection. The second corresponds to the design of a proposal with guidelines for the conservation, preservation and restoration of the old collection of the Documentation Center of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with the purpose of contributing to the protection of the documentary heritage of the institution, which will include the following actions: define the necessary conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines, determine the infrastructural, technological, economic and personnel resources, and define a strategy for the dissemination of the proposed conservation, preservation and restoration guidelines. This research adopts a mixed approach, since quantitative and qualitative methods will be used, as well as descriptive and projective methods. The sources of information were the officials of the Documentation Center, as well as the cleaning, security and maintenance personnel. On the other hand, specialists in restoration and conservation of documents were consulted. In order to prepare the proposal, information was gathered through surveys, observation and content analysis. The results of the diagnosis revealed that there are two of the oldest collections, specifically the copies of the official newspaper La Gaceta, as well as the collection of Laws and Decrees, so the research focuses on these collections. The first thing that was done was an inventory, with the objective of identifying the causes of the deterioration of these information resources, and it was found that they present: humidity, they are exposed to unregulated temperatures and artificial light. Apart from elements such as deterioration due to the use of adhesives, insects, dust, among other causes of deterioration. The storage conditions of the collection, the use of metal shelves in good condition was observed. Regarding the way of storage, the collection of Gazettes is placed horizontally, due to their size and weight, which prevents them from being damaged, while the collection of Laws and Decrees is placed vertically. For cleaning the collection area, it was decided to use a dry cloth for the shelves and furniture, but not dusters, magnetic cloths, vacuum cleaners, or damp cloths mixed with other diluents. The proposal includes instructions for the daily handling of the collections, measures for their conservation, restoration and preservation, as well as care for their reproduction and dissemination. On the other hand, it is instructed that the dissemination of the proposal should be made to the high authorities of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, with the purpose that they consider a greater economic support for the Documentation Center in order to adequately safeguard the old documentation and guarantee its preservation. Among the conclusions, it was found that the conditions in which the old collection is located are not the most adequate and the information unit needed a space separate from the general collection that meets the optimal conditions to house the old collection for its safekeeping. Regarding conservation, preservation and restoration actions for the documents, the following points were determined: fixed shelving so that in the event of earthquakes the documents do not suffer deterioration due to falls, fumigation of the area to avoid pest breeding grounds, review of the documentation to check for the presence of insect or rodent pests, review of the electrical and water installations, among others.
Licenciatura en Bibliotecología y Documentación
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