Pasantía en medicina interna y cuidado crítico en el Hospital Veterinario de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad de Sao Paulo Brasil
Sáenz Alfaro, Natalia María
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía en el área de pequeños animales del Hospital Veterinario de la
Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil
(HOVET-USP), con una duración de 16 semanas. Se realizaron un total de 620 horas de
trabajo comenzando el primero de marzo y finalizando el 31 de junio del 2018.
El periodo de la práctica se dividió de la siguiente manera: Una rotación de ocho
semanas de duración en el Servicio de Medicina Interna (MI) y otra rotación de ocho
semanas en el Servicio de Pronta Atención Médica Crítica (PAM C).
Durante la pasantía se atendieron en total 1285 pacientes entre caninos y felinos en el
HOVET- USP de los cuales 216 casos fueron atendidos por la pasante con el
acompañamiento de los doctores contratados y residentes a cargo.
En el presente documento se describe la dinámica de trabajo a lo largo de los respectivos
servicios del HOVET-USP y las labores que desempeñó la pasante.
El reporte se hará mediante un reporte estadístico descriptivo de la casuística del
Hospital y se desarrollarán dos de los casos más relevantes uno en clínica y otro en
cuidado crítico.
El primer caso es sobre cetoacidosis diabética en una hembra Dachshund de 12 años, la
cual después del uso crónico de corticoesteroides para el tratamiento de la poliartritis
autoinmune desarrolla resistencia a la insulina y posterior Diabetes Mellitus. El segundo
caso es un Yorkshire Terrier de año y seis meses que presenta shunt portosistémico
extrahepático acompañado de distintas alteraciones incluidas convulsiones, hidrocefalia y
An internship was carried out in the area of small animal medicine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo, Brazil (HOVET-USP), with duration of 16 weeks. A total of 620 hours of work were carried out beginning on March 1 and ending on June 31, 2018. The practice period was divided as follows: An eight-week rotation in the Internal Medicine Service (MI) and another rotation of eight weeks in the Service of Prompt Critical Medical Care (PAM C). During the internship a total of 1285 patients, including felines and canines, were attended in the HOVET-USP, of which 216 cases were attended by the intern with the accompaniment of the contracted doctors and residents in charge. This document describes the work dynamics along the respective HOVET-USP services and the work performed by the intern. The report will be made by means of a descriptive statistical report of the case load of the Hospital and two of the most relevant cases will be developed, one in the clinic and another one of critical clinical care. The first case is about diabetic ketoacidosis in a 12-year-old Dachshund female, who after the chronic use of corticosteroids for the treatment of autoimmune polyarthritis develops insulin resistance and subsequent Diabetes Mellitus. The second case is a Yorkshire Terrier of year and six months that presents extrahepatic portosystemic shunt accompanied by various alterations including seizures, hydrocephalus and ascites.
An internship was carried out in the area of small animal medicine of the Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the University of São Paulo, Brazil (HOVET-USP), with duration of 16 weeks. A total of 620 hours of work were carried out beginning on March 1 and ending on June 31, 2018. The practice period was divided as follows: An eight-week rotation in the Internal Medicine Service (MI) and another rotation of eight weeks in the Service of Prompt Critical Medical Care (PAM C). During the internship a total of 1285 patients, including felines and canines, were attended in the HOVET-USP, of which 216 cases were attended by the intern with the accompaniment of the contracted doctors and residents in charge. This document describes the work dynamics along the respective HOVET-USP services and the work performed by the intern. The report will be made by means of a descriptive statistical report of the case load of the Hospital and two of the most relevant cases will be developed, one in the clinic and another one of critical clinical care. The first case is about diabetic ketoacidosis in a 12-year-old Dachshund female, who after the chronic use of corticosteroids for the treatment of autoimmune polyarthritis develops insulin resistance and subsequent Diabetes Mellitus. The second case is a Yorkshire Terrier of year and six months that presents extrahepatic portosystemic shunt accompanied by various alterations including seizures, hydrocephalus and ascites.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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