Sistema de información para la automatización de las operaciones, relativas al registro y a la liquidación de embarques marítimos, en empresas consolidadoras de carga
Guerrero Palma, Reynaldo Andrés
Alfaro Gómez, Oldemar Eliécer
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Las operaciones implicadas por el registro y la liquidación de embarques en las compañías consolidadoras de carga, son diversas y requieren (le la confección de varios documentos relativos a los procesos de un embarque. Es por esto que el planteamiento (le este proyecto de graduación es relevante, ya que a nivel nacional se carece de sistemas de información para el apoyo de este tipo de operaciones.
Este trabajo se presenta con el fin de proponer un sistema informático web desarrollado en Java con gestor de base de datos MySQL, para automatizar las operaciones relativas al registro y liquidación de embarques marítimos. El objetivo principal es, no solamente desarrollar el sistema sino también implantarlo en la compañía Logística Interoceánica S.A., para así probar su funcionalidad y que éste sea de beneficio para la empresa.
Logística Interoceánica S.A., o CRBOX como es su nombre comercial. tiene como misión dar a sus clientes el mejor y más completo servicio personalizado de transporte de paquetes y carga general desde Estados Unidos y el mundo, a fin de satisfacer todos los requerimientos y necesidades de los mismos. Su misión consiste en ser para sus clientes y para el mercado costarricense la más eficaz y eficiente opción dc transporte y manejo de paquetes desde los Estados Unidos a Costa Rica y de transporte general de carga de los diferentes orígenes que la empresa igualmente ofrece.
Este trabajo describe de forma específica la manera en que se desarrollará el sistema para el registro y liquidación de embarques marítimos, que será implantado en la empresa Logística Interoceánica S.A. Al finalizar el documento se pretende que el lector entienda las implicaciones de realizar este trabajo y el beneficio que representa para la empresa en que se implantará, así como la relevancia que tiene el mismo al ser un producto del cual hay mucho desconocimiento a nivel nacional.
El contenido de este proyecto se estructura de la siguiente forma:
Capítulo I — Introducción: En este apartado podrá encontrar información que lo introduce en la problemática que da pie al desarrollo del proyecto, los hechos justificantes, así como los objetivos primarios a desarrollar y las limitantes encontradas con su desarrollo.
Capítulo II - Marco Teórico: En este apartado podrá encontrar detalladamente los antecedentes en los cuales se desarrolla el proyecto. la misión y visión de la empresa. De la misma forma, se presentará una explicación detallada del marco conceptual que dio origen al desarrollo del proyecto, junto con una descripción de la metodología que se empleó en el desarrollo del sistema.
Capítulo III —Procedimiento Metodológico: En este apartado podrá hallar la explicación y el detalle de la metodología de desarrollo a utilizar para la ejecución de este proyecto en todas sus etapas.
Capítulo IV - Análisis de Factibilidad v Riesgos: En este apartado se presenta la factibilidad para el desarrollo del sistema. De la misma forma, se presenta un análisis de los posibles riesgos que pudieron afectar el desarrollo e implementación del sistema.
Capítulo V - Análisis Retrospectivo: En este apartado se expone la experiencia adquirida en el desarrollo del proyecto y cómo se dio solución a los objetivos planteados en el capítulo I.
Capítulo VI - Conclusiones v Recomendaciones: Este apartado contiene las conclusiones obtenidas con el desarrollo del proyecto y las recomendaciones surgidas del mismo.
Glosario: Este apartado presenta una definición de los principales términos técnicos inmersos en el documento que le permitirá tener al lector una perspectiva conceptual más amplia del proyecto.
Bibliografía: Este apartado contiene la información de las fuentes documentales sobre las cuales se sustenta el proyecto.
Anexo: Este apartado contiene información relativa al proyecto.
The operations implied by the registration and liquidation of shipments in cargo consolidating companies are diverse and require (the preparation of various documents related to the processes of a shipment. This is why the approach (le this graduation project is relevant, since at the national level there is a lack of information systems to support this type of operation. This work is presented in order to propose a web computer system developed in Java with a MySQL database manager, to automate the operations related to the registration and liquidation of maritime shipments. The main objective is not only to develop the system but also to implement it in the company Logística Interoceánica S.A., in order to test its functionality and that it is of benefit to the company. Logística Interoceánica S.A., or CRBOX as it is its trade name. Its mission is to provide its clients with the best and most complete personalized service for transporting packages and general cargo from the United States and the world, in order to satisfy all their requirements and needs. Its mission is to be for its clients and for the Costa Rican market the most effective and efficient option for transportation and handling of packages from the United States to Costa Rica and for general cargo transportation from the different origins that the company also offers. This work specifically describes the way in which the system for the registration and settlement of maritime shipments will be developed, which will be implemented in the company Logística Interoceánica S.A. At the end of the document, it is intended that the reader understand the implications of carrying out this work and the benefit it represents for the company in which it will be implemented, as well as the relevance that it has as it is a product of which there is much ignorance at the national level. The content of this project is structured as follows: Chapter I — Introduction: In this section you can find information that introduces you to the problems that give rise to the development of the project, the supporting facts, as well as the primary objectives to be developed and the limitations encountered with its development. Chapter II - Theoretical Framework: In this section you can find the background in which the project is developed in detail. the mission and vision of the company. In the same way, a detailed explanation of the conceptual framework that gave rise to the development of the project will be presented, together with a description of the methodology that was used in the development of the system. Chapter III —Methodological Procedure: In this section you can find the explanation and detail of the development methodology to be used for the execution of this project in all its stages. Chapter IV - Feasibility and Risk Analysis: This section presents the feasibility for the development of the system. In the same way, an analysis of the possible risks that could affect the development and implementation of the system is presented. Chapter V - Retrospective Analysis: This section exposes the experience acquired in the development of the project and how the objectives set out in chapter I were solved. Chapter VI - Conclusions and Recommendations: This section contains the conclusions obtained with the development of the project and the recommendations arising from it. Glossary: This section presents a definition of the main technical terms included in the document that will allow the reader to have a broader conceptual perspective of the project. Bibliography: This section contains information from the documentary sources on which the project is based. Annex: This section contains information related to the project.
The operations implied by the registration and liquidation of shipments in cargo consolidating companies are diverse and require (the preparation of various documents related to the processes of a shipment. This is why the approach (le this graduation project is relevant, since at the national level there is a lack of information systems to support this type of operation. This work is presented in order to propose a web computer system developed in Java with a MySQL database manager, to automate the operations related to the registration and liquidation of maritime shipments. The main objective is not only to develop the system but also to implement it in the company Logística Interoceánica S.A., in order to test its functionality and that it is of benefit to the company. Logística Interoceánica S.A., or CRBOX as it is its trade name. Its mission is to provide its clients with the best and most complete personalized service for transporting packages and general cargo from the United States and the world, in order to satisfy all their requirements and needs. Its mission is to be for its clients and for the Costa Rican market the most effective and efficient option for transportation and handling of packages from the United States to Costa Rica and for general cargo transportation from the different origins that the company also offers. This work specifically describes the way in which the system for the registration and settlement of maritime shipments will be developed, which will be implemented in the company Logística Interoceánica S.A. At the end of the document, it is intended that the reader understand the implications of carrying out this work and the benefit it represents for the company in which it will be implemented, as well as the relevance that it has as it is a product of which there is much ignorance at the national level. The content of this project is structured as follows: Chapter I — Introduction: In this section you can find information that introduces you to the problems that give rise to the development of the project, the supporting facts, as well as the primary objectives to be developed and the limitations encountered with its development. Chapter II - Theoretical Framework: In this section you can find the background in which the project is developed in detail. the mission and vision of the company. In the same way, a detailed explanation of the conceptual framework that gave rise to the development of the project will be presented, together with a description of the methodology that was used in the development of the system. Chapter III —Methodological Procedure: In this section you can find the explanation and detail of the development methodology to be used for the execution of this project in all its stages. Chapter IV - Feasibility and Risk Analysis: This section presents the feasibility for the development of the system. In the same way, an analysis of the possible risks that could affect the development and implementation of the system is presented. Chapter V - Retrospective Analysis: This section exposes the experience acquired in the development of the project and how the objectives set out in chapter I were solved. Chapter VI - Conclusions and Recommendations: This section contains the conclusions obtained with the development of the project and the recommendations arising from it. Glossary: This section presents a definition of the main technical terms included in the document that will allow the reader to have a broader conceptual perspective of the project. Bibliography: This section contains information from the documentary sources on which the project is based. Annex: This section contains information related to the project.
Guerrero Palma, R. A. y Alfaro Gómez O. E. (2010). Sistema de información para la automatización de las operaciones, relativas al registro y a la liquidación de embarques marítimos, en empresas consolidadoras de carga. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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