Efecto del compost y condiciones agroecológicas sobre la concentración de polifenoles de mora (Rubus adenotrichos Schtdl) en dos localidades de Costa Rica
López Abarca, Ronald Saúl
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias
En los últimos años se ha demostrado que los polifenoles presentes en las moras criollas
costarricenses son estimuladores de actividades biológicas tales como actividad
antimutagénica, antiviral, anticancerígena, antitumoral, quimioprotectora y antioxidante.
Sin embargo se desconoce qué factores pueden provocar fluctuaciones de dichos
compuestos en las plantas de mora. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue
evaluar el efecto del compost y variables agroclimáticas, sobre la concentración de
polifenoles en frutos de mora (Rubus adenotrichos Schtdl) variedad “Vino” en dos
escenarios agroecológicos de Costa Rica. Entre febrero de 2014 y agosto de 2015, se
estableció un experimento en la Luchita del Guarco, Cartago y otro en la Trinidad de Dota,
San José. Se evaluaron dos dosis de un abono orgánico aplicado a plantas de mora y un
control: control 0 kg (0 ton/ha/año), 5 kg (8,3 ton/ha/ año) y 15 kg (24,5 ton/ha/ año). Se
estableció un diseño de bloques al azar con 12 repeticiones en ambas localidades. La
frecuencia de aplicación de abono fue cada tres meses. Se evaluaron propiedades químicas
de los suelos a los 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 18 meses después de aplicado el compost, así como
propiedades microbiológicas a los 6, 12 y 18 meses. Se registró la temperatura, humedad
relativa y radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR) diaria en cada finca, mediante sensores
climatológicos. Se analizó la disponibilidad de nutrientes en el follaje, mediante muestreos
un mes antes de los picos de producción (entre febrero y abril de cada año). Se
determinaron propiedades físicas y químicas de las frutas: humedad, pH, grados Brix (°Bx),
acidez titulable y concentración de antocianinas y elagitaninos. Se evaluó la calidad del
abono orgánico utilizado en campo, mediante un análisis químico, comparándolo a este con
otros tres abonos orgánicos de fabricación diferente. Además se realizó un bioensayo en
invernadero con una planta indicadora del aporte de nutrimentos del compost y los otros
abonos. Los resultados indicaron que las dosis de abono aplicadas no mostraron efecto
significativo (P>0,05) sobre las propiedades físicas y químicas en los frutos de mora, ni
sobre los nutrimentos a nivel foliar en ninguna de las localidades. El aumento de
elagitaninos y grados Brix (°Bx) en la Trinidad, estuvo ligado a suelos ácidos con
concentraciones altas de K, P, Cu, Zn y Fe, así como a altos porcentajes de materia
orgánica e indicadores microbiológicos igualmente altos. La Luchita se caracterizó por
presentar frutos con mayor porcentaje de humedad y acidez en base seca, mientras la
Trinidad se caracterizó por mostrar frutos con mayor cantidad de sólidos solubles y
concentración de polifenoles. El aumento en polifenoles también estuvo ligado
positivamente a características agroclimáticas como: mayor elevación (m.s.n.m) y alta
radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR), pero bajos porcentajes de humedad relativa y
baja temperatura, así como a periodos de estrés hídrico. El bioensayo que se realizó para
mostrar la calidad del abono utilizado, reveló que este no proporcionó la calidad nutricional
esperada, según los elementos antes mencionados, con efecto positivo sobre los polifenoles
en frutos mora, siendo los otros sustratos evaluados significativamente superiores
(P<0,005) en comparación al compost utilizado en campo.
In recent years, polyphenols found in native berries of Costa Rica have proved to be stimulators of biological activity such as antimutagenic, antiviral, anticancer, antitumor, antioxidant and chemopreventive. What factors cause fluctuations of such compounds in blackberries are yet unknown. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of compost and agroclimatic variables on the concentration of polyphenols in blackberry fruits (Rubus adenotrichos Schtdl) Vino variety at two agroecological scenarios of Costa Rica. One field trial was conducted at La Luchita del Guarco, Cartago and another at La Trinidad de Dota, San José from february 2014 to august 2015. Two doses of an organic fertilizer and a control were evaluated: control 0 kg/plant (0 ton/ha/year), 5 (8,3 ton/ha/year) and 15 (24,5 ton/ha/year). A randomized blocks design with 12 replicates at both locations was established. The application frequency was once every three months during 18 months. Chemical and microbiological properties of soils were evaluated at 0, 3, 6, 12, 15, 18 and 6, 12, 18 months respectively after the compost applications. Temperature, relative humidity and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were daily recorded in each farm by weather sensors. Availability of nutrients in the leaves was analyzed by sampling a month before peak production (from february to april each year). Physical and chemical properties of fruits were evaluated: moisture, pH, degrees Brix, titratable acidity and concentration of anthocyanins and ellagitannins. Quality of the organic fertilizer was determined by chemical analysis, comparing this with three different manufacturing organic fertilizers. Plus greenhouse bioassays performed with a compost and nutrient supply indicator plant. The results indicated that the dosses of the fertilizer applied showed no significant effect (P>0.05) on the chemical and physical properties of blackberry fruits, or on the leaves nutrient levels at both locations. The increase in ellagitannins and degrees Brix appeared to be linked to acid soils with high concentrations of K, P, Cu, Zn and Fe, as well as high percentages of organic matter and equally high microbiological indicators. La Luchita was characterized by fruits with the highest percentage of moisture and acidity on dry basis, while La Trinidad was characterized by fruits with the highest amount of soluble solids and highest concentration of polyphenols. The increase in polyphenols also seems to be positively linked to agroclimatic features such as higher elevation (MASL) and higher photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), but low percentages of relative humidity and low temperature, as well as periods of water stress. The bioassay conducted showed that the quality of the fertilizer used, did not provide the expected nutritional quality according to the aforementioned elements, with positive on the fruits polyphenols, and the other substrates evaluated were significantly superior (P<0.005) than compost.
In recent years, polyphenols found in native berries of Costa Rica have proved to be stimulators of biological activity such as antimutagenic, antiviral, anticancer, antitumor, antioxidant and chemopreventive. What factors cause fluctuations of such compounds in blackberries are yet unknown. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of compost and agroclimatic variables on the concentration of polyphenols in blackberry fruits (Rubus adenotrichos Schtdl) Vino variety at two agroecological scenarios of Costa Rica. One field trial was conducted at La Luchita del Guarco, Cartago and another at La Trinidad de Dota, San José from february 2014 to august 2015. Two doses of an organic fertilizer and a control were evaluated: control 0 kg/plant (0 ton/ha/year), 5 (8,3 ton/ha/year) and 15 (24,5 ton/ha/year). A randomized blocks design with 12 replicates at both locations was established. The application frequency was once every three months during 18 months. Chemical and microbiological properties of soils were evaluated at 0, 3, 6, 12, 15, 18 and 6, 12, 18 months respectively after the compost applications. Temperature, relative humidity and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were daily recorded in each farm by weather sensors. Availability of nutrients in the leaves was analyzed by sampling a month before peak production (from february to april each year). Physical and chemical properties of fruits were evaluated: moisture, pH, degrees Brix, titratable acidity and concentration of anthocyanins and ellagitannins. Quality of the organic fertilizer was determined by chemical analysis, comparing this with three different manufacturing organic fertilizers. Plus greenhouse bioassays performed with a compost and nutrient supply indicator plant. The results indicated that the dosses of the fertilizer applied showed no significant effect (P>0.05) on the chemical and physical properties of blackberry fruits, or on the leaves nutrient levels at both locations. The increase in ellagitannins and degrees Brix appeared to be linked to acid soils with high concentrations of K, P, Cu, Zn and Fe, as well as high percentages of organic matter and equally high microbiological indicators. La Luchita was characterized by fruits with the highest percentage of moisture and acidity on dry basis, while La Trinidad was characterized by fruits with the highest amount of soluble solids and highest concentration of polyphenols. The increase in polyphenols also seems to be positively linked to agroclimatic features such as higher elevation (MASL) and higher photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), but low percentages of relative humidity and low temperature, as well as periods of water stress. The bioassay conducted showed that the quality of the fertilizer used, did not provide the expected nutritional quality according to the aforementioned elements, with positive on the fruits polyphenols, and the other substrates evaluated were significantly superior (P<0.005) than compost.
Palabras clave
López-Abarca, R. (2016). Efecto del compost y condiciones agroecológicas sobre la concentración de polifenoles de mora (Rubus adenotrichos Schtdl) en dos localidades de Costa Rica. (Tesis de Licenciatura en Ingeniería Agronómica). Universidad Nacional