Práctica dirigida en cirugía de tejidos blandos en especies menores con la Dra. Tahiana Vargas Jiménez en clínicas veterinarias del Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica
Aguirres Cordero, Jordan Daniel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una práctica dirigida en cirugía de tejidos blandos con la Dra. Tahiana
Vargas Jiménez, en 33 clínicas veterinarias del Gran Área Metropolitana, Costa Rica,
del 03 de enero al 09 de mayo de 2022. Durante este periodo, se asistió en 145 cirugías
de tejidos blandos, de las cuales 123 (84.8%) fueron en caninos, 19 (13.1%) en felinos
y tres (2.1%) en otras especies. Las intervenciones en el sistema reproductor fueron
las más frecuentes con 42 (29.0%) procedimientos realizados, seguido de las cirugías
por motivos oncológicos con 35 (24.1%) operaciones.
Esta experiencia permitió desarrollar destrezas quirúrgicas en cirugía de tejidos
blandos en especies menores, asistiendo en los procedimientos desde el preoperatorio
hasta el transoperatorio, analizando de forma integral los resultados del examen físico
y pruebas colaterales realizados a los pacientes, aplicando los procesos de limpieza y
asepsia, así como discerniendo cuales eran los instrumentos más apropiados para
cada caso.
En el presente trabajo se describe la dinámica de trabajo apoyada con estadística
descriptiva de la casuística abordada en los diferentes centros médicos.
Adicionalmente, se complementa con el desarrollo y discusión de un caso clínico
correspondiente a una neoureterostomía bilateral por la presencia de uréter ectópico
bilateral, de especial interés debido a su complejidad, abordaje y poca casuística
reportada en Trabajos Finales de Graduación de Costa Rica.
A guided practice in soft tissue surgery was carried out with Dr. Tahiana Vargas Jiménez, in 33 veterinary clinics from the Great Metropolitan Area, Costa Rica, from January 3rd to May 9th, 2022. During this period, 145 soft tissue surgeries were performed, 123 (84.8%) of which were done in canines, 19 (13.1%) in felines, and three (2.1%) in other species. The interventions to the reproductive system were the most addressed with 42 (29.0%) procedures performed, followed by 35 (24.6%) surgeries due to oncological motives. This experience enhances the development of surgical skills in soft tissue surgery in small animals in the student, assisting in the procedures from the pre-surgical to the trans-surgical periods, analyzing the results of the physical examination and collateral test made to the patients with an integral perspective, applying the cleaning and asepsis process and discerning which instruments were the most appropriated for each case. The work dynamics supported with descriptive qualitative statistics of the casuistry addressed in the different medical centers is presented in this document. Additionally, it is complemented with the development and discussion of a clinical case corresponding to a bilateral neoureterostomy due to the presence of a bilateral ectopic ureter, which is of special interest due to its complexity, approach and scarce casuistry reported in final dissertations in Costa Rica.
A guided practice in soft tissue surgery was carried out with Dr. Tahiana Vargas Jiménez, in 33 veterinary clinics from the Great Metropolitan Area, Costa Rica, from January 3rd to May 9th, 2022. During this period, 145 soft tissue surgeries were performed, 123 (84.8%) of which were done in canines, 19 (13.1%) in felines, and three (2.1%) in other species. The interventions to the reproductive system were the most addressed with 42 (29.0%) procedures performed, followed by 35 (24.6%) surgeries due to oncological motives. This experience enhances the development of surgical skills in soft tissue surgery in small animals in the student, assisting in the procedures from the pre-surgical to the trans-surgical periods, analyzing the results of the physical examination and collateral test made to the patients with an integral perspective, applying the cleaning and asepsis process and discerning which instruments were the most appropriated for each case. The work dynamics supported with descriptive qualitative statistics of the casuistry addressed in the different medical centers is presented in this document. Additionally, it is complemented with the development and discussion of a clinical case corresponding to a bilateral neoureterostomy due to the presence of a bilateral ectopic ureter, which is of special interest due to its complexity, approach and scarce casuistry reported in final dissertations in Costa Rica.
Modalidad: Práctica dirigida
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