Evaluación de un proyecto de fertilidad del cultivo de Pargo de la Mancha (Lutjanus gutattus) en jaulas en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica.
Sotela Sanabria, Alejandro
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El Golfo de Nicoya, considerado como un gran estuario tropical, ha sido sometido en la última década a diferentes tipo de presiones externas, como: explotación indiscriminada de sus recursos hidrobiológicos, influencia de varias fuentes de contaminación y destrucción de hábitat tan importantes como los manglares, aspectos que han provocado un evidente deterioro en las cadenas alimenticias que en él se dan. El cultivo de pargo de la mancha (Lutjanus gutattus) en jaulas, podría ser buena alternativa para mitigar esos efectos y con ello, obtener beneficios a nivel social, económico y ecológico. Por esto se pretende evaluar su factibilidad financiera. El proyecto incluye estudios de mercado, técnico, económico y una evaluación económica para tres modelos de cultivos: para una familia, para una asociación y para una empresa consolidada. El producto será ofrecido al mercado fresco, entero y eviscerado, con un peso aproximado a los 680 g. La demanda del producto se ha determinado como insatisfecha, de bien social, continua y de bien intermedio. La oferta de competitiva con tendencia al mercado libre. El precio nacional es de $2.52 y el de exportación $4.73. La localización recomendable para este tipo de cultivo es la zona de Paquera, aunque la zona entre las islas Chira, Bejuco y Venado también reúnen buenas condiciones. El estudio económico revela la factibilidad del modelo empresarial, no así de los modelos familiar y de asociación. Si estos últimos logran obtener mejores precios de venta y bajar costos administrativos y operacionales, alcanzarían su rentabilidad. El análisis de sensibilidad demuestra que el precio de venta, es la variable que más podría influir en que los tres modelos de cultivo lleguen o dejen de ser rentables.
The Gulf of Nicoya, considered a large tropical estuary, has been subjected in the last decade to different types of external pressures, such as: indiscriminate exploitation of its hydrobiological resources, influence of various sources of pollution and destruction of habitats as important as mangroves , aspects that have caused an obvious deterioration in the food chains that occur in it. The cultivation of red snapper (Lutjanus gutattus) in cages could be a good alternative to mitigate these effects and thus obtain benefits at a social, economic and ecological level. For this reason, it is intended to evaluate its financial feasibility. The project includes market, technical, economic studies and an economic evaluation for three crop models: for a family, for an association and for a consolidated company. The product will be offered to the fresh market, whole and gutted, with an approximate weight of 680 g. The demand for the product has been determined as unsatisfied, of social good, continuous and intermediate good. The supply of competitive with a tendency to the free market. The national price is $ 2.52 and the export price is $ 4.73. The recommended location for this type of cultivation is the Paquera area, although the area between the Chira, Bejuco and Venado islands also meet good conditions. The economic study reveals the feasibility of the business model, not the family and association models. If the latter manage to obtain better sales prices and lower administrative and operational costs, they would reach their profitability. The sensitivity analysis shows that the sale price is the variable that could most influence the three cultivation models to become or cease to be profitable.
The Gulf of Nicoya, considered a large tropical estuary, has been subjected in the last decade to different types of external pressures, such as: indiscriminate exploitation of its hydrobiological resources, influence of various sources of pollution and destruction of habitats as important as mangroves , aspects that have caused an obvious deterioration in the food chains that occur in it. The cultivation of red snapper (Lutjanus gutattus) in cages could be a good alternative to mitigate these effects and thus obtain benefits at a social, economic and ecological level. For this reason, it is intended to evaluate its financial feasibility. The project includes market, technical, economic studies and an economic evaluation for three crop models: for a family, for an association and for a consolidated company. The product will be offered to the fresh market, whole and gutted, with an approximate weight of 680 g. The demand for the product has been determined as unsatisfied, of social good, continuous and intermediate good. The supply of competitive with a tendency to the free market. The national price is $ 2.52 and the export price is $ 4.73. The recommended location for this type of cultivation is the Paquera area, although the area between the Chira, Bejuco and Venado islands also meet good conditions. The economic study reveals the feasibility of the business model, not the family and association models. If the latter manage to obtain better sales prices and lower administrative and operational costs, they would reach their profitability. The sensitivity analysis shows that the sale price is the variable that could most influence the three cultivation models to become or cease to be profitable.
Sotela, Sanabria A. (2000). Evaluación de un proyecto de fertilidad del cultivo de Pargo de la Mancha (Lutjanus gutattus) en jaulas en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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