Impacto de la certificación ISO 9000 en las exportaciones y en la competitividad de las grandes empresas de Costa Rica
Cavaliere de Nava, Ángela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El proceso de liberalización que se ha venido desarrollando en el sistema de comercio internacional en los últimos veinte años, ha permitido que éste se configure como un sistema más abierto y con unas reglas de juego más claras y precisas. La continua eliminación de las barreras arancelarias y la ampliación del espectro de temas apuntan hacia esa dirección.
La liberalización comercial reviste especial importancia para los países en desarrollo, como Costa Rica, en virtud de los beneficios que éstos derivarían al incrementar su participación en el comercio internacional.
Dentro de la nueva dinámica de ese comercio, también ha sido modificada sustancialmente la forma de competir de los países empresas en los mercados internacionales. La competitividad se ha tornado así en una estrategia determinante para competir con éxito en esos mercados, y como componente de ésta, la calidad ha adquirido particular relevancia
Sin embargo, en virtud de los altos niveles de competencia y de la sustitución del proteccionismo tradicional por un nuevo proteccionismo, caracterizado por la aplicación de barreras no arancelarias, se discute si los procesos para la evaluación de la conformidad, también llamados modelos para el aseguramiento de la calidad, estarían siendo empleados como obstáculos para frenar el ingreso de las importaciones de países en desarrollo a los mercados internacionales.
En la presente investigación se intentará determinar si la certificación ISO 9000, como modelo para el aseguramiento de la calidad, ha mejorado los niveles de exportaciones y de la competitividad de las grandes empresas certificadas del sector industrial de Costa Rica: si dicho modelo estaría actuando como barrera técnica en contra de las exportaciones de esas empresas finalmente si los costos de esa certificación afectan particularmente a las empresas pequeñas y medianas del país.
En consecuencia, esta investigación tendrá COMO objetivos conocer las normas y la certificación ISO 9000; analizar la importancia de la participación de los países en desarrollo, como Costa Rica, en el comercio internacional: identificar y evaluar los efectos de la certificación ISO 9000 en las exportaciones y en la competitividad de las grandes empresas certificadas con ISO 9000 en Costa Rica: comparar la incidencia de la certificación ISO 9000 en las grandes empresas certificadas de Costa Rica, comparar la incidencia en empresas de otros países en desarrollo y en las pequeñas y medianas empresas certificadas de Costa Rica; y determinar si la certificación ISO 9000 es empleada como una barrera técnica en contra de las exportaciones de las empresas grandes del sector industrial de Costa Rica.
The process of liberalization that has been developing within the international trade system in the last twenty years, has enable itself lo widely evolve into a more open system with much more clear and precise rules for the game. The progressive elimination of tariffs barriers and the expansion within the spectrum of subjects all point toward that direction. The trade liberation is highly important for developing countries such as Costa Rica, by reason of the possible benefits, which may result from an increment in their participation in the international trade. Also, within the new dynamics of this trade, the countries or participating enterprises have substantiallv modified their performance in International markets. Competitiveness has developed into a significant strategy indispensable to compete with success in such markets, and as an element, quality has acquire particular relevancy. However, due to the high levels of competence and to the substitution of the traditional protectionism for a modern one, characterized by the application of non-tariff barriers, there is a discussion about if whether the conformity assessment procedures, also called models for quality quarantee, would be being used as obstacles in order to stop theaccess of exports of developing countries into the international markets. The present investigation intends to determine if the ISO 9000 Certification, as a model for quality quarantee, has improved the levels of exports and of the competitiveness within the big certified enterprises of the industrial sector in Costa Rica, if such model would be acting as a technical barrier against exports of these companies, and finally, if the cost of that Certification particularly affects small and middle companies in the country. As a result, the objectives of this investigation will be to learn about the standards and the ISO 9000 Certification; to analyze the importance in the participation of developing countries, such as Costa Rica, in the international trade; to identify and evaluate the effects of the ISO 9000 Certification in exports and within the competitiveness of the great enterprises certified with ISO 9000 in Costa Rica; to Compare the incidence of the Certification ISO 9000 in the great enterprises in Costa Rica with the incidence in enterprises of other developing countries and in small and middle companies certified in Costa Rica; and finally, to determine if the Certification ISO 9000 is being used as a technical barrier against the exports of the big companies of the industrial sector in Costa Rica.
The process of liberalization that has been developing within the international trade system in the last twenty years, has enable itself lo widely evolve into a more open system with much more clear and precise rules for the game. The progressive elimination of tariffs barriers and the expansion within the spectrum of subjects all point toward that direction. The trade liberation is highly important for developing countries such as Costa Rica, by reason of the possible benefits, which may result from an increment in their participation in the international trade. Also, within the new dynamics of this trade, the countries or participating enterprises have substantiallv modified their performance in International markets. Competitiveness has developed into a significant strategy indispensable to compete with success in such markets, and as an element, quality has acquire particular relevancy. However, due to the high levels of competence and to the substitution of the traditional protectionism for a modern one, characterized by the application of non-tariff barriers, there is a discussion about if whether the conformity assessment procedures, also called models for quality quarantee, would be being used as obstacles in order to stop theaccess of exports of developing countries into the international markets. The present investigation intends to determine if the ISO 9000 Certification, as a model for quality quarantee, has improved the levels of exports and of the competitiveness within the big certified enterprises of the industrial sector in Costa Rica, if such model would be acting as a technical barrier against exports of these companies, and finally, if the cost of that Certification particularly affects small and middle companies in the country. As a result, the objectives of this investigation will be to learn about the standards and the ISO 9000 Certification; to analyze the importance in the participation of developing countries, such as Costa Rica, in the international trade; to identify and evaluate the effects of the ISO 9000 Certification in exports and within the competitiveness of the great enterprises certified with ISO 9000 in Costa Rica; to Compare the incidence of the Certification ISO 9000 in the great enterprises in Costa Rica with the incidence in enterprises of other developing countries and in small and middle companies certified in Costa Rica; and finally, to determine if the Certification ISO 9000 is being used as a technical barrier against the exports of the big companies of the industrial sector in Costa Rica.
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