Manejo quirúrgico del trauma músculo esquelético en especies menores
Brown Centeno, Michelle
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La pasantía fue realizada en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad
Nacional, ubicado en Barreal de Heredia, Costa Rica, durante los meses de Mayo hasta
Setiembre del 2009.
Durante la pasantía de 4 meses se evaluaron un total de 902 pacientes tanto caninos como
felinos. De ellos, 262 pacientes presentaron trauma músculo esquelético, de los cuales 140
(53.4%) fueron sometidos a diversos procedimientos quirúrgicos.
Los diferentes diagnósticos fueron: fracturas, luxaciones, ruptura de ligamento cruzado
anterior, avulsión del plexo braquial y quemadura en miembro anterior.
Setenta fracturas fueron diagnosticadas; éstas se clasificaron de acuerdo con el hueso afectado
en: fracturas mandíbulo-maxilares, humerales, radio-ulnares, carpales, metacarpofalángicas,
pélvicas, sacro-ilíacas, femorales, tibio-fíbulares, tarsales y metatarsofalángicas.
De igual forma se clasificaron las luxaciones en: luxación de hombro, codo, coxofemoral,
sacro-ilíaca, lumbo-sacra, patelar y tibio-tarsal.
Las principales resoluciones quirúrgicas consistieron en uso de pines endomedulares, alambre
ortopédico, fijaciones esqueléticas externas, tornillos, alambre sintético más la sutura de
imbricación extracapsular para reparar la ruptura de ligamento cruzado, trocleoplastía más la
transposición de la tuberosidad tibial para reparar la luxación de patela y amputaciones.
The pasanty was conducted at the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres of the Universidad Nacional, located in Barreal de Heredia in Costa Rica, during the months of May through September 2009. During the 4 months pasanty a total of 902 canine and feline patients were evaluated. Of these 262 showed musculoskeletal trauma, out of which 140 (53.4%) underwent different types of surgical procedures. The different diagnoses included fractures, luxations, cranial cruciate ligament rupture, braquial plexus avulsion and burn forelimb. Seventy fractures were diagnosed, they were classified according to the affected or fractured bone in: maxillary-mandibular, humeral, radial and ulnar, carpal, metacarpalphalangeal, pelvic, sacroiliac, femoral, tibial and fibular, tarsal and metatarsalphalangeal fractures. Luxations were classified in: shoulder, elbow, hip, sacroiliac, lumbo-sacral, patellar and tibiotarsal luxations. The main implants used were intramedullary pins, orthopedic wire, external skeletal fixation, screws, synthetic wire and extracapsular imbricate suture to repair the ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, trochleopasty and tibial tuberosity transfer was required in cases of patellar luxations and amputations.
The pasanty was conducted at the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres of the Universidad Nacional, located in Barreal de Heredia in Costa Rica, during the months of May through September 2009. During the 4 months pasanty a total of 902 canine and feline patients were evaluated. Of these 262 showed musculoskeletal trauma, out of which 140 (53.4%) underwent different types of surgical procedures. The different diagnoses included fractures, luxations, cranial cruciate ligament rupture, braquial plexus avulsion and burn forelimb. Seventy fractures were diagnosed, they were classified according to the affected or fractured bone in: maxillary-mandibular, humeral, radial and ulnar, carpal, metacarpalphalangeal, pelvic, sacroiliac, femoral, tibial and fibular, tarsal and metatarsalphalangeal fractures. Luxations were classified in: shoulder, elbow, hip, sacroiliac, lumbo-sacral, patellar and tibiotarsal luxations. The main implants used were intramedullary pins, orthopedic wire, external skeletal fixation, screws, synthetic wire and extracapsular imbricate suture to repair the ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, trochleopasty and tibial tuberosity transfer was required in cases of patellar luxations and amputations.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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