Seguro de depósito: Análisis de las implicaciones para el sistema financiero costarricense e incidencia en las relaciones comerciales de intercambio.
Brenes Cerdas, German Andrés
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El seguro de depósito brinda seguridad a los países que lo implementen, dada la confianza que genera entre los diferentes actores del Sistema Financiero. A nivel mundial, y posterior a la crisis económica de 2008-2009 es que el seguro de depósito toma especial relevancia para mitigar el riesgo sistémico que generan este tipo de fenómenos y dadas las sanas prácticas internacionales que provienen de los Comités de Basilea. En la región latinoamericana destacan países como Colombia y México con robustos sistemas de seguro de depósito y resolución bancaria. En el caso de Costa Rica han existido diferentes esfuerzos mediante proyectos de ley para la implementación de fondo de seguros de depósito, dado el proceso que mantiene el país para ser miembro activo de la OCDE, sin embargo por diferentes factores no ha sido posible su aprobación en la Asamblea Legislativa.
Deposit insurance provides security to the countries that implement it, given the trust it generates among the different actors of the Financial Systems. Globally, and after the economic crisis of 2008-2009 is that deposit insurance takes on special relevance to mitigate the systemic risk generated by this type of phenomena and given the healthy international practices that come from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In the Latin American region, countries such as Colombia and Mexico stand out with robust deposit insurance and bank resolution systems. In the case of Costa Rica, there have been different efforts through bills for the implementation of deposit insurance fund, given the process that keeps the country to be an active member of the OECD, however due to different factors its approval has not been possible in the Legislative Assembly.
Deposit insurance provides security to the countries that implement it, given the trust it generates among the different actors of the Financial Systems. Globally, and after the economic crisis of 2008-2009 is that deposit insurance takes on special relevance to mitigate the systemic risk generated by this type of phenomena and given the healthy international practices that come from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. In the Latin American region, countries such as Colombia and Mexico stand out with robust deposit insurance and bank resolution systems. In the case of Costa Rica, there have been different efforts through bills for the implementation of deposit insurance fund, given the process that keeps the country to be an active member of the OECD, however due to different factors its approval has not been possible in the Legislative Assembly.
Trabajo Final de Graduación en Maestría en Gerencia del Comercio Internacional (MGCI)
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