Efecto de un residuo de prolina en la posición de la estructura primaria de una actjnoporina obtenida de la anémona marina Anthopleura nigrescens (Verril, 1928)
Luna Miranda, Jairo
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Las actinoporinas son toxinas formadoras de poros producidas por las anémonas marinas, rondan los 20 kDa, son básicas, la mayoría carecen de cisteína en su estructura y pertenecen a una familia multigénica por lo que son producidas distintas isoformas por una misma anémona. Para la formación de poros es importante la hélice α cercana al amino terminal, al igual que los primeros 30 residuos cercanos a este sitio. En el año 2012 se reportó por primera vez la presencia de la especie Anthopleura nigrescens en Costa Rica. Empleando técnicas de biología molecular se identificaron alrededor de cuatro isoformas de actinoporina producidas por esta especie y se logró clonar, expresar, purificar y caracterizar a nivel molecular y funcional una de estas isoformas (nigrelisina, Ng). En las isoformas de esta toxina se encontraron alrededor de tres secuencias con un residuo de prolina en la posición dos, captando la atención de los investigadores ya que la prolina es un residuo que por lo general no forma parte de hélices-α debido a que su estructura cíclica es desestabilizadora de este tipo de estructura secundaria, la cual es fundamental para la formación del poro en estas toxinas. Además, en todas las actinoporinas reportadas a la fecha no se había encontrado ninguna con este residuo en su amino terminal. Partiendo de estos antecedentes, para realizar esta investigación de tesis, se procedió a la obtención de un mutante de Ng con un residuo de prolina en la posición dos. Esta toxina mutada se expresó y purificó para determinar el efecto de dicho residuo sobre su actividad biológica mediante ensayos de actividad hemolítica. Acorde a las pruebas realizadas se obtuvo que la mutación conllevó a una disminución de la
actividad lítica de Ng, la cual fue evaluada mediante la determinación de su HC50.
Actinoporins are pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones, they are around 20 kDa, they are basic, most lack cysteine in their structure and belong to a multigenic family, which is why different isoforms are produced by the same anemone. The α helix near the amino terminal is important for pore formation, as are the first 30 residues near this site. In 2012, the presence of the Anthopleura nigrescens species was reported for the first time in Costa Rica. Using molecular biology techniques, around four isoforms of actinoporin produced by this species were identified and it was possible to clone, express, purify and characterize one of these isoforms (nigrelysin, Ng) at the molecular and functional level. In the isoforms of this toxin, around three sequences were found with a proline residue in position two, catching the researchers' attention since proline is a residue that is generally not part of α-helices due to its Cyclic structure is destabilizing of this type of secondary structure, which is essential for pore formation in these toxins. Furthermore, in all the actinoporins reported to date, none had been found with this residue at its amino terminus. Starting from these antecedents, to carry out this thesis research, we proceeded to obtain a Ng mutant with a proline residue in position two. This mutated toxin was expressed and purified to determine the effect of said residue on its biological activity by hemolytic activity assays. According to the tests carried out, it was obtained that the mutation implied a decrease in the lytic activity of Ng, which was used by determining its HC50.
Actinoporins are pore-forming toxins produced by sea anemones, they are around 20 kDa, they are basic, most lack cysteine in their structure and belong to a multigenic family, which is why different isoforms are produced by the same anemone. The α helix near the amino terminal is important for pore formation, as are the first 30 residues near this site. In 2012, the presence of the Anthopleura nigrescens species was reported for the first time in Costa Rica. Using molecular biology techniques, around four isoforms of actinoporin produced by this species were identified and it was possible to clone, express, purify and characterize one of these isoforms (nigrelysin, Ng) at the molecular and functional level. In the isoforms of this toxin, around three sequences were found with a proline residue in position two, catching the researchers' attention since proline is a residue that is generally not part of α-helices due to its Cyclic structure is destabilizing of this type of secondary structure, which is essential for pore formation in these toxins. Furthermore, in all the actinoporins reported to date, none had been found with this residue at its amino terminus. Starting from these antecedents, to carry out this thesis research, we proceeded to obtain a Ng mutant with a proline residue in position two. This mutated toxin was expressed and purified to determine the effect of said residue on its biological activity by hemolytic activity assays. According to the tests carried out, it was obtained that the mutation implied a decrease in the lytic activity of Ng, which was used by determining its HC50.
Luna Miranda, J. (2019). Efecto de un residuo de prolina en la posición dos de la estructura primaria de una actinoporina obtenida de la anémona marina Anthopleura nigrescens (Verril, 1928). [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
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