Análisis del diseño y formulación de los programas de cursos de la Universidad Nacional Sede Regional Brunca
Gamboa Martínez, Alexander
Madrigal Villanueva, Erick
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Editorial Universidad Nacional
Este artículo analiza los postulados más recurrentes y significativos del diseño y la formulación en los programas de los cursos de la Universidad Nacional Sede Región Brunca. La metodología no responde a la estructura de una tesis de grado o trabajo final de graduación de una licenciatura, más bien este artículo apunta a características diferenciadas, como: su carácter interpretativo, su afán didáctico y persuasivo, su fundamento ideológico y sus pretensiones literarias. Partiendo de un artículo de opinión se pretende una relectura crítica de los programas universitarios donde se insta a los docentes a no trabajar para cumplir programas de forma mecánica y en su lugar proponer tópicos generativos enfocados a priorizar la comprensión, la independencia de juicio, la criticidad y la originalidad en los educandos. Como no se trata de una tesis de grado no se presentan resultados ni conclusiones estáticos, sino que se espera una interpretación plural de los lectores porque nadie lee el mismo artículo, sino que cada lectura de este se transforma en uno nuevo dependiendo del nivel de lecturas, visión del mundo y cultura de cada lector.
This article ams to reinterpret the most recurrent and significant postulates in the courses of the Universidad Nacional Sede Región Brunca. The methodology does not respond to the structure of a degree thesis or final work of graduation of a degree, rather this article points to differentiated characteristics, such as: its interpretative character, its didactic and persuasive desire, its ideological foundation and its literary claims. Starting from an opinion article, a critical rereading of university programs is intended, where teachers are urged not to work to fulfill programs mechanically and instead propose generative topics focused on prioritizing understanding, independence of judgment, criticality and originality in learners. As this is not a degree thesis, no static results or conclusions are presented, but a plural interpretation of the readers is expected because no one reads the same article, but each reading of it is transformed into a new one depending on the level of reading, vision of the world and culture of each reader.
This article ams to reinterpret the most recurrent and significant postulates in the courses of the Universidad Nacional Sede Región Brunca. The methodology does not respond to the structure of a degree thesis or final work of graduation of a degree, rather this article points to differentiated characteristics, such as: its interpretative character, its didactic and persuasive desire, its ideological foundation and its literary claims. Starting from an opinion article, a critical rereading of university programs is intended, where teachers are urged not to work to fulfill programs mechanically and instead propose generative topics focused on prioritizing understanding, independence of judgment, criticality and originality in learners. As this is not a degree thesis, no static results or conclusions are presented, but a plural interpretation of the readers is expected because no one reads the same article, but each reading of it is transformed into a new one depending on the level of reading, vision of the world and culture of each reader.
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