Amplitud de hábitat y su relación con la masa corporal, gremio trófico y riesgo de extinción en murciélagos filostómidos (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) de distribución continental
Carballo Morales, Jorge David
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La amplitud de hábitat representa la variación en el número de ambientes en los que una especie logra ejercer su forma de vida. Esta medida a su vez es un indicador de la tolerancia de las especies ante la variación de condiciones bióticas y abióticas que definen a los diferentes ambientes. La amplitud de hábitat se relaciona con rasgos morfológicos y ecológicos (i. e. tamaño corporal, morfología alar, distribución geográfica, abundancia local, etc.), además se ha relacionado con aspectos relevantes para la conservación de las especies como la reducción de poblaciones, reducción de la distribución geográfica y con el riesgo de extinción. A pesar de que se han realizado múltiples estudios sobre amplitud de hábitat en diferentes grupos de vertebrados, invertebrados y plantas utilizando su distribución geográfica o gran parte de esta, a la fecha ningún estudio incluye a los murciélagos como objeto de
estudio. La presente investigación utiliza a las especies con distribución continental de la familia Phyllostomidae como objeto de estudio. Esta familia es una de las más diversas entre los vertebrados, y debido a esta diversidad cumple funciones ecológicas esenciales en el neotrópico. Los objetivos de este estudio son: i) calcular la amplitud de hábitat de las especies de murciélagos filostómidos, ii) estimar la relación de la amplitud de hábitat con la masa corporal y gremio trófico, y iii) evaluar la relación entre la amplitud de hábitat y el riesgo de extinción. El análisis se realizó utilizando un enfoque macroecológico y
filogenético. La amplitud de hábitat se calculó mediante un análisis de componentes principales del número de ecorregiones ocupadas y el área de distribución geográfica de las especies. La relación de amplitud de hábitat con la masa corporal y el gremio trófico se estimó mediante regresiones filogenéticas e inferencia multimodal. Finalmente, la relación entre la amplitud de hábitat y el riesgo de extinción se evaluó mediante un análisis de varianza filogenético. Se encontró que la amplitud de hábitat es dependiente de la masa corporal y el gremio trófico, y que la amplitud de hábitat se relaciona de manera negativa con el riesgo de extinción. Esta investigación es un aporte al conocimiento ecológico de la
familia Phyllostomidae, sus resultados pueden ayudar a entender el patrón actual de su distribución geográfica y riqueza. Además, la relación negativa entre la amplitud de hábitat y el riesgo de extinción se complementa con estudios anteriores que han utilizado otros componentes del nicho, y en conjunto indican que las especies más especializadas presentan mayor riesgo de extinción.
The range of habitat represents the variation in the number of environments in which a species manages to exercise its way of life. This measure in turn is an indicator of the tolerance of the species to the variation of biotic and abiotic conditions that define the different environments. The amplitude of habitat is related to morphological and ecological traits (ie body size, wing morphology, geographic distribution, local abundance, etc.), it has also been related to relevant aspects for the conservation of species such as the reduction of populations, reduction of geographical distribution and the risk of extinction. Despite the fact that multiple studies have been carried out on the breadth of habitat in different groups of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants using their geographic distribution or a large part of it, to date no study includes bats as an object of study. The present investigation uses the species with continental distribution of the Phyllostomidae family as the object of study. This family is one of the most diverse among vertebrates, and due to this diversity it fulfills essential ecological functions in the Neotropics. The objectives of this study are: i) to calculate the range of habitat of the species of phylostomid bats, ii) to estimate the relationship of the range of habitat with body mass and trophic guild, and iii) to evaluate the relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction. The analysis was carried out using a macroecological and phylogenetic approach. The range of habitat was calculated through a principal component analysis of the number of occupied ecoregions and the geographic distribution area of the species. The relationship between habitat width and body mass and trophic guild was estimated using phylogenetic regressions and multimodal inference. Finally, the relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction was evaluated by means of a phylogenetic analysis of variance. It was found that the range of habitat is dependent on body mass and trophic guild, and that the range of habitat is negatively related to the risk of extinction. This research is a contribution to the ecological knowledge of the Phyllostomidae family, its results can help to understand the current pattern of its geographic distribution and richness. In addition, the negative relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction is complemented by previous studies that have used other components of the niche, and together they indicate that the more specialized species present a greater risk of extinction.
The range of habitat represents the variation in the number of environments in which a species manages to exercise its way of life. This measure in turn is an indicator of the tolerance of the species to the variation of biotic and abiotic conditions that define the different environments. The amplitude of habitat is related to morphological and ecological traits (ie body size, wing morphology, geographic distribution, local abundance, etc.), it has also been related to relevant aspects for the conservation of species such as the reduction of populations, reduction of geographical distribution and the risk of extinction. Despite the fact that multiple studies have been carried out on the breadth of habitat in different groups of vertebrates, invertebrates and plants using their geographic distribution or a large part of it, to date no study includes bats as an object of study. The present investigation uses the species with continental distribution of the Phyllostomidae family as the object of study. This family is one of the most diverse among vertebrates, and due to this diversity it fulfills essential ecological functions in the Neotropics. The objectives of this study are: i) to calculate the range of habitat of the species of phylostomid bats, ii) to estimate the relationship of the range of habitat with body mass and trophic guild, and iii) to evaluate the relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction. The analysis was carried out using a macroecological and phylogenetic approach. The range of habitat was calculated through a principal component analysis of the number of occupied ecoregions and the geographic distribution area of the species. The relationship between habitat width and body mass and trophic guild was estimated using phylogenetic regressions and multimodal inference. Finally, the relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction was evaluated by means of a phylogenetic analysis of variance. It was found that the range of habitat is dependent on body mass and trophic guild, and that the range of habitat is negatively related to the risk of extinction. This research is a contribution to the ecological knowledge of the Phyllostomidae family, its results can help to understand the current pattern of its geographic distribution and richness. In addition, the negative relationship between the range of habitat and the risk of extinction is complemented by previous studies that have used other components of the niche, and together they indicate that the more specialized species present a greater risk of extinction.
Carballo Morales, J.D. (2021). Amplitud de hábitat y su relación con la masa corporal, gremio trófico y riesgo de extinción en murciélagos filostómidos (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) de distribución continental. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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